We are the Glampions!. Daisy Tate. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Daisy Tate
Издательство: HarperCollins
Серия: The Happy Glampers
Жанр произведения: Контркультура
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780008312992
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collecting him at the end of the week, as discussed. Using drugs, even soft ones like marijuana, is entirely unacceptable. I suspect disruption to Jack’s home life hasn’t been helpful in offering him the sense of security any child (teenager) requires. He may have mentioned the sale of the family home, which, of course, I am not offering as an excuse, merely an explanation as to why he may be acting up.

      I shall be writing to the other parents as well and accepting full responsibility for my son’s actions. They would very likely not have taken the drugs if he had not supplied them.

      Please note, for future communications I will be available on my mobile telephone. I’d appreciate any written communication to be held until I am able to provide you with a new forwarding address. As mentioned, we are in the process of selling the house and have not yet bought a new property.

      Yours sincerely,

      Charlotte Bunce

      27 June

      TO: Devon Surf Co

      FROM: Isabella Yeats

      Aloha Kai!

      Really really sorry, buddy. Things are ()@£%&£)( complicated. ’Fraid I’m going to have to leave you in the lurch. I can send word out on the surf web that there’s a kick-ass job going. Would still like to help out at some juncture. Good news is, I’m moving closer. Bristol! Any possibility of keeping me in mind for the autumn?

      Aloha on the other end. x Izz

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