The Fearless Maverick. Robyn Grady. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Robyn Grady
Издательство: HarperCollins
Серия: Bad Blood
Жанр произведения: Короткие любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781408935972
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too easily to his generous offer. Nevertheless, ‘Money’s a strong motivator. With that kind of dosh on the table and the endorsements I’ll flick her way, she’d be a fool not to jump at this chance.’

      ‘I wouldn’t have thought she’d be motivated by money any more than you are.’

      ‘Why’s that?’

      ‘You seriously don’t recognise the name?’

      Alex rolled it over in his mind and came up a blank. ‘Sorry.’

      ‘Elizabeth Henderson was World Surfing Champion a few years back.’

      Alex recalled her radiant can-do glow, the determined look in those swirling amber eyes, not to mention the alluring beach-babe hair and tan. Elizabeth Henderson, world champion surfer? He grinned. Sure. It fit.

      ‘I had no idea,’ he admitted. ‘Water sports aren’t my thing.’ He and Libby had even had that discussion. ‘I don’t much follow female sport either. Do they televise women’s surf championships?’

      With a sardonic grin, Eli collected the document Alex had set aside. ‘For a smart man, you’re one hell of a chauvinist.’

      Alex held his heart. ‘You’ve wounded me.’ Then he offered up a conciliatory smile. ‘Don’t worry. I’m on top of it. When Libby Henderson sets her mind to something, she does it her way and leaves the rest for dead. Which can only bode well for her performance as a physio.’

      Dark brows knitted, Eli was flicking through the document, sifting through data. Eli was a hound for tracking down and assimilating facts. Which begged the question …

      Eyes narrowed, Alex swung his chair one way, then the next. Finally he asked, ‘Why didn’t you tell me about Libby Henderson’s past first-up?’

      Eli continued analysing the pages. ‘I wanted you to meet her without any preconceptions.’

      ‘I don’t see how knowing about her sporting acumen could hurt.’

      When Eli kept his focus on the document, Alex’s antennae began to prickle. Had being cooped up without driving privileges brought out a paranoid streak? Or was there something more to Libby Henderson? Something that Eli, for some curious reason, preferred his boss not discover?

      He’d set out to hire someone who would be malleable to his needs. That objective hadn’t changed. And yet after a single meeting he couldn’t deny he was intrigued to learn more about this former surf queen turned sports star physio. Was his curiosity in part due to the fact that Libby reminded him of his sister? She and Annabelle conveyed a similar almost regal reserve, although Alex well remembered his sister in her younger years—open and vibrant. So eager to experience all life had to offer. He’d wager Libby harboured a more effervescent side as well. Either way …

      Eli leaned over to point out some anomaly in the document but Alex found his thoughts still on Libby.

       An attractive option. Boundless possibilities.

      Yes. When Ms Henderson visited next, he’d be certain to dig deeper.

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