Brides & Bargains. Maureen Child. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Maureen Child
Издательство: HarperCollins
Серия: Mills & Boon By Request
Жанр произведения: Короткие любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781474093125
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stepped forward, the toddler still on his hip. “We will give you your privacy while we return to our packing. If you decide to stay, we will provide you with the key and the gate code so you may return at your leisure.”

      Fiona set a glass of water on the marble island next to Sebastian. “Liana, tell Mr. and Mrs. Edwards goodbye.”

      After Darin set the little girl on her feet, she immediately rushed to Sebastian and wrapped her arms around his legs. “Bye, bye, Mr. Man.”

      Seeing the grin on the child’s face sent a spear of regret through Sebastian. He ruffled her dark hair and returned her smile. “Goodbye, Princess Liana. I am grateful to have met you and your noble steed, Puddles.”

      Her grin widened as she moved to Nasira and took her hand. “Bye, bye, pretty lady.”

      Nasira knelt at her level and touched the girl’s face. “Goodbye, little princess. Have a wonderful time on your trip.”

      Fiona stepped forward and took Liana’s hand. “Take your time, you two. When you’re ready, just press the button that says family room on the wall by the stove and we’ll come running.”

      After the couple disappeared around the corner, Sebastian faced Sira again. “Well, what do you think of the place?”

      “I think it is very lovely.”

      “Not too shabby, I suppose.”

      “I also think your reaction to Liana was lovely as well.”

      He should have seen that coming. “She’s a very interesting child though somewhat chatty. She is quite enamored of her pony.”

      “She seemed somewhat enamored of you.”

      “She is simply friendly.” And he simply needed to divert Nasira’s attention from the topic before she forced him to revisit his decision not to have a child. “By the way, there’s a spa on the deck next to the pool. That alone would persuade me to stay.”

      “I cannot recall if Elsa packed my swimsuit.”

      “Elsa never forgets a thing. And on the off chance she did, we will swim in the nude.”

      She averted her eyes. “Keep your voice down, Sebastian.”

      Her innocence had come out of hiding. “Why? I assume this couple knows about all things sexual considering they are well on their way to creating an entire rugby team.”

      That earned him her smile and a wistful look. “You are so amusing. They have a wonderful family. They are quite lucky to have each other.”

      He realized how strongly his wife had been affected by the children. Children he could not offer her at the moment. Nevertheless, he hoped to come up with a plan that he would present later. Much later. “Are you still willing to reside here with me until the end of the week?”

      “Yes, with a few conditions,” she said.

      He should have seen that coming. “And what would those be?”

      “First, we stay in separate suites.”

      Bloody hell. “Why?”

      “Because we need to concentrate on our relationship without any complications that will cloud our judgment.”

      Double bloody hell. “If you are referring to sex, you must admit that has always worked well between us. Why would we want to exclude that from our time together?”

      She barked out a cynical laugh. “I find that somewhat ironic considering that until last night, you refused to sleep with me in every sense of the word for the past six months.”

      He couldn’t provide an explanation without baring his soul completely. He had been taught by his father early in life that men did not give in to emotions. “I was simply allowing you to recover completely.”

      “Have you forgotten what happened last night when you were in my bed?”

      “Actually, I barely remember it.” Unfortunately.

      “You do remember the birth control issue, correct?”

      He had attempted to forget that, yet the possible consequences still haunted him. “Yes, I remember.”

      “Well, nothing has changed in that regard. We still do not have any protection against pregnancy.”

      Not yet, but he intended to rectify that with a trip to the market. And perhaps he would pick up a box of chocolates along with the condoms. “I see your point, and I agree to your terms.” For the time being.

      “Second condition,” she continued. “You must promise you will engage in meaningful conversations and answer my questions with candor without any comedy.”

      That would be somewhat difficult. “I promise I will try, as long as you promise to be patient.”

      “I will agree to those terms.”

      Simple enough. “Then I suppose we should tell the Shakirs we will be accepting their hospitable invitation.”

      Sebastian could only hope that agreeing to her terms would not prove to be his downfall.


      Later that afternoon, when they returned to the Shakirs’ house, luggage in hand, they found a note on the door from the owners inviting them to enjoy their home, and lunch awaiting them.

      After Sebastian keyed in the code to allow them entry, Nasira started for the guest wing with her husband trailing behind her. She paused in the hallway to turn and almost ran into a wall of masculine chest. “Which room do you prefer?”

      “The one where you’ll be staying.”

      She sighed and stepped back. “We’ve already discussed this, Sebastian. Until we have our issues settled, I insist we adhere to our initial plan.”

      “I am only being honest at your request.”

      And infuriating. “I will take the suite on the right and you can take the one across the hall. I assure you, they are both very nice. I will meet you in the kitchen after I have settled in.”

      “Yes, dear.”

      Relieved her husband had not put up much of a fight, Nasira entered the blue suite and set her suitcase and garment bag on the bench at the end of the bed. She quickly hung her dresses in the huge closet and put away her other clothes in the bureau, then returned to the corridor to find it deserted. Without waiting for Sebastian, she immediately left for the great room, all the while reflecting on his interaction with little Liana. He seemed quite charmed by the toddler, and perhaps that meant there could still be hope for their marriage yet. Or perhaps it had only been a show for the proud parents.

      When she reached the kitchen, Nasira found a spread of luscious salads, cheeses, breads and cold cuts laid out on the informal dinette set against a large picture window that revealed a remarkable view of the countryside.

      “It certainly looks appetizing.”

      She turned to find her husband standing close by, hands in pockets. “It looks wonderful. All of it. The food. The pastureland. The pool and the spa. We might as well be staying at a resort.”

      He raked back a chair, sat and then rubbed his hands together. “Personally I could consume most of this.”

      She claimed the seat across from him. “Please let me have a bit before you take it all.”

      He winked. “Sweetheart, although I would like it all, I will take what you will give me.”

      She could so easily walk into his lair but remembered Fiona’s advice. She would play along for now before she would play hard to get. “I promise I will give you enough to keep you sated.”

      He appeared pleasantly