Hot Docs On Call: Hollywood Heartthrobs. Louisa George. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Louisa George
Издательство: HarperCollins
Серия: Mills & Boon M&B
Жанр произведения: Короткие любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781474097161
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course, every day.’ So much. But she had to strike out on her own. She was going to be a success on her terms, then she would go home and celebrate with them. If they were still speaking to her. She turned back to him, wanting to put the focus on him for a while. ‘Don’t you miss your family too? Where are they? Didn’t you say they were north somewhere?’

      ‘Van Nuys. Just parents. I’m an only child.’

      ‘Not far at all, then. Do you see them a lot?’

      ‘They’d probably say not enough, know how it is.’ He shrugged, a little closed suddenly, and she wondered why.

      ‘You’re busy living your life, right?’

      ‘Sounds selfish when you put it like that.’ Eyebrows rising, he huffed out a breath. ‘Which is a huge guilt trip for me, seeing as they fought hard for me to do that. Too damned hard at times.’ Then he looked away and breathed out heavily.

      She felt as if she’d put a big dollop of down on the conversation and thought briefly about putting her hand on his shoulder to show him solidarity, but thought better of it. She couldn’t work out why she had this sudden urge to touch the man. Or to make him feel better. ‘Go and see them, then.’

      He turned back to her. ‘That easy, right?’

      ‘Look, I don’t know the circumstances, but I’d say some communication is better than none.’ She was giving family relationship advice? Go figure.

      He finished his beer and stared at the empty glass, clearly not wanting to elaborate. Then he turned to her and smiled. ‘You know what? I just might go up there and see them—although I’m going to Nassau this weekend.’

      ‘You too, eh? Lucky duck. I’ll be stuck here with the pooches. Cameron has three dogs she adores. And I don’t particularly. They’re very spoilt,’ she finished in a whisper. She would have to play mama while everyone else swanned off to the Bahamas. She refused to allow images of Jake sunbathing into her head. But they came and hung around for a few moments anyway, making her blush. It seemed her mind was in conflict over Jake Lewis. On the one hand, it understood and respected the whole friends thing...and on the other it wanted sneaky, semi-naked thoughts. Actually, it wanted full-blown, butt-naked thoughts. Clearly she was going mad. It was time for bed. Alone. ‘Actually, talking of’s getting late, I really should be getting home.’

      He glanced at his watch and nodded. ‘I suppose so.’

      He got the bill and refused to discuss her paying a share. Which was another big fat tick for the doctor—because even though she tried to pay it was nice to have someone looking out for her for a change. ‘I’ll get it next time,’ she promised.

      ‘Next time?’ There was a smile in his voice and a question. As they walked towards her car she wondered what to do or say now. Would there be a next time? Had she said something inappropriate? Should she kiss him on his cheek, both cheeks, shake hands? Or just walk away? ‘Next time sounds good, Lola. It’ll have to be after Nassau, though. But, before you go, I have something to ask you...’

      ‘Oh? Yes?’ Her voice rose a little as her heart began to hammer.

      ‘Strange question, I know, but is Cameron seeing anyone at the moment?’

      Oh, God. Her stomach tumbled. Here we go again. Stupid. Stupid. She’d read the signs all wrong. He wasn’t remotely interested in her, he was interested in Cameron. She should have known. History repeating itself over and over. That was why he’d insisted it wasn’t a date. Stupid fool. When would she learn? No one was interested in her. Plenty of interest in her boss, though.

      Hoping he hadn’t heard the pathetic hope in her voice, she tried to keep her answer in friend territory. ‘Not at the moment. That I’m aware of. She was dating Marc Jason a few months ago but that fizzled. It’s always the same—busy schedules that never coincide and no one wanting to put their relationships first, because that’s the kiss of death to a career-minded person.’ And, okay, she was just adding that last bit on to remind him that he was a career-minded person too, and that a relationship with Cameron would never work. It was for his own good. Plus, putting a negative spin on it made her feel a teensy bit better.

      ‘Oh. Okay.’ He frowned again, as if he was thinking about something serious—weirdly, he didn’t have that dog panting tongue thing going on like most of Cameron’s admirers. Maybe he was working out a strategy for when they were in Nassau. A sensible and driven man was Jake, and very goal oriented. Maybe bedding an A-list actress was on that list of goals. Along with shaming the personal assistant. Well, he could tick that one off his list already.

      ‘Do you want me to put a word in for you? Is that what this is all about? Is that what dinner was about? The non-date? You’re interested in Cameron because, let’s face it, why wouldn’t you be? So you thought you’d pay for dinner and buy her secrets from me? Or worse—if you can’t have her, you’d try to have me as consolation prize? Second best, right? Here we go again.’ Fighting back bitter tears, Lola stomped—yes, she stomped perfectly—towards her car.

      But Jake caught her up and pulled her to a complete halt. ‘What...? You think...? Me? With Cameron? Are you for real?’

      ‘It wouldn’t be the first time that has happened to me.’

      ‘Hell, no. You’ve totally got this upside down. Not at all. Not at all. I was asking...’ again the serious frown and a pause ‘ see who would be on the private plane, who to expect generally. How many people I have to look after.’ He gave an embarrassed wince because clearly he wasn’t convincing anyone with that line. ‘But really? Has that happened before? A guy has taken you out so you could introduce him to Cameron?’

      ‘Yep. One too many times.’ Lola closed her eyes briefly at the memory, the sharp sting of betrayal. How gullible she’d been...and was continuing to be. Would she never learn? ‘But she is very beautiful and rich and famous and on another level. Why wouldn’t anyone be attracted to her?’

      Conversely, then, why would anyone be interested in her?

      Jake’s jaw stiffened, his eyes blazing in the streetlight, his grip on her arm firm. ‘I am not attracted to Cameron Fontaine.’

      ‘Then you must be blind.’

      Strangely, out of nowhere a smile formed on his lips. ‘Oh, no, my vision is perfect.’

      ‘Then you must be gay.’ Please, for the love of all women, including Cameron Fontaine if absolutely necessary, do not be gay.

      ‘No way.’ He stepped closer, so she could see his chest rising and falling, could feel the warmth of his breath on her skin. Could smell the most exquisite scent of man and medicine and spice.

      ‘Then what...?’

      ‘Then this.’ And he was suddenly too close. Not close enough. He pulled her to face him and his fingertips lifted her chin. ‘This, Lola.’

      His mouth pressed against hers, gently at first, and her body responded in a flush of heat that pooled deep in her core. Every part of her craved him, craved to touch him, to kiss him, to feel him against her.

      Initial instinct told her that she shouldn’t kiss him back, but something deeper, something intense had her opening her mouth and tasting him. And he tasted good. So good. She felt as inquisitive as the doomed teenagers stepping into the dark basement, and as filled with adrenalin. Knowing, like them, she was headed to disaster but doing it anyway.

      She wound her arms around his neck and pulled him closer as his tongue slid past her lips, stoking the furnace that had lit inside her. She moaned at the pleasure of him filling her mouth, of the curling clench in her gut, at the sensations that ran up and down her spine, just being in his arms.

      Leaning her against her car door, his hands cupped her face and he pressed harder against her, kissing her open-mouthed, and wet and hungry. She could feel how much he wanted her. How much he wanted something from her.

      And like listening to an old-fashioned