Mapping Mars: Science, Imagination and the Birth of a World. Oliver Morton. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Oliver Morton
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Прочая образовательная литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780007397051
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volcanoes’ – like Ararat in Turkey, or Kilimanjaro in Tanzania, or Mauna Kea in Hawaii – were built in a similar way and have much the same profile. But the scale of the thing is incomparably grander. Mauna Kea, earth’s biggest volcano, would fit into the huge crater at the summit of Olympus Mons with room to spare. If you strung the arc of Japan’s home islands round its base the two ends wouldn’t meet; nor would the peak of Fuji clear the top of the great cliff that they were failing to encompass. An Everest on top of Everest would not come to the summit of Olympus Mons.

      This single brutish Martian lump is larger than whole earthly mountain ranges. Its bulk – some 3½ million cubic kilometres of rock – is about four times the volume of all the Alps put together. If you wanted to build one on earth, you’d have to excavate all of Texas to a depth of five miles for the raw material – and you’d still be doomed to failure, because the planet’s very crust would buckle under the strain.

      North Spot, Middle Spot and South Spot, stretched out along the ridge of Tharsis, are smaller than Olympus Mons. But not by much.

      The great storm, rather than obscuring Mars completely, had in fact served to highlight its most dramatic features. It also set Sagan – always alert for lessons from other planets with relevance to this one – to wondering whether similar phenomena might have any relevance to the earth. Mariner 9’s infrared spectrometers showed that the dust did not just obscure the Martian surface from earthly eyes; it also chilled it by shielding it from the sun. In 1976 Sagan, his student James Pollack and other colleagues produced papers showing how the dust thrown into the earth’s stratosphere by large volcanic eruptions could cool the home planet in a similar way. Such cooling was to be put forward in the early 1980s as the mechanism by which a large impact by an asteroid or comet – an event guaranteed to kick up a lot of dust – might have killed off the dinosaurs. This new mechanism for mass extinction led to Pollack and his colleagues being asked to model the sun-obscuring effects of nuclear war, and thus to the idea of ‘nuclear winter’. Having gone to Mars to look for signs of life, Sagan found intimations of planetary mortality.

      As the cooling planet-wide pall of dust started to ebb down the volcanoes’ flanks in late 1971, the television team began to pick out the outlines of other features: depressions, in which there was more airborne dust to reflect sunlight back into space, started to stand out as bright blotches. By the middle of December a vast bright streak had become visible to the east of the three Tharsis volcanoes. When the dust had settled out further the streak was revealed to be a set of linked canyons thousands of kilometres long and five kilometres deep. It would come to be called Valles Marineris after the spacecraft through which it was discovered. By the time the dust subsided in 1972, large parts of the planet’s northern hemisphere had been revealed as plains much more sparsely cratered than those over which the first three Mariners had passed. At the same time, other features known from earthly observation, like bright Argyre and Hellas, turned out to be the remnants of absolutely vast impacts.

      Most striking of all, particularly to Masursky, were the erosion features. In some places long, narrow valleys ran for hundreds of kilometres across the plains with few if any tributaries. In other regions there were branching networks of smaller valleys, suggestively similar to those that drain earthly landscapes. And elsewhere mere were vast, sweeping channels that seemed to have torn across the crust with unbelievable force, scouring clean areas the size of whole countries. Had water done this? Masursky seemed sure of it and waxed lyrical on the planet’s lost rains to journalists; Murray looked on, grinding his teeth. After all, this was an alien world of new possibilities. Streams of lava might have been responsible – or torrents of liquid carbon dioxide, or gushing hydrocarbons, or slow-grinding ice. Even the thin winds were suggested as possible scouring agents – and though that was a spectacular stretch, it was increasingly clear that wind did indeed play a large role in the way the planet looked. Everywhere there were streaks where dust had revealed or hidden the surface beneath; in some places there were full-blown dune fields. The seasonal changes observed from the earth and held by some to mark the spread of primitive vegetation – changes that would have been Mariner 9’s primary focus, had its sister ship, Mariner 8, not fallen into the Atlantic just after launch and thus bequeathed the main mapping mission to its sibling – were now explained by the wind, at least in principle.

      And there was yet more for Masursky and Murray and their colleagues to wonder at and argue over. Strange parallel ridges and lineations running in step for hundreds of kilometres. The collapsed chaos features seen by Mariner 6, which now appeared to be sources for some of the great channels. Rippling bright clouds of solid carbon dioxide (such clouds, streaming off the heights of Olympus Mons, provided the intermittent bright white expanses that made Schiaparelli think of snow and call the area Nix Olympica). Most strikingly, there were regions at the poles where the interaction of wind-borne dust and expanding and contracting polar caps had built up a weird, laminated terrain. Each layer must correspond to a different set of conditions – different wind patterns, different climates. Millions, maybe billions of years of history were there in those layers, just waiting to be read if only you could get to them and figure out what made them. Murray, in particular, found these polar layered terrains fascinating. Thirty years on he still does. He was to be part of the science team on the ill-fated Scott and Amundsen microprobes that accompanied Mars Polar Lander.

      The twenty-four people working shifts on the television team had more than enough data to keep them happy. Every twelve hours a new swathe of pictures would come back, covering the planet in seventeen days. There were always new things to see, new things to think about, new things to ask for close-ups of at the next opportunity. And in the end Mars’s rocky surface was stored in their computers and tacked up on their walls, almost seven gigabytes of data, 7329 images. Mars was now much more than one of Tennyson’s points of peaceful light – it was taking on, in Auden’s words, ‘the certainty that constitutes a thing’. It could be measured in detail, and properly mapped.

       The Art of Drawing

      How wonderful a good map is, in which one views the world as from another world thanks to the art of drawing.

      Samuel van Hoogstraten, Inleyding tot de Hooge Schoole der Schilderkonst

      (translated in Svetlana Alpers, The Art of Describing)

      In 1959 Patricia Bridges, a gifted illustrator with a degree in fine arts, started making maps of the moon for me Air Force Chart and Information Center in St Louis. Her technique soon established ACIC as a better moon-mapping outfit than its great rival, the Army Map Service. But St Louis was not a particularly good place from which to see the moon and, though mapping from photographs was possible, direct observation was better. The ever-changing smearing of the atmosphere made it almost impossible for 1960s cameras to capture the moments of clarity in which the moon’s features are best seen – but the well-trained human eye could seize such brief impressions, understand what was seen in them and remember it. Through a good telescope eyes as keen as Bridges’s could gauge lunar details as little as 200 metres across, more than twice as acute as the resolution in photographs.

      The mappers wanted that clarity and so they needed regular access to a good telescope. The twenty-four-inch telescope that Percival Lowell had built in Flagstaff with which to look at Mars was one of the best available, benefiting from high altitude, clean skies and clear nights. So the Air Force moon mappers moved to the Lowell Observatory, settling in permanently in 1961. They were based in a small cabin – previously a machine shop and lumber store – just a hundred metres or so from the observatory’s dome. By observing the same features lit from different angles on the waxing and waning moon, Bridges was able to get a sense of the features’ forms that a single photograph could never give. Sometimes she would sit there working on her maps night after night until the seeing was just so, at which point a colleague inside the dome would call her on the telephone and she would bundle up in her coat and run over to the telescope to capture some new detail of