The Military K-9 Unit Collection. Valerie Hansen. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Valerie Hansen
Издательство: HarperCollins
Серия: Mills & Boon e-Book Collections
Жанр произведения: Исторические любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781474096003
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Where are you? You were supposed to go home!”

      Heat infused her cheeks. Jason’s frown added to her humiliation. Her stomach pitched. “Ginger and I followed a lead regarding the Red Rose Killer, sir, and we need your help.”

      “What kind of trouble have you landed yourself in?”

      She grimaced at his disdainful tone. Jason reached out to take the radio, but she jerked away, giving him a deep scowl. The last thing she needed was him making things worse.

      “Sir, I’m on the Hargrove ranch out on route 28 about five miles west from the edge of the southeast corner. Follow the property line. Find the break in the fence, and go along the tire tracks to the creek. We’re pinned down by sniper fire.”

      “Who is we?”

      Exasperation flooded her system. “I’m with the owner of the property, sir.”

      “You brought a civilian into a police investigation? What are you doing out there?”

      “I can explain everything later, sir, if you would just please come.”

      There was a moment of silence. “We are going to have a talk, Deputy Evans.” The radio went silent.

      “The boss doesn’t like you?” Jason asked, his gaze intent on her face.

      She looked away but couldn’t keep the sarcasm from her tone. “How did you get that idea?”

      “What gives?”

      With a shrug, she said, “I’m an affirmative-action hire. The boys’ club does not want me inside.”


      She slanted him a glance. “Is that the way you think? Women aren’t meant to be carrying a gun and a badge?”

      “Hey, I have no problem with it. More power to you.”

      “You’re more progressive than my boss. I am in so much trouble.”

      “I’ll explain the situation,” Jason said.

      “Best if you stay out of my business.”

      He shrugged, then directed his attention back over the boulder. “The shooter’s been quiet.” He belly-crawled around the rock.

      Another bullet hit the boulder. Serena grabbed a handful of Jason’s shirt and tugged him back to safety.

      “The guy’s going to wait us out,” he said with frustration lacing his words.

      “It won’t be long before the sheriff arrives.” At least she hoped. “You never did answer the question. Why did you leave the Dallas PD?”

      His whiskered jaw hardened. “I didn’t answer because it’s none of your business.”

      “I can make it my business with one phone call to the Dallas PD. I’ll have my answers, but I’d rather hear them from you.”

      He met her gaze. The haunted torment in the depth of his brown-and-gold-flecked eyes tore at her. “I was hunting a drug dealer when my wife and partner were killed by a car bomb meant for me.”


      Serena sucked in a sharp breath. She couldn’t imagine the devastation of losing one’s spouse and partner on the job in one fell swoop in such a horrifying act. “I’m so sorry.” The lame words, paltry compared to the pain he’d suffered, made her wince.

      Jason acknowledged her words with a tip of his chin. “Thanks.” He looked away. “We need to get this guy. If we don’t make a move, he’s going to pick off your boss and any other deputies who show up.”

      Reining in her curiosity and sympathy, she focused on his words. Though she had her issues with her boss, she respected the man and her fellow deputies. She would do whatever it took to protect them. “What do you suggest?”

      “Cover me as I make a break for those trees.” He pointed to a group of oak trees downstream. “If I can find a place to cross out of his line of sight then I can double back and take him by surprise.”

      “That’s risky.” The last thing she needed was the ex-cop-turned-rancher dead on her watch. “You stay here. I’ll make a run for the trees.”

      “Not a chance. You and Ginger are a team. If you go, she goes.”

      Which meant there would be two targets for the shooter. He was right. “Fine. But don’t get shot.”

      He traded places with her. “Not part of the plan. Ready?”

      He didn’t wait for a reply. He took off in a crouched run. She gritted her teeth and sent several rounds of gunfire across the creek in the direction of the shooter. Despite her volley, the sniper’s bullets slammed into the ground in Jason’s wake as he dove for the concealment of the trees.

      Once he was safe, he gave her the thumbs-up, then motioned that he was heading toward the creek. She waved, acknowledging his intent to cross the water. When he moved out of sight, she concentrated on distracting the sniper.

      “Hey! Halt!” Jason’s shout echoed through the air.

      Serena came out from behind the boulder to see Jason splashing through the creek chasing a man dressed in camo gear, a long barrel rifle held aloft in one hand as he ran away. He disappeared into the thick brush and trees. A few moments later the sound of an ATV revving to a start then driving away faded in the distance.

      With Ginger at her heels, she rushed to the place where Jason had waded into the water. She scooped up Ginger and hurried across, the water soaking through her boots and pants up to her thighs.

      She set Ginger down as she halted beside Jason behind a gnarled wild juniper bush. The ground was littered with shell casings from the sniper’s rifle. A piece of material fluttered from the end of a branch. Ginger sniffed the torn edges of the camo jacket, then raised her nose to the air, her foot lifting, her tail going straight.

      “We’ll never catch him,” Jason stated glumly.

      “She’s got his scent. No matter how far he goes, she’ll lead us right to him.”

      “What are we waiting for?”

      She searched the way they’d come for signs of the sheriff. She should wait for him and the others.

      Jason met her gaze. “If you don’t want to risk it, I understand.”

      Torn between her duty and her desire to pursue the criminal, Serena struggled with the decision. “No doubt I’ll be fired after today no matter what I do.” She might as well go after the criminal. If there was a chance she could stop him then that was what she would do. “Let’s bring the Red Rose Killer to justice.”

      “I’ll follow your lead.” The appreciation in his gaze sent heat flooding her cheeks. His approval pleased her, which made no sense because he and his opinion had no place in her life.

      To distract herself from the effect he had on her, she quickly attached a lead to Ginger’s harness. “Go find.”

      * * *

      “You really think the sheriff will fire you for doing your job?” Jason didn’t understand her concern but then again, Dill was a small town, and from the sound of it the sheriff was stuck in a different era. In the city, one was expected to go above and beyond to get the job done.

      “Oh yes. I’m sure. He’s been looking for a reason for a long time. If it weren’t for Mayor Victoria McIntyre, he never would’ve hired me. She recruited me out of the police academy.”

      “The mayor is a smart woman.” And Serena was a gem.

      Deputy Serena Evans reminded him he was a man with blood flowing in his veins. She was easy on the eyes with that red hair