Mysterious Circumstances. Rita Herron. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Rita Herron
Издательство: HarperCollins
Серия: Mills & Boon Intrigue
Жанр произведения: Ужасы и Мистика
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781408947630
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her. She was intelligent. The man’s daughter. She had reason to be suspicious.

      But she could screw up this investigation badly. And if they discovered there was a serial killer, if this was some kind of terrorist attack or if CIRP was involved, secrecy would be their best defense.

      The neighborhood looked different today without the curious neighbors and the police cars parked on the side. Although the immediate threat of violence had dissipated on the surface, had the residents locked their doors last night? Been suspicious of their neighbors? Warned their children not to ride their bikes outside their drives?

      Their peace would be destroyed if his suspicions were confirmed or if Olivia printed her own in the paper.

      He scanned the exterior of the house. Nothing looked amiss. Her car was still in the same spot. No lights were on inside.

      He approached cautiously. Decided to check the back before he went inside.

      He walked around the overgrown yard, noticed the tire swing, the area where a garden had once been. Thought of the family that had once lived there. The one that was now gone.

      And then he glanced through the back bedroom window and saw Olivia.

      Her blond hair spilled around her shoulders, the dark circles beneath her eyes a testament to a grief-spent night.

      His gut clenched as he thought about her carrying the burden of her father’s loss all alone.

      Do whatever you have to do to keep her quiet, Oberman had ordered.

      He braced himself to do just that as he reached for the door.

      OLIVIA CLAMPED HER LIP over her teeth at the sight of Craig Horn. Last night outside her apartment door, the air had grown tight around them. The memory of his hands on her, stroking her, holding her, had come unbidden during the night. And with the morning sunlight glinting off his bronzed cheeks, he looked more handsome than any federal agent had a right to be. More like a renegade than FBI.

      But he worked for the government. He was the enemy. And gone was any hint of gentleness. The hard-assed, stone-cold Iceman was back.

      “Olivia, you know you shouldn’t be in here.”

      “I…I need clothes for my father for the funeral.”

      He arched a dark brow. “The medical examiner is nowhere near releasing your father’s body.”

      “I have to sort through his things.”

      His eyes darkened as if he suspected she was lying. “So soon?”

      “Yes. I…need to do it.”

      “You mean you need to check out his work? Look for some clue as to why he’d take his life?”

      “Wouldn’t you if you were in my shoes and your father had died?”

      He silently cursed. At one time, he’d have done anything to please his old man. Now, he tried his best to put him out of his mind.

      “If there was anything here, the police have already found it.” He moved closer, so close she stepped backward. His size was intimidating, his angry eyes scorching her. “Unless you know some place he might have kept things? Did he have a safe-deposit box? A secret safe somewhere?”

      She shook her head. The rich timbre of his voice was so deep it was almost threatening. And titillating, as well.

      Craig Horn was the kind of man who could battle the most ruthless of bastards. But he also could bring a woman to climax in record time.

      She didn’t know why that thought occurred to her, but she sensed it was true. And her body was tingling just looking at his big hands. Remembering the feel of them on her back, pressing her close, trying to protect her.

      He stepped even closer, invading her space so she felt the hint of his breath on her cheek.

      “Do you know something you aren’t telling me?”

      She shook her head, fighting the urge to run. Olivia Thornbird had never let a man intimidate her, but the Iceman’s sexual prowess was almost more than she could bear.

      “If you have information on the case, Olivia, you have to share it with me.” He traced a finger down her shoulder, making her shiver. “You want me to find out what happened, don’t you?”

      She stiffened. He was purposely trying to throw her off balance. A tough, brooding, silent type now playing the comforting, caring man to siphon information. She knew the game. Had used it herself.

      And he had his technique down pat.

      But she couldn’t fall into the trap.

      “How do I know that you don’t already have the answers?” she asked. “That you aren’t keeping the truth from me?”

      Touché. She could see it in his eyes. He’d planned to lie. “Is that what happened with your mother?”

      She swallowed hard. She hadn’t expected that tactic. “What do you know about her?”

      He shrugged. “Just that she died while researching a virus years ago.”

      “Yes, and the government covered it up.”

      “You have proof of this?” Craig asked.

      She hesitated, wishing she had. “No.”

      “Maybe your father wanted to protect you.”

      “Is that what you’re doing, Agent Horn? Trying to protect me like you did my father?”

      A muscle twitched in his jaw, a long silence stretching between them before he finally replied, “I’m sorry about your father, Olivia.”

      His gruff voice barely hinted at the emotions teetering to the surface. But he squared himself to his full height, ungiving. “I know you want to investigate,” Craig said in a steely voice. “But this might be dangerous, Olivia. Stay out of it.”

      “I don’t care if it is dangerous.” She jutted up her chin. “I’ve lost everyone, Horn. The only thing I have to live for is to find out the reason why.”

      His eyes darkened, the silence so intense she could have sworn she felt the molecules of air colliding around her. Then his gaze dropped to her hand. She’d forgotten she was still holding the threatening note.

      The paper crinkled between her fingers as he slid his hand over hers and pried it from her fingers.

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