The Secrets Between Them. Nikki Benjamin. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Nikki Benjamin
Издательство: HarperCollins
Серия: Mills & Boon Vintage Cherish
Жанр произведения: Контркультура
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781472090157
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like another sandwich or more chips?”

      Sitting back in his chair, Evan patted his flat stomach with a hand and shook his head.

      “I’m full, as I should be after eating both of those sandwiches you made. They were really good.”

      “And you were rabanis,” Will added.

      “Yes, I most certainly was,” Evan agreed.

      Standing along with Hannah, he picked up his plate and glass and carried them to the sink, his hip bumping gently against hers as they paused there together.

      “Oh, sorry,” she said, suddenly embarrassed by their close proximity.

      “I’m the one who should apologize for getting in your way. But I didn’t want you to think I expected you to either wait on me or clean up after me.”

      “It’s not like my kitchen’s all that small. It’s just that I’m so used to cooking and cleaning up around here on my own that having you help out threw me off just a little. I could get used to it, though,” she acknowledged before she had time to really consider what she was saying.

      “That’s good to know because I’m here to help you any way I can,” Evan said, again getting them past an awkward moment in a lighthearted manner. “Which means I’d better head back to the vegetable gardens and go to work again.”

      “Let me get the sunscreen for you.” Hannah put a hand on his arm to stop him as he turned away. “You should probably wear a hat, too.”

      “Good idea,” Evan replied. “I have a baseball cap in the Jeep. I’ll be sure to grab it on my way down the drive.”

      Hannah took the tube of sunscreen off the shelf by the kitchen door that opened onto the wood deck. She had intended to give it to Evan and let him take it with him. But she hesitated a moment, remembering what he’d said about taking off his T-shirt when he went back to work. It was even warmer outdoors now, and without his shirt on, he’d be even more exposed to the more intense rays of the afternoon sun….

      “I…I could rub some lotion on your back if you’d like,” she offered in a tentative tone, afraid of appearing to be too forward. “That is, if you’re going to take off your shirt later.”

      Evan met her gaze steadily, not saying anything for several long seconds, surprise and something else Hannah couldn’t quite define evident in his eyes. Sure that she’d blundered badly, she felt her face flush. Embarrassed, she looked away and silently moved to set the tube of sunscreen on the table, wishing she could now be the one to think of a clever comment to ease the discomfort she’d caused between them this time. She was a thirty-two-year-old mother—a widow for heaven’s sake—and yet here she was feeling as awkward as if it was her first date. Had the past few years changed her that much?

      She already knew the answer.

      “Hey, that’s an offer I can’t refuse,” Evan said, his deep voice cutting into her thoughts as he caught her by the hand.

      Glancing up at him, Hannah saw gentleness and encouragement in his eyes, as well, and felt her chagrin slowly fade away.

      “I prefer working without a shirt when it’s hot outdoors, but I don’t want to risk a bad sunburn, especially on my back,” he added, letting go of her hand to pull off his T-shirt.

      “The sun can be pretty fierce up here even when the air is still cool,” Hannah advised, fiddling with the cap on the tube to keep from staring outright at his broad, bare shoulders, smooth, muscular chest and flat abdomen.

      Again she realized how strong and fit he was despite his spare build. She wondered if he’d worked out with weights in his other life, but didn’t have the courage to ask. In fact, finding the courage to squeeze a dollop of sunscreen out of the tube and onto her fingertips as he turned away from her, then reach out and begin rubbing it onto his equally smooth and muscular back was about as much as she could handle at the moment.

      At the first touch of her fingers to his bare skin, Evan flinched, causing Hannah to make a startled movement, as well.

      “Sorry—” she began, pulling her hand away. “Did I do something to—”

      “Not at all,” he assured her, glancing over his shoulder at her and offering her a wry smile. “The lotion just felt a little cool against my skin.”

      “Oh, I didn’t think about that,” she murmured apologetically.

      “It didn’t feel bad. It just took me by surprise,” Evan said, glancing at her again, his smile widening. “A little friction between your fingers and my bare skin and I believe that lotion will warm up very nicely.”

      It wasn’t only the lotion that warmed up nicely as Hannah rubbed it carefully into Evan’s bare back. Her face grew hotter by the moment as unexpected and quite unseemly thoughts of fingers, friction and bare skin danced unbidden into her head.

      Years had passed since she and Stewart had last shared a close, physically intimate relationship. She had learned over time to direct her sexual energy into other things until it dissipated—caring for Stewart, for Will, the house, the gardens when she could. For longer than she could remember, she had been sure that she would never experience sexual desire again.

      But obviously the wanting, the needing to be held by a man, to be kissed and caressed with an equally strong want and need hadn’t really disappeared as she’d supposed. Apparently her want and need had simply been sublimated, lurking in her subconscious, ready and waiting for just the right stimulation to come along.

      “Mommy, you have a funny look on your face,” Will announced, startling Hannah out of her reverie with the thoroughness of a splash of icy water. “Are you sleepy?”

      Aware that she had likely been rubbing Evan Graham’s back far longer than absolutely necessary, Hannah pulled her hand away, blushed even more deeply and gazed at her son with dismay.


      “Yes, Mommy. Your eyes were kind of closing.”

      “Oh, well, I was just…thinking about…some things,” she said, knowing that Evan was now looking at her curiously, too.

      She couldn’t believe she had succumbed so completely to the unexpected allure of his masculinity. He’d only taken off his shirt, for goodness sake, and she’d only been applying a film of sunscreen to his back.

      Evan was a nice guy—his kindness in smoothing over their awkward moments had proven that. But nice didn’t equal interested. She couldn’t afford to mistake the two.

      Hannah risked a glance at him, and wondered, first, if he had any idea of the trail her thoughts had been taking, then hoped against hope that he hadn’t. He met her gaze, his expression reassuringly bland until Will piped up again.

      “Must have been pretty good things, Mommy, ’cause you looked happy, too.”

      “Um, yes,” she admitted, focusing her attention on replacing the cap on the tube of sunscreen, but not before she glimpsed the knowing smile suddenly sketched across Evan’s handsome face.

      There was no doubt in Hannah’s mind then that the man had been conscious to some degree of how her demeanor had altered. The brisk, businesslike rub of a hand was entirely different from a slow caress—as well as easily discernible by the recipient. And no matter how she wished she could deny it, she had definitely been caressing Evan Graham’s back only a few moments ago.

      “Time for me to get back to work,” he said, pulling his T-shirt on again.

      “Me, too, after I get Will settled in for his nap,” Hannah agreed. “Take the sunscreen with you and don’t forget your cap.”

      “Yes, ma’am.”

      Evan winked at her as he took the tube of sunscreen she held out to him, then turned to head out the side door.

      “Do I have to take a nap today, Mommy?” Will