The Swan Maid. Dilly Court. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Dilly Court
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Сказки
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780008137458
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      ‘Give it to me and I’ll do it for you.’ Maggie took the garment from Lottie and strolled over to a row of pegs hung with military caps and shakos. She took a couple down and draped them over the back of a chair. ‘That’ll do,’ she said, hanging the cloak on the empty pegs before returning to Lottie’s side. ‘We have to look out for our ladies. Never mind the men, they can sort themselves out.’

      ‘Do we have to stand here all evening?’ Lottie asked anxiously. ‘I haven’t eaten yet and I’m starving.’

      Maggie pulled up two stools, setting them close to the mess hall doors. ‘Leave it to me. I’m used to this game.’ She winked and nodded, turning her head as a door on the far side of the room opened and a procession of waiters marched towards the mess hall carrying silver serving dishes.

      Maggie accosted the last one, a young fresh-faced private who looked pale and nervous. ‘Bring us a plate of food, love,’ she said, fluttering her lashes. ‘You wouldn’t see two lovely ladies go hungry, would you?’

      He cleared his throat. ‘I’ll get into trouble, miss.’

      ‘What’s your name, Private?’

      ‘Perks, miss.’

      ‘Your first name, Perks.’

      His blush deepened. ‘I have to go, miss.’

      Maggie clutched his sleeve. ‘You can tell me, Perks.’

      ‘Rodney, miss.’

      ‘A very nice name, Rodney. I’ll see that the major-general hears about it if anyone says anything untoward. Bring us a small plateful of something tasty, there’s a good fellow.’

      He nodded and hurried into the mess hall just as the doors were about to close. Maggie turned to Lottie with a smug smile. ‘See! That’s how you do it. We’ll have the tastiest morsel he can find, bless him.’

      ‘Poor boy,’ Lottie said softly. ‘You embarrassed him, Maggie.’

      ‘He’ll get over it, and I’ll give him a kiss to reward him for his trouble.’

      ‘I thought all ladies’ maids were prim and proper. You’re not a bit like that.’

      Maggie threw back her head and laughed. ‘I am when it’s necessary. You’ll learn the tricks of the trade, Lottie my girl. But my motto is to have as much fun as possible while I’m young enough to enjoy myself.’

      ‘I suppose I can’t argue with that.’

      ‘My, you’re the serious one, aren’t you?’ Maggie eyed her curiously. ‘You never answered my question about your last position. Were you in service?’

      ‘Not really. I was a maid of all work in a coaching inn.’

      ‘Well, I never did. What with you speaking like the gentry and all that, I would have thought you were a convent girl. As for me, I was raised in the foundling hospital and sent into service when I was eleven. I don’t know who my ma and pa were and I don’t suppose I’ll ever find out.’

      Maggie broke off as the waiters teemed out of the mess hall with their empty dishes. She winked at Private Perks as he hurried past. ‘Don’t forget us, Rodney, love.’

      ‘You shouldn’t tease him,’ Lottie said, trying not to giggle. ‘He’s just a boy.’

      ‘They’re all boys, but that doesn’t stop the army sending them into battle. They’ll grow up soon enough.’

      ‘Have you seen military service, Maggie?’

      ‘No, but I used to step out with a sapper. He’d seen conflict, and from what he told me it wasn’t pretty. I’m glad that Mrs Fothergill isn’t the sort of army wife who feels she has to follow her husband to war. She’s happy to stay at home and so am I.’

      ‘Lady Aurelia isn’t like that.’

      Maggie pulled a face. ‘She’s got quite a reputation, has that one. You’ll find out, Lottie. I just hope you’re up to the challenge.’ She swivelled round on her stool as the waiters reappeared. This time they were empty-handed, except for Perks. He thrust a plate of food into Maggie’s hands. ‘That’s all I could get, miss.’

      She blew him a kiss. ‘Thank you, Rodney. I’ll love you for ever.’

      He dashed into the mess hall, leaving them with bread, cheese and a slice or two of roast chicken.

      ‘I do hope he doesn’t get into trouble,’ Lottie said through a mouthful of cheddar.

      ‘This will do, but he’d better bring us some dessert, or I’ll be very cross with that young man.’ Maggie bit into a hunk of bread. ‘He won’t warrant a kiss unless I get a bowl of strawberries and cream or some fruit jelly.’

      ‘Are we the only ladies’ maids in the camp?’ Lottie selected a piece of chicken.

      ‘The wives of the more junior officers are more likely to live in the town, and they’ll have a servant or two, but not like us.’ Maggie licked her fingers. ‘We’re far superior to most. Just remember that, my friend.’ She slid off her stool. ‘I’m going outside for a breath of air, but I’ll be back in a few minutes.’

      Maggie’s idea of time seemed to be elastic and she was gone for such a long time that Lottie became worried and she went to open the door and look outside. Darkness was falling but she could just make out Maggie, who was sharing a cigarillo with the sentry. The end of the butt glowed in the dusk and puffs of smoke floated up into the sky.

      ‘Maggie,’ Lottie said as loudly as she dared. ‘They’ve cleared away the main course.’

      Maggie took a last drag on the cigarillo before handing it back to the man on duty. ‘Ta, love. I needed that.’ She sashayed towards Lottie, exhaling smoke. ‘Don’t look so shocked. I enjoy a smoke just as much as the men.’

      ‘I was just thinking that you’d both be in trouble if you were caught,’ Lottie said calmly.

      ‘Life’s no fun unless you take a chance or two.’ Maggie opened the door. ‘I don’t know about you, but I’m ready for dessert.’ She linked her hand through Lottie’s arm. ‘Come on, love.’

      They arrived back to find Private Perks standing self-consciously by the door, clutching a plate of strawberries and cream. Maggie released Lottie and snatched it from him. ‘You’re a darling, Rodney. You must be your mother’s pride and joy.’

      He blushed to the roots of his blond hair. ‘I can’t get you any more food, miss. That’ll have to be the last.’

      Maggie popped a strawberry into her mouth. ‘I fancy one of those little cakes,’ she said, eyeing a silver platter laid out with dainty pastries.

      ‘Let him go,’ Lottie said in a low voice. ‘Don’t tease the poor chap.’

      Perks shot her a grateful look. ‘No more, miss. You understand, don’t you?’

      ‘Of course. We won’t bother you again.’ Lottie stood aside to allow him to escape into the mess hall. ‘Leave him alone, Maggie.’

      ‘You’re no fun.’ Maggie shoved the plate under her nose. ‘Have a strawberry. They’re delicious.’

      The words had barely left her mouth when the door opened and Gideon emerged from the dining room. He came to a halt, frowning. ‘I might have guessed it was you, Miss Cole. Perks doesn’t know if he’s coming or going. He’s just spilled a whole jug of cream on Mrs Fothergill’s skirt.’

      Maggie swallowed a mouthful of fruit. ‘Oh dear Lord, she’ll be in a state for days.’ She thrust the plate into Lottie’s hand. ‘Take this, and don’t let on.’ She slid off the stool just as the doors flew open and an irate woman erupted into the anteroom.

      ‘Oh Lord,’ Maggie said again, sighing. ‘It had to