Prime Target. Hugh Miller. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Hugh Miller
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Триллеры
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780007349036
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carrying. I read that and I’ve looked at the picture.’

      ‘Don’t you recognize her?’

      Philpott held the print under the desk lamp. The woman had a pallid, delicate face, small-featured and framed by soft-curled blonde hair. Her companion, no less attractive, had a strong face and rich dark hair.

      ‘You must have met her,’ Gilbert said.

      ‘Really?’ Philpott shook his head. ‘I meet a lot of good-looking females. Nowadays it’s never a memorable frisson.’ He sighed. ‘Her jacket is a Donna Karan, I believe, but I don’t know the wearer at all.’

      ‘She’s Emily Selby,’ Gilbert said.

      Philpott thought for a moment. ‘Political analyst on the White House press team. Yes?’

      Gilbert nodded. ‘Her areas of expertise are listed as Central and South-west Asia.’

      ‘God almighty, I believe I spoke to her at a reception not long ago.’ Philpott groaned. ‘Maybe I’m losing it.’ He read the details again. ‘So, yesterday afternoon, right in front of the Lancer Gallery in Mayfair, Emily was shot through the spine and the back of the head with bullets from a Glock 17, identified as the gun found on the dead man. What was she doing in London?’

      ‘According to a Reuter’s bulletin, she was taking a month of her annual leave in Europe.’

      ‘Do we know who this other woman is?’

      ‘Yes, I got her identity on FaceBase.’

      ‘Did you, indeed. How long did that take?’

      ‘Three minutes.’ FaceBase was a feature-comparator capable of identifying photographs from a database of three million images. ‘It never takes much longer than that,’ Gilbert added.

      Philpott stared at him. ‘Do I detect a certain smugness?’

      ‘Well, it does seem to work every time, and I did argue strenuously for the installation of the system, even though certain people -’

      ‘Certain people. You mean even though I, alone, reckoned it was going to be a waste of money and floor space.’ Philpott shrugged. ‘I was wrong.’

      ‘It’s magnanimous of you to say so, sir.’

      ‘Tom, when you’re right as often as I am, you have to be wrong some of the time or you start to look infallible. That would never do.’

      ‘The woman’s name is Erika Stramm,’ Gilbert said. ‘She’s German, a freelance political journalist with vague terrorist affiliations. She’s twice been refused a US visa.’

      ‘But we can’t define the link between her and Emily Selby.’

      ‘Not yet.’

      Philpott got up and stood by the window, looking down at the array of national flags fluttering on their masts in front of the complex. The office was on the twenty-second floor. From that height everything looked reassuringly tidy.

      ‘So,’ Philpott said, ‘the bald fact is that a man of Middle Eastern origin has murdered a US government employee in the heart of London. I think that until we know more about the gunman and his motive, we should regard this as a matter for low-level UNACO involvement. I’ll have the Political Intelligence office hunt for possible leads.’ He turned from the window and smiled tightly. ‘Thanks for bringing this to my attention.’

      Gilbert caught the dismissal. He stood up and drained his coffee cup.

      ‘What about the dead man’s fingerprints?’

      ‘They were transmitted on the ICON file, sir. Did you want to have them?’

      ‘Pass them to Mike Graham, with the rest of the stuff. Tell him I’d like a detailed work-up as soon as he can manage one. You’ll find him in the Interview Suite writing case notes. He’ll be glad of the diversion.’

      When Gilbert had gone, Philpott picked up the phone and told the UNACO operator to find the number for Riot City in Hounslow, England, and to give them a call.

      ‘Sounds like a fun place,’ Ms Redway said.

      ‘If you don’t find it listed as that, its real name is the Public Order Training Centre,’ Philpott told her, ‘and its bureaucratic handle is TO18. It’s a fantasy violence environment for police officers. I’m not sure I entirely approve, but their crowd-control training is the best.’

      ‘They probably won’t be open for business for three hours yet.’

      ‘I know. Tell the security person who answers the phone that Sabrina Carver should call her uncle as soon as she gets to Hounslow.’

      The six o’clock forecast had said it would be a cold day, but sunny. On the drive out through Chiswick and Brentford it was still foggy, and on the approach to Hounslow the fog thickened. Slowing down to negotiate the narrow streets on the outskirts of town, Sabrina Carver switched on the car radio to catch the 8.30 news bulletin.

      The announcer was annoyingly upbeat for the time of day. He reported that Sinn Fein were to be promised seats at peace talks if they could persuade the IRA to renew their recently-ended ceasefire; a woman shot dead in Mayfair was believed to be an American tourist, but no details of her identity had yet been released; five students had died in a car crash at Milton Keynes; a serial killer had been given three life sentences at a Crown Court in Yorkshire; a British-led team of scientists was on its way to Pisa to help stop the tilt of the leaning tower.

      That was it. No news from the States. For the third or fourth time since she arrived in England, Sabrina promised herself she would try again to tune her Sony to Voice of America. Some weird signal-screening in her quarters at the police hostel played hell with shortwave reception.

      She stopped by the Riot City barrier and smiled at the constable in the security box, He waved as usual, but this morning it was different. Sabrina realized he was beckoning her. She got out and put her head inside the tiny office.

      ‘Morning, Terry. What’s up?’

      ‘You’ve to phone your uncle,’ he told her. ‘Soon as possible.’

      ‘Yeah. Right.’ It took a second to sink in. Until two weeks ago, the alias had been Cousin Malcolm.

      ‘You can use this phone if you want.’

      Sabrina knew that would be breaking Riot City rules. She also knew Terry was happy to make that kind of gesture if it would gain him points with a hard-bodied blonde his own height. Over tea and biscuits in the canteen, he had told her she was wasting her time being a cop; she should be in pictures.

      ‘It’s OK,’ Sabrina said now, ‘I’ll get to him later. I don’t want to be late. If Uncle rings again, would you tell him I’ll call back as soon as I can?’

      Terry said he would. Sabrina got back in the car, drove on until she was behind the administration block and stopped. She took her cellular phone from her bag and tapped in three digits. There was a scattering of satellite noise, then a ringing tone. Philpott answered on the fourth ring.

      ‘I got your message, sir.’

      ‘Fine. It’s nice to hear your voice, my dear. I’ve been looking over your team leader’s evaluation of your progress over there. He believes his notes are for the eyes of his London chief alone, of course, so there are one or two racist, sexist comments about pushy Yank feminist tactics and so on, but on the whole you’ve impressed him. He says that your, er, what is it now…’ paper rustled, ‘your capacity for total focus in a Level One TSG situation was especially to be commended. I assume that’s good?’

      ‘Level One is the ultimate stage of public order training, sir. A TSG is a Territorial Support Group.’

      ‘So what have you been doing in your TSG?’

      ‘All kinds of things connected with crowd handling and public order control. Yesterday