The Quest for Mars: NASA scientists and Their Search for Life Beyond Earth. Laurence Bergreen. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Laurence Bergreen
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Прочая образовательная литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780007440986
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late 1993, David Mittlefehldt, a veteran Lockheed Martin scientist also working at Johnson, reexamined ALH 84001. Mittlefehldt was an expert on diogenites, and this particular rock didn’t look like one to him. It seemed to have more oxidized minerals in it than your normal diogenite, for one thing. Using new technology in the form of high-resolution laser spectrometry, two other scientists, Donald Bogard and Pratt Johnson, extracted gases trapped inside the strange meteorite and discovered that their very idiosyncratic characteristics exactly matched gases on Mars as measured by the Viking spacecraft in 1976. Mittlefehldt published his findings in 1994 in a scientific journal, and attracted the notice of the science community. Although this wasn’t the first meteorite from Mars to have been discovered, the reclassification created a stir. Of the thousands of meteorites that have been cataloged, only fourteen are believed to have come from Mars; the overwhelming majority come from asteroids, and a few from the moon. Meteorites are named for the places where they have fallen to Earth, so the Martian meteorites have some fairly exotic names – Shergotty (India), Nakhla (Egypt), and Chassigny (France), among them – and are known collectively as SNC or “snick” meteorites. “SNC meteorites” is an elaborate way of saying “meteorites from Mars.”

      Carefully considering his find, Mittlefehldt noticed minuscule reddish-brownish areas deep within ALH 84001; they looked a lot like carbonates, and on Earth, carbonates such as limestone tend to form close to water. What made this all so curious was that no one had detected carbonates – and their suggestion of water – in the other Martian meteorites. They were billions of years newer; they probably came from a more recent era in the geologic history of Mars, after the water that once flowed freely across its surface had disappeared. This one, however, apparently harkened back to that warm and wet golden age on Mars. Dating confirmed that the meteorite was indeed very old: 4.5 billion years old, much older than other known Martian meteorites, and it contained carbonates that were 3.9 billion years old. Mittlefehldt wanted to get some idea of the temperature range in which the carbonates had formed billions of years ago, so he went to yet another NASA scientist, Everett Gibson, who examined the very curious meteorite with Chris Romanek; they published a paper in the December issue of Nature in which they said the carbonates had formed at temperatures below 100° C, in other words, at moderate, Earthlike temperatures – “well in the range for life processes to operate,” as Gibson puts it.

      By now a line of reasoning was beginning to take shape. The team had their meteorite; it was from Mars. Almost no one disputed that singular fact. And it was very old, when water was thought to exist on the Red Planet. And it had carbonates, suggestive of water, formed at moderate, Earthlike temperatures. With each new discovery, the stakes became exponentially higher. ALH 84001 had gone from being a curiosity to an interesting and instructive case study to a potential harbinger of a scientific revolution. Each new link had been more difficult to fashion than those that had preceded it, and the final link – to life on Mars – would be the most difficult of all to fashion.

      Other scientists soon began angling for a piece of the curious, potato-shaped Martian meteorite, among them David McKay. Over the years at Johnson, he’d become known as a solid and reliable scientist, not the type to go out on a limb. Carl Sagan he was not. If you asked around about McKay, you often heard words like “cautious” and “self-effacing,” yet he had a distinct air of authority; he’d published hundreds of scientific papers, and he knew his way around Johnson and around NASA. Over the decades, he’d learned about science and about maneuvering in the world of scientists. He knew about the pitfalls, how quick others were to leap on “discoveries” and tear them to bits. Yet with all his experience, he seemed destined to retire in honorable obscurity, until ALH 84001 came to his attention.

      “I’m going to get a piece of that meteorite and look for signs of life in it,” he told his wife.

      “Sure you are,” she said.

      McKay had a vast storehouse of information and impressions about rocks on which to draw. In his long career, he had looked at perhaps 50,000 of them, and he spent many hours studying the most intriguing he’d ever seen, ALH 84001, with a scanning electron microscope capable of magnifying objects 30,000 times. With this instrument, McKay identified a bunch of – well, they looked a little like miniature subterranean carrots, or worms, or tubes. Whatever they were, they didn’t look like something you’d expect to find in a meteorite.

      Again, he turned to another scientist for assistance. Kathie Thomas-Keprta was a biologist who had spent almost a decade studying extraterrestrial particles – space dust – before she focused her attention on the meteorite from Mars. She was accustomed to making do with very little. A specially modified B-57, flying at high altitude for an hour, might collect just one extraterrestrial particle from an asteroid, a particle too small to see but big enough for her to examine under a powerful microscope. When McKay invited her to study a Martian meteorite, she was delighted to have something as big as one millimeter by one millimeter to work on after all those years of studying specks. Even better, she was an expert with a new type of electron microscope that could reveal the mineral composition of the carbonates locked in the meteorite. McKay and Gibson showed her the photos taken by the scanning electron microscope, and they proposed that she examine those peculiar, worm-like structures to see if they were fossils. She listened respectfully to their proposal, and when she got home that night, Kathie told her husband, “These guys are nuts!”

      A team of researchers based at Stanford subjected chips of the meteorite to further laser tests, which yielded polycylic aromatic hydrocarbons – PAHs, for short – which are often associated with life. That finding raised more questions than it answered, for PAHs are also associated with inorganic material such as pollution and exhaust. If that were the case, the carbon in the meteorite could be the result of very recent contamination on Earth, not evidence of ancient life on Mars. Additional tests showed that the PAHs were buried inside the meteorite and probably quite old, lessening the likelihood that they were the result of exhaust. It looked like the PAHs came from Mars, after all.

      The team felt confident enough to announce some initial findings at the 1995 Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, held at the Johnson Space Center. In the planetary science community, the LPSC is a very big deal, a sort of scientific Super Bowl. If you don’t show up for this event, scientists say, everyone assumes you’ve died, and when you do show up, you come to make news, if you can. On behalf of the meteorite team, Kathie Thomas-Keprta presented a paper about the unusual and provocative features of ALH 84001 observed by the team. The paper stopped short of declaring they had found evidence of life on Mars, even very ancient, very tiny life. In fact, she adamantly denied it to a reporter from the Houston Chronicle who suspected she was hinting at it.

      She knew other scientists would soon challenge her findings, no matter how cautiously expressed. Faulty science or clumsy handling of the situation could mar several carefully-tended careers. So McKay and his colleagues ran still more tests on the meteorite with an even more powerful scanning electron microscope designed to inspect rockets for minuscule fissures; this instrument was capable of magnifying objects up to 150,000 times. McKay put a four billion year-old piece of Mars under the microscope, and on his monitor there appeared a bunch of worm-like forms. He printed an image, and gave it to his teenage daughter.

      “What does it look like to you?” she asked her father.

      “Bacteria,” he answered.

      Kathie Thomas-Keprta eventually decided the guys on her team weren’t nuts, after all. Her conversion occurred in Building 31 at the Johnson Space Center one night when she was working late. As she examined the shapes of the nano-fossils in the meteorite, she knew from experience they were of biological origin. “It was gregite, an iron sulfite present in the carbonate. It had a certain morphology known to be produced by bacteria. It was actually a biomarker, a thumbprint left by biological activity. I thought, ‘That’s it. There’s life on Mars.’

      “I walked out the door to the parking lot, half-expecting to see flags waving and bands playing, but there was nothing at all out there, just a dark, empty parking lot at night.”

      The chain of reasoning was more or less complete. The meteorite was old enough to contain of a record of Mars’ early days, when water was plentiful.