The Secret That Changed Everything. Lucy Gordon. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Lucy Gordon
Издательство: HarperCollins
Серия: The Larkville Legacy
Жанр произведения: Контркультура
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781472004406
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      ‘Yes, fine.’

      ‘Sure? You seemed as if something had disturbed you.’

      ‘No, I guess I’m just a bit hungry.’

      ‘They do great snacks here. I’ll get the menu.’

      ‘I’ll just have whatever you’re having.’

      He ordered spicy rolls and they sat eating contentedly.

      ‘Why are you looking at me like that?’ she asked.

      ‘Just trying to solve the mystery. You don’t strike me as the kind of woman who goes along with whatever the man orders.’

      ‘Dead right, I’m not. But this is new territory for me, and I’m learning something fresh all the time.’

      ‘So I’m part of the exploration?’

      ‘Definitely. I like to find something unexpected. Don’t you?’

      ‘I sometimes think my life has had too much that’s unexpected. You need time to get used to things.’

      She hoped he would expand on that. She was beginning to be intrigued by everything he said. But before she could speak there was an excited cry as more crowds surged into the piazza, eager to toss coins into the water. For a while they both sat watching them.

      ‘It’s the age of science,’ she reflected. ‘We’re all supposed to be so reasonable. Yet people still come here to toss coins and make wishes.’

      ‘Perhaps they’re right,’ he said. ‘Being too reasonable can be dangerous. Making a wish might free you from that danger.’

      ‘But there are always other dangers lurking,’ she mused. ‘What to do about them?’

      ‘Then you have to decide which ones to confront and which to flee,’ he said.

      She nodded. ‘That way lies wisdom. And freedom.’

      ‘And freedom matters to you more than anything, doesn’t it?’ he asked.

      ‘Yes, but you must know what it really means. You think you’re free, but then something happens, and suddenly it looks more like isolation.’

      A sudden bleakness in her voice on the last word caught his attention.

      ‘Tell me,’ he said gently.

      ‘I thought I knew my family. An older brother and sister who were twins, a younger sister, but then it turns out that there’s been a big family secret all along. It began to come out and—’ she gave a sigh ‘—I was the last one to know. I’ve always been closest to Matt, even though he can be so distant sometimes, but now it’s like I’m not really part of the family. Just an outsider, in nobody’s confidence.’

      ‘You spoke of nobody caring. Nobody at all? What about outside the family?’

      She grimaced. ‘Yes, there was someone. We were moving slowly but I thought we’d get there in time. Well, I’m an outsider there, too. It feels like wandering in a desert.’

      She checked herself there. She hadn’t meant to confide her desert fantasy, for fear of sounding paranoid, but he seemed to understand so much that it had come out naturally.

      ‘I know the feeling,’ he said, ‘but a desert can be a friendly place. There’s no one there to hurt you.’

      ‘It’s true there are no enemies there,’ she said. ‘But no friends either, nobody who cares about you.’

      ‘You wouldn’t want to be there for ever,’ he agreed. ‘But for a while it can be a place to rest and recruit your strength. Then one day you can come back and sock ‘em on the jaw.’

      She longed to ask him what events and instincts lay behind that thought. All around her doors and windows seemed to be flying open, revealing mysterious roads leading to mists and beyond, to more mysteries, tempting her forward.

      But could it be right to indulge her confusions with a stranger?

      Then she saw him looking at her, and something in his eyes was like a hand held out in understanding.

      Why not?

      What harm could come of it?

      ‘I guess my real problem is that I’m no longer quite sure who I am,’ she said.

      He nodded. ‘That can happen easily, and it’s scary.’

      ‘Yes, it is. With Don I always felt that I was the one in charge of our relationship, but then I found I wasn’t. Oh, dear, I suppose that makes me sound like a managing female.’

      ‘Sometimes that’s what a man needs to bring out the best of him,’ he said.

      ‘Did that happen to you?’

      ‘No, she wasn’t “managing” enough. If she had been, she might have bound me to her in time to save us both.’ He added quickly, ‘Go on telling me about you.’

      Now a connection had been established it was easy to talk. Neither of them went into much detail, but the sense of being two souls adrift was a bond. It was a good feeling and she was happy to yield to it.

      ‘What happened to your gift for getting your own way?’ he asked at last.

      ‘I guess it failed me. I didn’t say it worked all the time. You have to seize the chance, but sometimes the chance can’t be seized.’

      A cheer that went up from the fountain made them both look there.

      ‘More coins, more wishes,’ he said.

      ‘Aren’t they supposed to wish for a return to Rome?’ she asked.

      ‘Yes, but they always add another one, usually about a lover.’

      ‘I’d like to go closer.’

      As they neared the water they could see a man tossing in coins by the dozen, then closing his eyes and muttering fiercely.

      ‘What’s he wishing for?’ Charlotte asked.

      ‘My guess is he wants his lady-love to appear out of the blue, and tell him he’s forgiven. When a guy’s as desperate as that it’s pretty bad.’

      Then the incredible happened. A female hand tapped the young man on the shoulder, he turned, gave a shout of joy and embraced her.

      ‘You came,’ he bellowed. ‘She came, everyone. She’s here.’

      ‘You see, it works,’ someone shouted. ‘Everyone toss a coin and make a wish.’

      Laughing, Charlotte took two coins from her bag and threw one in, crying, ‘Bring me back to Rome.’

      ‘That’s not enough,’ Lucio said. ‘Now you must wish that Don will come back.’

      ‘Too late for that. We’re not right for each other. I know that now. But what about you? Your lady might arrive and decide to “manage” you, after all, since it’s so obviously what you want.’

      But he shook his head. ‘She’s gone to a place from which she’ll never return.’

      ‘Oh, I’m so sorry. Did it happen very recently?’

      ‘No,’ he said softly. ‘It was a hundred thousand years ago.’

      She nodded, understanding that time, whether long or short, could make no difference to some situations. But another thought danced through her mind so fleetingly that she was barely aware of it. Another woman had stood between them, but no longer. Suddenly she had vanished, leaving only questions behind.

      Impulsively she reached out and laid a hand on his cheek.

      ‘Hey, you two, that’s not good enough,’ came an exultant cry from nearby. ‘This is the fountain of love. Look around you.’
