Take Me On. Dylan Rose. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Dylan Rose
Издательство: HarperCollins
Серия: The Business of Pleasure
Жанр произведения: Контркультура
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781474086950
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he said, pulling her up toward him. They were facing one another, both on their knees, and Antonio grazed the side of Kenzie’s neck. His mouth was wet and hot, and the sudden contact sent a shiver running through her body. Hungrily, she moved her mouth to meet his and instantly they were locked onto each other, a swirl of tongues meeting, taking turns playfully biting each other’s lips as they gasped for breath. It was so crazy that she was doing this with someone she’d just met. Kenzie couldn’t remember the last time she had felt such a sense of urgency. She glided her hand down the length of Antonio’s body until she found the hard bulge in the front of his pants and tentatively began to touch it.

      Meanwhile, Antonio was doing some exploring of his own, his hands going down the curves of Kenzie’s body, awakening something inside her that she had been ignoring for too long. With a look of confidence that made her head dizzy with desire, Antonio pulled Kenzie’s dress up and over her head, and began kissing her naked breasts. Kenzie threw her head back and closed her eyes, savoring the moment and really letting herself feel every sensation.

      With her nerves tingling, she looked at Antonio and pulled up his T-shirt, managing to get it over his head while taking in the view of his chiseled chest and abs. His body was perfect—sexy and fit without being overly muscular—and she allowed herself to enjoy it without restraint, planting hungry kisses on his torso. For a second, she worried that her forwardness showed just how ravenous for sex she really was, but before she could really think too much about it, Antonio had gotten behind her, putting his strong hands on her hips.

      Kenzie eased back into an on-all-fours position and waited with anticipation to see what he was going to do next. Her question was answered almost immediately, as Antonio cupped her pushed-out bottom in his hands. He sighed audibly, squeezing her ripe bottom as she stared forward. Kenzie quivered as he ran a finger down the center of her still-clothed rear until it found the wet spot. Moving the soaked fabric to the side, Antonio quickly found her most sensitive spot and began making circles around it, which forced Kenzie to let out a deep sigh, almost like an “Om.” This was more fun—and more intense—than any vinyasa she had ever experienced.

      Just when she thought she was about to come, Antonio abruptly stopped his massage of her nub of oh-so-sensitive nerves. Glancing back at him, she could see the look of determination in his eyes as he unzipped his pants, releasing the erect rod that was now so close to her body. Hooking his fingers on the sides of her panties, he quickly yanked them down. Kenzie suddenly felt the nakedness of being totally exposed to him. She wiggled her hips from side to side, her way of inviting him in without saying a word. But Antonio was still admiring her, still holding back on giving her what she really wanted—the full length of him inside her. Kenzie thought that if he didn’t touch her in the way she wanted soon, she was going to explode. It was a delicious form of torture, but she was done waiting.

      “Please,” she croaked, hating to admit that she needed anything this badly, but unsure how to stand another moment without it. Kenzie didn’t have to wait any longer. In an instant, Antonio gave her exactly what she needed—the full length of his cock buried inside her, and she sighed in relief. She hadn’t realized how much she had missed that feeling of fullness, and she sank down, reveling in the sensation of the firm drilling she didn’t know she had needed so badly.

      But before Kenzie could relax into the feeling, Antonio grabbed her now-unfurled long hair in his hand and pulled her back up to him. Kenzie moaned in pleasure at being wanted—and taken. She knew that both of them were close but didn’t want things to end just yet. Not before she had shown him her most erotic posture.

      “Come join me over here,” Kenzie said invitingly, lying down on the bed. Taking an ankle in each hand, like she had done so many times before in her practice, she opened herself up to him. Ananda Balasana—it was one of her favorites. She had never before thought of it in such an erotic sense, but in the moment it seemed like the perfect introduction for Antonio to yoga, and so much more.

      Antonio stood at the edge of the bed and looked hungrily at her. Sliding his lean body over hers, he plunged into her and moaned out in pleasure. Seeing her like that had obviously been too much for him to take, too difficult to hold back. Letting go of her ankles, Kenzie reached down to her pleasure center and with him still inside her made quick back-and-forth motions over her erect nub until she came, hard, her face buried in his shoulder.

      Antonio rolled over onto his side, his breath ragged from the encounter. Kenzie was also gasping for breath, trying to recover from the heights of pure pleasure and also doing her best to sort out what she had just done. It’s no big deal, she told herself. It wasn’t like she was going to fall for the guy. This was clearly a one-time thing. Okay, so maybe she wouldn’t turn him down for a second spin, but that was the extent of it—an itch that needed to be scratched, nothing more.

      * * *

      The next morning, Kenzie awakened alone, like she always did. But somehow, this morning she felt especially invigorated. She knew that it had everything to do with the sexy man who had shared her bed, if only for a few hours. But what a few hours it was! She felt simultaneously disappointed and relieved when Antonio had gotten out of bed and walked, stark naked to the bathroom to put his clothes back on. Sure, it would have felt great, sleeping the night in his arms, but that wasn’t what this was. Besides, she’d done the impossible. She had broken her dry spell and there were no strings attached! It was really the perfect situation.

      She wanted to text Missy, to tell her about her crazy adventure with the sexy Latino, but she knew that if she didn’t shower and dress quickly she’d miss the meeting at the lawyer’s office—the whole point of this spontaneous trip.

      Attired in her most professional yet form-fitting pantsuit, Kenzie took an Uber to an office building downtown and, staring out the window at the rows of palm trees that they passed, replayed the events of the previous night in her head. It was so unlike her to be that spontaneous, that reckless. But she couldn’t suppress the smile that now seemed to be a permanent fixture on her face. Now all she needed to do was get this deal over with and fly home with a big fat check which she’d summarily place in front of the building’s landlord. Better yet, maybe it would be enough to start investigating a bigger space, in her favorite neighborhood of Red Hook.

      When she reached the office building, Kenzie took the elevator to the third floor and found the suite for the law offices of Melinda James, whom she had been emailing. Kenzie was buzzed in through a set of double doors and stepping inside a large open space filled with cubicles, she looked around for someone to guide her to the correct office. Just then, Melinda, a tall woman in a floral top and skirt, rushed over to her and shook her hand.

      “Thanks for coming,” she said, leading Kenzie into a conference room decorated with a potted palm that seemed to be an attempt at Floridian décor. “Mr. Navedo and his associate have just arrived as well.”

      Navedo? That name seemed to ring a bell, but why? Kenzie got her answer as soon as she set foot in Melinda’s office. There, seated at the conference table, was Antonio and Elena, the young woman she had seen him with at the bar yesterday.

      “Antonio?” Kenzie blurted, unable to hide her surprise.

      “You two know each other?” asked Melinda, a bemused smile playing on her lips.

      “We’ve met before,” Antonio calmly explained.

      Antonio may have been calm but Kenzie’s blood was boiling over. What was going on? Who was this man?

      “Who doesn’t know the most successful distiller in all of South Florida and the Caribbean?” Antonio’s associate chimed in.

      “Very true,” Melinda conceded.

      “Antonio, may I have a word with you—in private?” Kenzie asked, her voice shaking.

      “We’ll give you two a moment,” Melinda said, gesturing for Antonio’s lawyer to follow her out of the room. Once the door was closed, Kenzie practically pounced over the conference table.

      “What’s going on here?” she demanded.

      “What’s going on,” Antonio said