A Deal with Benefits. Susanna Carr. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Susanna Carr
Издательство: HarperCollins
Серия: Mills & Boon Modern
Жанр произведения: Контркультура
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781472042064
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to be a challenge. She had hidden away for years, purposely disconnected from the world and was quiet and contained. None of the guests who came to her house interested her, but this man...this man reminded her of what she was missing.

      And she wasn’t sure she wanted to hide anymore....


      One month later

      “SIR? THERE’S A woman here who wishes to speak with you.”

      Sebastian Cruz didn’t look up as he continued to sign papers. “Send her away.” He didn’t tolerate any kind of interruption while he was at work. It was probably a former lover who mistakenly thought the element of surprise and drama would gain his attention. His employees were experienced in handling the situation and he wondered how the woman had managed to get into the executive suite in the first place.

      “She insists on seeing you and hasn’t left the reception area all day,” his assistant continued, this time with a hint of sympathy for the uninvited guest. “She says it’s urgent.”

      They all said that, Sebastian decided as he scanned another letter before he signed it. It annoyed him rather than made him feel curious or flattered. He didn’t understand why these sophisticated women would stage public tantrums when the relationship was clearly over. “Have security remove her from the premises.”

      The younger man cleared his throat and nervously adjusted his tie. “I had considered that, but she says you have something of hers. She wouldn’t tell me what it was because it was a private matter. She’s here to get it back.”

      That was impossible. Sebastian frowned as he scrawled his name on another document. He wasn’t sentimental. He didn’t keep mementos or trophies. “Did you find out her name?”

      His assistant squirmed from the censure of his icy tone. “Jones,” he said hurriedly. “Ashley Jones.”

      Sebastian went still as he held the pen in midair. He stared at the heavy paper, the words a blur, as memories of Ashley Jones crashed through him. He remembered her soft brown hair cascading down her bare shoulders. Her wild energy and her earthy laugh. His body clenched, excitement pulsing through his veins, as he thought about her sun-kissed skin and wide pink mouth.

      That woman had haunted his dreams for the past month. He had tried to purge Ashley from his mind, distracting himself with work and women, but he couldn’t forget her uninhibited response. Or her haughty rejection.

      Sebastian remembered that morning vividly. She had still been naked in bed when she had told him she wasn’t interested in anything more than a one-night stand. She had shared more than her body that night, but now he wasn’t good enough to breathe her rarefied air. Her lips had been reddened from his kisses, but she wouldn’t deign to look him in the eye.

      Ashley had no idea that he was the most sought-after bachelor in Miami. A billionaire with incredible influence. Women of power, wealth and royalty chased after him. He had shed the stench of the ghetto years ago and now belonged to the glittery world of high society. But she had dismissed him as if she was a princess that belonged in an ivory-white tower and he still belonged in the filthy streets. Who did she think she was? Ashley had never lifted a finger for the lifestyle she enjoyed, while he continued to fight for the empire he’d created with his bare hands.

      “I think she’s the daughter of that tennis legend,” his assistant continued in a scandalized whisper. “You know, the murder-suicide. It was big news a few years ago.”

      Donald Jones. Sebastian’s nostrils flared as he forced back the rising hot anger. He knew all about the tennis player and his family. He had made a point of learning everything about Ashley.

      There had been a few surprises when he had met her, but his first impression had been correct. She was a spoiled heiress who lived in paradise. She didn’t know the meaning of scraping by, suffering or surviving. For a woman like Ashley Jones, the world catered to her.

      Until now. Sebastian narrowed his eyes as an idea formed. Anticipation beat hard in his chest as he considered the possibilities. He knew why she was here. She wanted to find out how he’d got her precious island and how she could get it back.

      His mouth twisted as he imagined his revenge. She wouldn’t be so quick to dismiss him now that he had something she wanted. Now was his chance to watch her bow down and lose that superior tone. Sebastian wanted to turn the tables and strip this woman of her pride and status. Take her to bed for one night, indulge in the exquisite pleasure that would make the most cynical lover believe in destiny, and then discard her.

      “Please send her in,” Sebastian said coldly as the call of the hunt roared in his blood, “and then you may leave for the day.”

      * * *

      Ashley sat on the edge of the pearl-white leather chair as she watched the sun set over the Miami skyline. She felt a pang of homesickness as she saw how the tall buildings pierced the coral and dusky pink streaks in the sky. She felt uncomfortable surrounded by steel and glass, noise and people. She missed sitting alone in her favorite spot in the cove of her island and watching the sun dip past the endless turquoise ocean.

      She may never see it again. Fear squeezed her heart, and her fingers pinched her white clutch purse. Bile churned in her stomach as she remembered the eviction letter. She still felt the same agonizing horror when she had discovered a Sebastian Cruz had bought her loan and now owned her family island because she’d missed two payments.

      Ashley pressed her lips together and prayed that she could meet Mr. Cruz and come to an understanding. Get her island back immediately. What was she going to do if she couldn’t get the man to see reason?

      She couldn’t think this way. Ashley exhaled slowly, wishing the panic that banded her chest would dissolve. Defeat was not an option. This was her last chance, but she was going to find a way to get back her family home.

      Ashley glanced around the waiting room, noticing that it was quieter now that most of the office workers had gone for the day. It didn’t make the space any less intimidating. She almost hadn’t stepped into the building when she noticed the towering height and the aggressive sleek lines. It had taken more courage than she’d care to admit to stay seated on the chair throughout the day, feeling small and invisible, as she watched the employees attack the day with ruthless energy.

      Her head jerked when she heard purposeful footsteps echo against the polished black floor. The tall man in the designer suit and prestigious school tie she’d spoken with earlier approached her. “Miss Jones? Mr. Cruz can see you now.”

      Ashley nodded as her throat tightened with anxiety. Her hands went suddenly cold as she rose from the seat. She felt uncoordinated, her legs stiff and her borrowed heels heavy, as she followed the man in the suit.

      You can fix this, she reminded herself fiercely as she nervously smoothed her hand over her hair. It had taken ages to coax her wild mane into a tight bun and she felt as if the waves were threatening to break free.

      As she tried to keep up with the man who was undoubtedly an assistant, she tried not to notice the imposing features of the stark and colorless corridor. She didn’t know how this Sebastian Cruz had got Inez Key, but she knew it had to be a mistake. She couldn’t imagine why someone with this amount of wealth would want a run-down island.

      Ashley glanced at the assistant. She was tempted to ask about Sebastian Cruz, but she sensed the man wouldn’t reveal much. She regretted not researching the man who owned Cruz Conglomerate. If the executive suite indicated anything, she suspected Sebastian Cruz was an older, formal gentleman who valued propriety and status.

      Ashley tugged at the vintage white dress that had once belonged to her mother. She was glad she’d made the choice to wear it. It was outdated and restricting but she knew she looked sweet and demure.

      Now, if only she could remember to speak like a lady. Ashley paused at the grand black doors to Mr. Cruz’s office. Everything went into slow motion as she watched the assistant knock and open the door. Just watch your mouth.