The Dare Collection: August 2018. Avril Tremayne. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Avril Tremayne
Издательство: HarperCollins
Серия: Mills & Boon Series Collections
Жанр произведения: Короткие любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781474085472
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      “Yeah?” His voice was gruff, as if the feelings swirling inside me gripped him, too.

      “I don’t want to wait.”

      He pulled back, blue eyes piercing as they searched mine. “If this is because of what happened at your presentation—”

      “No, it’s not.” I swirled my tongue over my lip, nerves consuming me. “Please, Caleb. You said you wouldn’t hurt me with anything that happens while on this case. I’m saying the same to you. I want you...”

      Then he leaned in, one hand braced on the wall above my head. “Just so we’re clear, you want me to what, exactly?” he demanded.

      I slid my hand up his chest, over his shoulder to his nape and drew him down to me. “I want you to break your rule and take me home,” I whispered in his ear. “I want you to take my panties off. I want you to undress me. Or I... I can keep my dress on if you want. And I want you to fuck my lights out. Like you promised.”

      A deep shudder rolled through him. He continued to stare at me for several heartbeats. “Jesus.” He buried his face in my neck, breathed out harshly, then plucked my hand from around his neck. “I knew I wouldn’t be able to hold out for much longer. Are you sure?”


      His jaw clenched as he tried to fight it for one more minute. Then: “Let’s go.”

      Each mile from Cupertino back home felt like an eternity.

      I was hot, getting hotter and wetter every time I glanced at Caleb’s tense profile. At the thick rod of his cock pressing against his fly. He changed lanes suddenly, his thighs flexing as he stepped on the gas.

      “I like the way you drive.”

      He flicked me a heated glance. “I like the way you’re looking at me.”

      On impulse, I reclined my seat by thirty degrees and propped up my legs on the dashboard. The skirt of my dress slid down to midthigh.

      Heat turned to flames. “Christ, Lily, you’re going to get me arrested. I swear to God, if I get pulled over before I’ve fucked your phenomenal pussy, I’ll spank your sweet ass until you can’t sit down for a week.”

      Why did the thought of that sound insanely heavenly? “I have bail money. I’ll help you out,” I said, sliding my skirt higher.

      He swerved into the faster lane, splitting his fevered attention between the road and my thighs. Then he groaned. “Stop. Please, baby, let me get us home in one piece. Then you can show me this insanely sexy, naughty side of you.”

      My fists bunched. “I don’t know if I can wait.”

      “Well, I’m not fucking you on the side of the road our first time, that’s for damn sure,” he growled. He reached over and gripped my thigh, pressing my flesh a little roughly before snatching his hand away. “Behave.” His terse plea almost made me smile.

      “Okay.” I released my skirt and draped my arms around the headrest, exposing a generous amount of breasts.

      “For fuck’s sake! You think that’s better?” he rasped hoarsely.

      “Hmm. Maybe I’ll take a nap. Wake me up when we get home?”

      He cursed again as I closed my eyes. A few sharp turns threatened to dislodge my feet from the dashboard. My saucy smile melted away as the minutes ticked by. By the time we arrived home, I was as breathless and as on edge as Caleb.

      He turned off the ignition without glancing my way. Stepping out, he stalked over to my side and yanked the door open. His chest rose and fell rapidly as he scoured my reclined body.

      Slowly, his eyes locked on mine, he reached over and unsnapped my seat belt. When I attempted to rise, he pressed a hand against my midriff. With his other hand, he trailed his fingers down my inner thigh. Torturously, he slipped beneath my skirt, just as he did this morning. When he reached his destination, his fingers fingers boldly against my mound, cupping me through my panties.

      “Jesus, Lily, you’re fucking soaked,” he muttered with a groan.

      He circled his fingers, applying pressure over my engorged clit. I whimpered before I could stop myself.

      The sound triggered him into action. He scooped me up, kicked the door shut and strode to the front door. Opening it, he set me down and deactivated the alarm. “Stay put.”

      The security check took less than five minutes. Anticipation had me breathless by the time he trotted back downstairs. On the second to last step he stopped, hands clasped behind his back.

      “Come here.” The order was gravel-rough.

      On shaky legs, I teetered over to him. With his elevated position, my eyes were level with his fly. And excruciatingly aware of what lay behind it.

      He stared at me. Then he nodded at his crotch. “See what you’ve done to me?”

      My head bobbed up and down.

      “What are you going to do about it?” he demanded thickly.

      I swallowed as a dozen erotic images flashed through my mind, all starting and ending with my hands on his body. My hands found his chest, felt the hard muscles shift beneath my touch, then trailed over his abs to his waist.

      Then, breath held, I slowly slid his belt free. Twisted open his button and lowered his zipper.

      His broad chest expanded in a deep intake of breath, his eyes dark pools of hunger tracking my every move. Whether it was those incisive eyes or my own insecurities that suddenly pummeled me, I wasn’t sure. I froze, my mouth drying as I struggled to breathe.

      * * *

      With a snatched breath, I slipped my hand beneath his waistband and closed my fingers around him.

      His breath hissed out between gritted teeth. He swallowed hard but didn’t move an inch. I tugged his pants and briefs lower, exposing the cock that had fueled more lurid fantasies all day.

      I stroked him once. Twice. He grew thicker, his dick pulsing in my hold. Emboldened, I tightened my grip, pumped him a few more times.

      A tortured groan rumbled from his throat as his fingers sank into my hair. “Fuck, Lily, that feels so good.”

      I stepped closer, breathed in his earthy scent. But it wasn’t enough. I wanted more. I wanted to devour him. I yanked down his pants, cupped his heavy balls. He groaned again, a drop of precum glistening at his broad head.

      I flicked my tongue against his slit and he jerked against me. I went to taste him again, but his fingers clenched in my hair, pulling me away.

      “No.” The denial was torn reluctantly from his throat.

      My fingers tightened around him, making his abs clench hard. “Caleb, I... I want you in my mouth.” This morning hadn’t been enough. I wanted more.

      He shuddered, but still shook his head. “I’d love for you to blow me again, sweetheart, but right now, I’m dying to be inside you.”

      Before I could protest, he scooped me up again like I weighed nothing, pivoted and hauled ass up the stairs. The hallway passed in a blur, the door to my bedroom slamming shut to his kick.

      He set me down on the side of the bed. Eyes pinned to mine, he made short work of his buttons and shrugged off his shirt. He was ripped and tanned all over, hairless except for the thin strip of silky hair that arrowed from his belly button to frame his groin.

      “You’re so hot,” I gushed, unable to stop myself.

      Dark color flared across his cheekbones, and his nostrils flared as he toed off his shoes and socks. “Keep talking like that and you won’t get to walk straight for a week,” he growled.

      The very idea made me weak. I sagged onto the bed with a pathetic whimper.

      With a smug