The Russian's Ultimatum. Michelle Smart. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Michelle Smart
Издательство: HarperCollins
Серия: Mills & Boon Modern
Жанр произведения: Контркультура
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781472098306
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as my phone is useless here, I’ll need a number my dad and brother can reach me on too.’ She’d assumed he would take her phone and keep it on him, had assumed her family would be able to reach her even if she couldn’t contact them.

      When it looked as if he would refuse, she folded her arms. ‘Look, you either let me give them an emergency contact number or I will make it my business to be the most difficult guest you’ve ever had here.’

      ‘You’re already the most difficult guest I’ve ever had here.’ Was it her imagination or was that a glimmer of humour in his eyes?

      ‘You haven’t seen anything yet.’

      ‘I can well believe it. You can call home and give my number as an emergency contact, but it can wait until after we’ve eaten.’

      This time it was her eyes that narrowed.

      His cheeks formed a semblance of a smile. ‘Yes, Emily, you will be dining with me tonight.’

      ‘I was planning on eating on my veranda. Alone,’ she added pointedly.

      ‘You can dine alone on your veranda for the rest of the week but this evening I require the pleasure of your company. My staff have set up the beach table for us.’ From the way he enunciated the word ‘pleasure’, it was obvious he found the prospect of her company nothing of the sort.

      ‘Why not?’ She threw him a brittle smile. ‘You and I are clearly ideal candidates for a romantic meal for two.’

      His lips tightened. ‘Circumstances are what they are. I’ll be leaving for Paris first thing in the morning and there are a number of things we need to discuss before I leave.’

      ‘Excellent.’ She grinned at him without an ounce of warmth. ‘Let’s get this over with, then—with any luck it’ll be the last time we have to suffer one another’s company.’

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