The Element Encyclopedia of Birthdays. Theresa Cheung. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Theresa Cheung
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Эзотерика
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780007357093
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need to work on their decision-making skills and to stop holding themselves back with an endless succession of “what ifs?” Fortunately, between the ages 18 and 47 there is an emphasis on increasing their assertiveness, and from their fifties onward on calm and stability. Once they do settle on a course, they need to make sure they don’t get so lost in it that they lose touch with who they are, because they are remarkable people with the ability to achieve great things. Their destiny is to express their original ideas and talents, uplifting others in the process.

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      Tarot card, lucky numbers, day, colors: The Empress, 3, 6, Thursday, turquoise, purple

      Born today: Alexander Graham Bell (inventor); Toby Turner (YouTuber); Jessica Biel (actor)

      Potential: Determined, visionary

      Dark side: Compulsive, insecure


       4 MARCH

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       The Birthday of Inspired Aloneness

       “Self-knowledge is the beginning of my wisdom”

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      The life lesson: is expressing feelings.

      The way forward: is to understand that other people are not mind readers. If you do not say what your mean or ask for what you want, people won’t understand or be able to help you.

      Luck maker: Instead of thinking all about yourself when you are in a group of people, turn the spotlight on them.

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      March 4-born tend to be independent, ingenious and highly creative individuals. They are able to work and, if need be, live alone. It’s not that they are antisocial or seek to cut themselves off from the outside world; it’s just that striking out alone is a trend for them that often leads to their success. For them, solitude is liberating and an opportunity to concentrate and be productive. Comfortable with themselves, they rarely succumb to peer pressure and conformity. This can come across as shyness but misses the point about these gentle people. Although they hate confrontation, they aren’t shy but simply at their most productive when doing things alone. The danger is becoming so self-involved that they cut themselves off from reality, and from the joys of close personal relationships.

      Born magicians, these intriguing people are often drawn to magic, mind-control techniques, music and art. They can make amazing illusionists, conductors and DJs. They are ideally suited to self-employment and entrepreneurship or setting up their own business. They may also excel in the worlds of education, psychology, academia, the secret service, YouTubing, gaming and computer programming. Although they need personal space as much as they need oxygen, they must ensure that they don’t cut themselves off from socializing completely for their emotional wellbeing. For self-care, see red. Wearing, meditation on and surrounding yourself with shades of red will encourage you to come out of your shell more.

      These people are extremely empathetic in intimate relationships. It truly is better for them to live alone than to be with someone who tries to control them. Before the age of 46 they tend to prioritize new projects, but they need to ensure that others don’t take all the credit for their hard work. After the age of 47 they become more self-assured. Once they believe that they have the right to be heard, their destiny is to educate, motivate, entertain and inspire others with their magical ingenuity.

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      Tarot card, lucky numbers, days, colors: The Emperor, 4, 7, Thursday, Sunday, turquoise, gray

      Born today: Antonio Vivaldi (composer); Richard DeVos (businessman); Niko Omilana (YouTuber)

      Potential: Independent, ingenious

      Dark side: Self-absorbed, aloof


       5 MARCH

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       The Birthday of Agony and Ecstasy

       “I feel every thrilling moment of my life”

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      The life lesson: is stay calm in a crisis.

      The way forward: is to put yourself, not your emotions, in the driving seat of your life.

      Luck maker: Do small things with great love. Sometimes paying attention to the smallest things makes the biggest difference.

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      People born on March 5 come across as charming individuals, but troubled waters lie below. Their smoothness conceals a complex emotional personality that is as fascinating as it is frustrating. One moment they’re being witty; the next moment they can dissolve into insecurity. Underneath their confident façade is a highly sensitive soul who desperately needs regular time out in solitary reflection. Inside, they have hidden insecurities and if they don’t deal with them, they are at the mercy of their impulses. They can worry that becoming more emotionally stable will result in a loss of intensity, but they need to understand that self-control will only strengthen their creativity.

      Born directors, these people are always drawn to the world of movies, where they make great directors, actors, camera people, designers, costume and production staff as well as the world of music, the media and entertainment. Their love of adventure makes careers that involve travel, advertising and marketing appeal. Politics, social reform, charity work, health and healing jobs are also a good fit, but their communication skills serve them well in any career. Prone to mood swings, they need to learn to connect to their inner calm, perhaps by meditation, being in nature or listening to beautiful music. For self-care, avoid using screens in the hour before you go to bed. Read a real book before you go to bed to induce feelings of calm and reflection.

      Given to emotional extremes, these people often fall deeply in and out of love. They need a partner who offers them both unconditional love and firmness. Given the instability of their emotional life, it is very important for them to learn to balance their emotions, especially before their mid-forties, when they are determined to make their mark. After the age of 47 there is an emphasis on greater stability. Once they learn to work with both their head and their heart and manage their intense emotions, the world will always be a brighter place with these impulsive individuals around. Their destiny is to make their lofty visions for the future a reality.

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      Tarot card, lucky numbers, days, colors: The Hierophant, 5, 8, Thursday, Wednesday, turquoise, green

      Born today: Momofuku Ando