The Greek's Nine-Month Surprise. Jennifer Faye. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Jennifer Faye
Издательство: HarperCollins
Серия: Mills & Boon Cherish
Жанр произведения: Контркультура
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781474041188
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continued walking. The sea washed up on the shore, ever closer to their feet. The curiosity to know the rest of Sofia’s story grew with each roll of the tide.

      “And then I lost the baby.” A poignant note of pain threaded through her voice. “Bobby didn’t say he blamed me, but it was there in his eyes every time he looked at me.”

      “Don’t.” Niko stopped her with a gentle hand on her arm. “I don’t know anything about pregnancy, but I do know that sometimes in life things happen that are way beyond our control. I’m sure you didn’t do anything wrong.”

      Her gaze met his. “You barely even know me—”

      “I know enough.”

      “And what is it that you think you know about me?”

      “That you’re an honest person with a good heart who would do anything to protect your child.”

      Sofia sniffled and blinked repeatedly. “You see a lot.”

      “Only the truth.”

      No wonder she was eager to turn her life upside down. He believed she would love their child the way children were supposed to be loved. He was so thankful for that part.

      “And your boyfriend, what happened to him? Did he leave you because you wouldn’t cave in to his demands?”

      “No. But that would have been so much easier.”

      “Easier than what?”

      She shook her head. “Never mind. I shouldn’t have rattled on so much.”

      Just when she was getting to the interesting part, she decided to clam up. Frustration churned in his gut. He wasn’t sure if he was more upset with her for stringing him along with her story only to leave him wondering how the jerk had broken her heart, or if he was upset with himself for letting his guard down and caring about her. Maybe it was a bit of both.

      “I take that to mean you’ve sworn off men.”

      “Yes. And now that I’m pregnant, I don’t have time to date. I’ve got other priorities.”

      Well, that would make what he had in mind even harder. But he was never one to back down from a challenge. Although the stakes had never been this high.

      “Shouldn’t you take it easy? You know, after what happened before?” She didn’t have to work. He had the resources to keep her comfortable and well cared for throughout her pregnancy.

      “I’m fine.” She smiled. “I had all of the appropriate tests done, and the doctor doesn’t see any reason for the past to repeat itself.”

      Only then realizing he’d been holding his breath in anticipation of her response, he exhaled. They turned around and started back toward the resort.

      Knowing for a fact that she’d oppose any talk of marriage at this point, he was more certain than ever that his plan would work...if only he could convince Sofia to go along with it.

      “I have a proposition for you.” He didn’t know how else to phrase it.

      “What sort of proposition?”

      “I’d like to hire your services.”

      She stopped walking and sent him a puzzled stare. “You want to hire me? For what?”

      “I’d like you to do some cleaning. I can make it worth your time.”

      Confusion reflected in her eyes. “Here at the Blue Tide? But I already cleaned your bungalow.”

      “Let me explain. Tomorrow I leave on a round-the-world trip. The Stravos family over the years has accumulated numerous private residences at a number of the Stravos Star Hotels. It’s my job to see they are emptied and cleaned for the new owner.”

      “I’d like to help you, but I have plans to return to New York.”

      “I’ll take you there at the conclusion of the trip.”

      She shook her head. “I don’t have time for an extended trip. I have to find a home for myself and the baby.”

      “It’ll only be for a few weeks, and I can help you find a place to live.” With me on my private island in Greece, but he decided to keep that part to himself for now.

      “I didn’t tell you about the baby so you’d come riding to my rescue. I don’t need a knight in shining armor.”

      “So what are your plans when you return to New York?”

      “I’m planning to go back to school.”

      “School? Really?” By the deepening frown on her face, he’d utterly failed to keep the surprise from his voice.

      “It just so happens that I always did well in school.”

      “So why didn’t you get your secondary education?”

      She shrugged. “I met my ex just before I graduated high school. And I let myself get distracted, thinking I was in love and trying to make him happy. I always planned to go back someday.”

      “And this is someday?”

      “Yes. I have a knack with numbers, and I intend to get my accounting degree.”

      “And something tells me you’ll do exactly that.”

      Her admission made him all the more intent on helping her. He couldn’t imagine being a single parent would be easy for anyone, especially when the pregnancy was a surprise. And then to go back to school on top of it all.

      Luckily he was fast and could think on his feet. He was, after all, a Stravos—his family hadn’t amassed a fortune over the years without being quick thinkers and following their guts. He could remedy this by meeting both of their needs.

      He turned to her. “Come with me on this trip, and I’ll pay the tuition to the school of your choice.”

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