88° North. J.F. Kirwan. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: J.F. Kirwan
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Приключения: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780008226985
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sturdy concrete pillars, the two front legs far longer due to the sharp slope of the terrain. The front, overlooking Hong Kong Bay, was mainly glass. Bullet-proof? Maybe not. Still it was higher than the skyscrapers. A sniper would have to fire a bullet from Kowloon, three miles away. One or two marksmen she’d worked with in Russia could pull it off.

      She glanced at her watch. She’d be much happier once the Chef joined them.

      A trim, forty-something, black-suited, white-gloved butler, backed by two hyper-looking Dobermans, barred the solid oak entrance. He held out a small lacquered tray.

      ‘You need to relinquish your firearms if you wish to enter.’

      ‘Mr Hanbury is expecting us,’ Jake said. The butler did a statue impression, exuding the notion that he was prepared to stand there all night. The dogs didn’t look so patient.

      Nadia shrugged. She surrendered her Beretta Cougar. Jake pulled out his M9 and thumped its black polycarbonate body onto the tray. The butler made a short bow and moved aside, his free arm indicating the entrance hall. But as soon as Nadia crossed the threshold, there was a penetrating whine. The dogs growled, baring their teeth, one of them drooling. She froze. The tray appeared next to her. She dug out her knife, and dropped it next to the pistols. Jake fished out his.

      The butler said something in Chinese, and the dogs sat down. As Nadia passed, she let them sniff her hand, and crouched down to stroke them behind the ears, her head within biting range. They let her pet them, but remained alert, watching her. She was impressed. Even the dogs were smart.

      Hanbury, in tan trousers and a red striped shirt open at the collar, stood in the dimly-lit vast lounge. He gazed dreamily to the city below, one hand smudging the window glass, a whisky tumbler in the other. Classical music blared from four Bang and Olufsen speakers as tall as her. Shostakovich’s 5th. For her benefit, perhaps. Jake approached and began to speak, but Hanbury shushed him by raising the whisky glass, spilling a drop onto the plush carpet, while the crescendo built.

      This piece had been her father’s favourite. He used to sit her on his lap and tell her Cossack stories while she listened. She envisioned soldiers marching, then running into battle on the front line, most to their doom, a few to glory, cannons belching smoke and thunder all around. The cadence arrived, an ashtray vibrating noisily on the glass coffee table. Hanbury pushed off from the window and activated a button on a remote he had in his pocket, and the music diminished to a whisper. His rusty-grey hair was brushed to one side, masking the beginnings of a bald patch, making him look like an ageing hippy-turned-diplomat. He had the look of someone who had been a bit of a rebel in his youth, probably a hit with the girls, back in the day. He had that been-there-done-it-all air about him. Not in a boasting way, more like he’d seen enough, thank you very much.

      He turned to them. ‘What on earth were you doing on Tonnochy Road?’

      So, he’d had them followed.

      ‘Personal,’ she replied. He probably knew what had happened, and might think she and Jake wanted a threesome with the girl. She didn’t care too much about what he thought. But then she realised she did. Somehow, he made her care. He was an unusual man. The type who led from behind. Someone who didn’t judge you, because he didn’t have to. He made you judge yourself.

      ‘There are two ways to change the world,’ he said. ‘People will tell you that you need to see the bigger picture.’ He stared down at his whisky, then at her. ‘In my not-so-humble opinion, they are wrong. I’ve watched such people – politicians and so-called leaders – come and go, getting others killed or thrown in prison, while practically every revolution or victory leaves society more or less as it was before, or worse off. You see, the world turns, and, well, history recycles us.’ He smiled, a benevolent – if a little preachy – uncle.

      ‘The small picture, that’s what you need to see. That’s how to change the world.’ He walked forwards and raised his glass. ‘My dear Nadia, you changed a small picture this evening, and though in the larger scheme of things it doesn’t matter one jot, I salute you.’

      Nadia felt her cheeks flush. ‘Spasiba,’ she said quietly.

      Hanbury swirled the whisky around in its chunky tumbler, rattling the melting ice cubes against the glass, and took a swig. His smile faded. ‘Salamander’s here,’ he said. ‘In Hong Kong.’

      Nadia’s insides tensed, and all her sleepiness vanished. She wanted her Beretta back. Now. ‘Where?’

      Hanbury plumped himself into a leather armchair, depositing the tumbler on the table. The butler appeared out of nowhere and placed a coaster underneath, wiping up a drop of the alcohol.

      ‘He was seen disembarking from a junk in Port Stanley early this morning. Difficult for a man that size to hide. One of ours tried to tail him, but …’ His eyes glazed over, and he picked up the tumbler.

      Nadia understood. The tail had disappeared. Dead, if he was lucky, still alive and begging for it by now if not. A thought struck her. ‘The tail, did he know about us?’

      Hanbury suddenly looked sheepish, like an overgrown schoolboy caught out. ‘We’re safe here. It’s a fortress. The glass is bulletproof, in case you were wondering. Besides, he’s been here on and off for decades. He’s never interfered with the embassy or its staff.’

      Nadia’s gut begged to differ. She suddenly thought about Jin Fe back at the hotel. What if Salamander or Blue Fan turned up there? ‘Jake, we should leave.’

      ‘Just a minute,’ Jake said, glancing down and then frowning at his mobile phone. ‘Hanbury, can you make a call?’

      ‘To whom?’

      ‘It doesn’t matter. My phone shows no signal. It was fine when we arrived.’

      Hanbury put the glass down, spilling a few more drops onto the table. He’d clearly had a few. He picked up the cordless phone, went to dial, and then stopped.

      Nadia guessed why. No tone. She dug out her mobile. No signal.

      ‘Our guns, Hanbury,’ Jake said. ‘Now!’

      Hanbury looked momentarily confused, but then he grabbed the armrests and heaved himself up.

      ‘James!’ he yelled.

      Then he shouted two names Nadia couldn’t untangle, and the Dobermans beat the butler into the lounge, skidding on the parquet.

      ‘Lock everything down, James. Give them their guns and break out ours.’ The maid trotted in, then disappeared into another room. James ran back out and returned with their weapons, the maid with two assault rifles.

      Nadia spotted it – a faraway light hovering between the two nearest skyscrapers.

      ‘Get down!’ she shouted.

      But at that same moment there was a loud rat-a-tat-tat, as a series of bullets peppered the exact same spot on the glass, and then one broke through. The maid was punched off her feet by a round that took the top of her skull off.

      Nadia dropped to the floor on her back and shot out the two lights in the room, leaving just the gloom from the entrance hall. Hanbury crawled towards the maid, while Jake rolled and snatched up one of the assault rifles. But they couldn’t fire outwards, due to the glass. James made it to the other assault rifle while the dogs barked at the window, then ran to their master.

      ‘Hanbury, we have to get out of here,’ Jake said. ‘The sniper probably has a night-sight. The garage. It’s underground, right?’

      Hanbury was on all fours, crouched over the maid. He seemed to only half-hear. Maybe the maid meant more to him than hired help. ‘Yes,’ he said. ‘We have two bullet-proof Range Rovers.’

      ‘Lead the way.’

      Nadia heard the chopper, the one carrying the sniper. It was moving in, now it had played its advantage of surprise.

      James spoke to Hanbury in Cantonese. Hanbury nodded, then crawled flat along the floor, beneath