The Christmas Wedding. Dilly Court. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Dilly Court
Издательство: HarperCollins
Серия: The Village Secrets
Жанр произведения: Сказки
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780008287764
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her fingers. ‘Only if you fall for the wrong man, little sister. If I ever meet that cad Julian Carrington I’ll give him what for.’

      ‘He’s not worth it, Toby. Forget about Julian – I have.’ Daisy drank the lukewarm coffee in two gulps and replaced the cup on its saucer. ‘We’d better go home.’

      ‘It’s not my home, Daisy. I’m going back to London tomorrow.’

      ‘So soon?’

      ‘There’s no point staying any longer. I have to find lodgings near the hospital and I take up my position on Monday.’

      ‘I’ll miss you.’

      Toby eyed her speculatively. ‘Come with me, then. I’m sure we can find somewhere suitable for the two of us. You can keep house for me.’

      The thought of being her brother’s housekeeper made her laugh. ‘I can’t imagine how that would work out, Toby. We’d argue all the time, and anyway, I want to do something for myself.’

      ‘Do you want to find another position like the last one?’

      She shook her head. ‘No, never. I wasn’t cut out to be a governess, but there must be something I can do. There simply must.’

      Toby caught the train to London next morning, once again offering to share his accommodation with Daisy should she change her mind. She was tempted, but she knew that if she were to leave now it would upset her aunt and uncle, and she put a brave face on it, waving goodbye to her brother as the train puffed out of the station. She set off to walk back to the cottage at a brisk pace and was approaching the village when she saw a group of small boys clustered around one of their friends, who was lying prostrate on the ground.

      ‘What happened?’ Daisy asked anxiously.

      ‘He were climbing the tree, miss. The branch broke and he fell.’ The boldest of the group wiped his runny nose on his sleeve. ‘Is he dead?’

      Daisy went down on her knees beside the child. ‘What’s his name?’

      ‘Jack Fox, miss.’

      ‘Fox? Is he related to Linnet and Dove?’

      The boy nodded. ‘He’s their brother.’

      ‘He’s killed hisself,’ cried a smaller boy. ‘Run and get help, Danny.’

      Daisy laid her hand on Jack’s chest and she could feel his heart beating rhythmically. ‘He’s not dead.’ She could see that one arm was twisted beneath him and she lifted him gently, straightening the injured limb. ‘I think he’s broken his arm. We need to get him to the doctor.’

      ‘It’s too far to carry him,’ Danny said, sniffing.

      Daisy glanced round in desperation. ‘Don’t just stand there, boys. Find me some straight sticks. I’ll make a splint for his arm while he’s unconscious and then we’ll see about moving him.’ She sat back while the boys scurried off to find the wood. ‘Jack, can you hear me?’ She brushed his dark hair back from his forehead to reveal a large egg-shaped bump that was rapidly turning blue. A head injury could be serious, but there was nothing she could do about that; the main thing was to get the boy home and send for the doctor. Daisy looked up as Danny returned carrying a bundle of twigs, some bigger and thicker than others.

      ‘How far is it to Jack’s home?’

      ‘About half a mile, miss.’

      ‘Is there anyone big and strong who could carry him? Or is there someone close by who owns a pony and trap?’

      ‘The vicar has one, miss,’ the smallest of the boys piped up eagerly. ‘I can run fast. Shall I go and fetch him?’

      Danny grabbed him by the arm. ‘Don’t be stupid, Alfie. We’re supposed to be in school.’

      ‘I wouldn’t worry about that at the moment.’ Daisy took off her cape and laid it over Jack’s inert body. ‘The important thing is to get help. Run along, Alfie. See how quickly you can get to the vicarage.’

      Alfie puffed out his chest. ‘I’m a fast runner.’ He pushed past the silent boys, and sped off.

      ‘Don’t look, boys,’ Daisy said firmly. ‘I’m going to tear a strip off my petticoat so that I can use it as a bandage. We’ll make Jack as comfortable as possible until help arrives.’ She lifted her skirt and ripped a long strip from the hem of her undergarment. She could see the boys peeping through their fingers, but this was not the time for modesty and the sight of a shapely ankle was not going to do them any harm.

      ‘He’s groaning, miss,’ Danny said importantly. ‘He’s coming round.’

      Daisy worked quickly. She had read about the treatment of fractures in one of Toby’s medical books, although she had never imagined that one day such knowledge might come in useful. She immobilised the arm by making a splint from three of the stronger pieces of wood bound with the material from her petticoat. Jack was moaning and his eyes fluttered and opened. He attempted to sit up, but Daisy restrained him gently.

      ‘You’re all right, Jack,’ she said softly. ‘You’ve had a fall, but you’re all right now.’

      He stared at her blankly. ‘Who are you?’

      ‘I’m Daisy Marshall. Your sister Linnet works for my aunt and uncle at Creek Cottage.’

      ‘I got to go to school.’ He attempted to rise once again, but Daisy shook her head.

      ‘We need to get you home, and you have to see the doctor. I think your arm is broken, so please don’t try to move.’

      He pulled a face. ‘I’ll be for it when I get home.’

      ‘So will I,’ Danny added grimly. ‘I’ll get a beating from my dad and from Mr Massey.’ His remark was accompanied by a groan of assent from the rest of the boys.

      ‘Mr Massey?’ Daisy shot him a questioning look.

      ‘The schoolmaster. We don’t like him.’

      Daisy tried to think of something appropriate, but she could remember teachers at the academy for young ladies whom she had hated with a passion. Some of them seemed to have taken pleasure in tormenting the pupils under their care, and she sympathised silently with the boys. She looked up at the sound of hoof beats and the rumble of wheels.

      Danny leaped to his feet. ‘It’s the doctor, and Alfie’s sitting beside him in the trap. You’ll be all right now, Jack.’

       Chapter Five

      ‘You’ve done well, Daisy.’ Nick lifted Jack gently and placed him on the seat. ‘You’d best sit beside him,’ he added in a low voice. ‘We don’t want him to fall off and suffer even more damage.’

      Daisy nodded and climbed up to sit beside Jack, who was very pale and obviously in pain. ‘It’s all right, Jack, you’ll be home soon and Dr Neville will look after you.’ She glanced down at Danny and Alfie, who were watching intently. ‘I think you’d best go to school and tell your teacher there’s been an accident, but Jack is in good hands now.’

      Nick eyed them sternly. ‘Do as Miss Marshall says, and think twice next time you decide to wag school. Jack was fortunate – he only broke an arm – it could have been his neck.’ He leaped onto the seat and picked up the reins. ‘Walk on.’

      Jack was trembling, either from shock or the pain or both, and Daisy placed her arm round his shoulders, holding him close. ‘It was fortunate that Alfie met you on his way to the vicarage, Doctor.’

      Nick urged the horse to a trot. ‘I was called to tend to a difficult birth. The locals have been used to sending for my father and they seem to assume that I’ll be taking his place.’

      ‘Will you?’ Daisy eyed him curiously.