The Complete Regency Season Collection. Кэрол Мортимер. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Кэрол Мортимер
Издательство: HarperCollins
Серия: Mills & Boon e-Book Collections
Жанр произведения: Исторические любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781474070645
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you, my dear?’

      Lucy shook her head. ‘I think it would cause a great deal more comment if you do not put it back.’

      ‘I agree.’ Ralph rose. ‘Now if you will excuse me, since we will have to wait for my cousin before we can eat, I shall use the time to attend to a little more business.’

      He went out, leaving the two ladies to sit in silence.

      ‘Did you know?’ said Lucy at last. ‘Did he tell you he hired me because I look like his wife?’

      Ariadne shook her head, her kindly eyes shadowed with anxiety.

      ‘At first I thought it was merely a coincidence. Then, when Mrs Sutton brought the sketches for your gowns—I asked Ralph what he meant by it, but he merely brushed it aside.’

      ‘I wonder what game he is playing?’

      ‘Oh, surely nothing more than he has already told you,’ Ariadne was quick to reply.

      ‘I am sure it is,’ said Lucy, adding bitterly, ‘No doubt he thinks I am not to be trusted with his secrets!’

      ‘I think it is merely that he misses Helene a great deal more than he is prepared to admit.’

      Lucy had already considered that idea and found it did not please her.

      Mrs Dean sighed. ‘Adversane prides himself upon his logical mind, you see. He says every problem can be solved by the application of logic, so to find him grieving so much for his late wife is quite touching, is it not?’

      ‘It is also a little embarrassing,’ replied Lucy tartly. ‘Everyone will think he is marrying me because I look like Helene. They will pity me, which I shall dislike intensely.’

      ‘Yes, but he is not going to marry you,’ Ariadne reminded her, brightening. ‘So it does not really matter, does it?’

      Lucy could not disagree with this reasoning, but she knew, deep down, that it did matter to her, although she had no idea why it should.

      * * *

      Lucy enjoyed Adam Cottingham’s company at dinner. He was an entertaining guest, witty and knowledgeable, and although she thought his manner a little insincere she was grateful to him for making sure she was not left out when the conversation turned to family matters.

      ‘You will meet Adversane’s sisters, of course, when they come here for the house party,’ he said as they helped themselves to sweetmeats once the covers had been removed. ‘Fearsome ladies, both of ’em.’

      ‘No, Adam, you know that is not so,’ protested Mrs Dean, laughing. ‘You are not to be frightening Lucy out of her wits.’

      ‘Of course not, but it is as well to be forewarned.’ Adam grinned at Lucy. ‘They can be very outspoken, but you will do very well as long as you stand up to them.’

      ‘Now you have terrified me,’ she replied, chuckling.

      ‘You need not fear,’ said Adam. ‘I shall be here to protect you.’

      The look that accompanied these words was surprisingly intense. Lucy suspected he was trying to flirt with her and was at a loss to know how to respond. However, Adam’s attention switched to Lord Adversane when he announced that he had invited the Ingleston Players to entertain his guests on Midsummer’s Eve.

      ‘The devil you have!’ exclaimed Adam.

      The room was filled with a sudden tension that Lucy did not understand. Adversane’s dark brows rose a fraction as he regarded his heir.

      ‘Do you have any objections to them coming?’

      ‘No, of course not. It is a tradition that goes back generations...’

      ‘Precisely. They were very sorry not to be performing here last year.’

      ‘Who are these players?’ asked Lucy. ‘Are we to have theatricals?’

      ‘Yes, indeed,’ Ariadne responded. ‘Ingleston has its very own troupe of thespians who perform plays at certain times of the year, such as Easter and Christmas time.’

      ‘They have been performing here every Midsummer’s Eve for as long as I can remember,’ put in Lord Adversane. ‘Last year was the exception.’

      Midsummer’s Eve. Lucy felt a little chill run down her spine. So Lady Adversane had died on the night of the performance. No wonder he had not wanted them to play there last year. Surely their appearance would bring back unwelcome memories? She glanced across at her host. There was no telling what he was thinking from that stern, inscrutable countenance.

      An uncomfortable silence began to fill the room, and Lucy was thankful when Ariadne stepped into the breach.

      ‘And when shall you and Judith be coming to stay, Adam?’

      ‘Three weeks’ time, Cousin. On the nineteenth.’

      ‘Oh?’ Ariadne sounded surprised. ‘But that is when the other guests are expected.’

      ‘Adversane suggested it.’

      ‘Yes,’ said Ralph shortly. ‘There will be no need for you to arrive weeks in advance this year.’

      Adam turned to Lucy to explain.

      ‘In the past we spent a deal of time at Adversane, it was almost a second home. My wife was a great help to Lady Adversane, especially with all the arrangements for the summer house party. We would spend weeks here so that Judith could assist her, but of course Cousin Ariadne is taking care of everything this year, and she has you to support her, Miss Halbrook.’


      An awkward silence followed Adversane’s curt response. Mrs Dean rose and quietly invited Lucy to come with her to the drawing room. She said nothing as they crossed the hall, but immediately they were alone in the drawing room she burst out with unwonted spirit, ‘If Judith Cottingham did anything to help anyone I should be surprised. Whenever I’ve seen her here at Adversane she has either spent her time lying down in her room, or wandering about the garden, looking forlorn.’

      Lucy blinked at her.

      ‘Why, Ariadne, I have never heard you speak in such a forthright manner before.’

      ‘No, well, usually I am prepared to give anyone the benefit of the doubt, but to hear Adam talking in that fashion—!’ Her pursed lips and frowning expression told Lucy just what she thought. She continued scathingly, ‘Judith Cottingham is a poor little dab of a woman with a perpetual air of gloom about her. And I did not think Helene was ever that fond of her. In fact, I think she resented her interference, because she told me once that she could not prevent Adam and his wife from coming here so often because they were Ralph’s nearest relatives. Heavens, to listen to Adam you would think Judith was essential to the running of Adversane!’

      ‘Mayhap Mr Cottingham is very much in love with his wife. I believe such affection can blind one to a partner’s faults.’

      Her companion gave a most unladylike snort. ‘The only person Adam Cottingham is in love with is himself! His father was a wastrel, you know. Quite profligate, but thankfully he went to his grave before he lost everything. However, although Adam managed to keep the house at Delphenden, there was never enough money—at least not to keep Adam in the manner he wished. Even his marriage did not bring him the fortune he expected, so Ralph set up an annuity for him. Not that Adam was ever grateful. It is my belief that he envies Ralph his fortune and his lands, although I doubt he appreciates just how hard Ralph has worked to make Adversane so prosperous.

      ‘Adam positively haunted the place while Helene was alive, for the house was always full of visitors and that gave him the opportunity to shine, which there is no doubt he does in company. But since the accident I believe he has not been near the house, when you would have thought he would be here to support his cousin in his grief. As Ralph’s heir I think he should have done more to help him over the past two years, rather