The Playboy’s Unexpected Bride. Sandra Marton. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Sandra Marton
Издательство: HarperCollins
Серия: Mills & Boon Modern
Жанр произведения: Контркультура
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781474058971
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breathed a sigh of relief when she didn’t object.

      His PA had phoned his European clients at the Waldorf. They were not in their rooms but, at Linc’s direction, she’d left a message changing the location of their meeting to Peacock Alley, the hotel’s posh dining venue.

      The trouble with messages was they didn’t always get where they were meant to go.

      Midmorning, just as Linc was getting ready to leave for the Waldorf, his clients walked in. So sorry, they said, they knew they were early, but…

      The baby chose that moment to wake up.

      Her face turned pink. Her rosebud mouth pursed. Linc snatched her from her sleeping place before she could shriek.

      She smiled, drooled, and—there was a God after all—his clients melted. The meeting went on, the baby gurgled and smiled. Finally, mercifully, his clients left.

      Linc started to put the baby in the crib. She began to whimper.

      “She’s hungry,” his PA said helpfully.

      Linc looked at her. Looked at the baby. Then he handed the kid over.

      “Feed her,” he commanded.

      His PA started to say something, thought better of it, turned away, opened the door…

      Someone brushed by her and walked in. Strode in, was more like it.

      A blonde. Tall. Slender. Wearing a black suit, black spiked heels and with a sleek black leather attaché case hanging from a strap across her shoulder. The look on her face meant trouble as she marched toward him, stopped a foot from his desk and slapped her hands on her hips.

      Linc’s green eyes narrowed. His temper was hot, his patience shredded, his exhaustion a black cloud waiting to burst loose with thunder and lightning…

       Holy hell!

      The blonde was Ana Maria Marques.

      Linc scraped back his chair and jumped to his feet. “What are you doing here?”

      “You made my father a promise, Senhor Aldridge. I do not think he will be pleased when he hears that you intend to renege on it.”

      The baby let out a cry. Linc let out a groan. And assumed, as any intelligent man would, that he had somehow fallen through a wormhole in space and emerged in a nightmare.

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