The Way Back To Erin. Cerella Sechrist. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Cerella Sechrist
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современные любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781474080880
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was one of those days that almost made him forget why he ever left Findlay Roads. Though he’d traveled the world, on a day like today, it felt like the best place on earth was right here by the Chesapeake.

      Kitt kept pace beside him, and though his nephew didn’t speak, Burke sensed their outing excited the little boy. Burke stopped walking when they reached the lighthouse and then felt a twinge of hesitation when he saw the expression on Erin’s face. She paled and tucked her lower lip between her teeth.

      “Is everything okay?”

      “Um...yeah. Sure. Of course.” It was too many reassurances, and he thought about calling her out on it. But then she grabbed the blanket out of his hands and began spreading it on the grass, and he decided to let it go.

      Even though they weren’t the only ones with the idea to take advantage of the beautiful day by heading to the park, there was no one in their immediate vicinity. A couple of guys were throwing a Frisbee back and forth nearby, a family was circling the lighthouse (likely visitors doing the town’s walking tour) and a couple was spread out on the grass a few hundred yards away.

      He helped Erin straighten the blanket and then placed the picnic basket on the fabric’s edge. Kitt was busy studying an ant mound he’d found in the grass as Erin settled herself on the blanket. She reached for the picnic basket, but Burke grabbed her wrist before she could make contact. He was suddenly in tune with her pulse, jumping erratically beneath her skin, and felt her skin warm beneath his touch. He released her as though burned and cleared his throat.

      “Sorry, but not yet.”

      Erin pulled her hand back into her lap and kept her head lowered. He saw the telltale hint of a blush staining her cheeks and was embarrassed that he’d gotten things off to such an awkward start. He decided the only way to break the rising tension was to push forward with his plan.

      “So, do you remember how, on your eighteenth birthday, you were all bummed because Gavin was deployed, and you thought everyone else had forgotten it?”

      Her head lifted, her cheeks returning to a normal hue. “Yeah.” A faint smile ghosted her lips. “My mom was out of town visiting friends, and Dad never called from wherever he was stationed. I was pretty grumpy that whole weekend.”

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