The Siren. Tiffany Reisz. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Tiffany Reisz
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Зарубежные любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781408997383
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remark, and bit that back as well. She couldn’t say a word at first; I thought I saw her eyes go slightly moist.

      “Wow,” she said. “Just…wow.” It was the dress she’d worn on our first date.

      “Wow,” she said. “Is that what you want?”

      I shrugged, turned, put it away. I crawled back into the depths of the closet; I could almost hear her rolling her eyes. I could definitely hear her glaring at the clock—we were gonna be late. But then, we’re on California time, so…

      I stumbled out holding it up: my prize, dusty and wrinkled. She let out a horrified gasp, gave me the look—no, not the take me look, the what the fuck, you lunatic? look.

      Then, I guess, she remembered how she’d said “anything.” She looked the outfit up and down, watching it seethe there on the hanger, begging for sin. She leaned back on her too-perfectly-poised arms, wiggled her too-perfectly-positioned tits, let her spread thighs do that close-tremble-open thing that always does it for me.

      She said, “Is that what you want, Daddy?”

      It was her schoolgirl outfit—plaid, white, blue. That is to say, skirt, blouse, tie, respectively. She’d worn it to fetish party #3, at the Twenty-Third Street space, back before demanding work schedules and the comfort of cohabitation made us conveniently forget to bother being pervy anymore.

      “Tempting,” I said. “But not quite right for a send-off to China.”

      “If you pull out a Chongsam…” she warned.

      “Do you have one?”

      “Who the fuck knows? I forgot I had a schoolgirl outfit.”

      I returned the schoolgirl outfit to the closet and made my way back in. This time, I didn’t go far. The dress I wanted for her was right near the front. It had been beckoning to me since the beginning.

      I pulled it out and laid it on the bed, leaning in close to her. Now I could definitely smell her sex, alongside the scent of freshly-showered girl.

      “Good choice,” she said, regarding my final selection. “Not exactly naughty, but…”

      It was her cutest little black dress, but it wasn’t quite slutwear. She wore it often. It was short and reasonably snug. It was everyday wear, and yet as sexy as hell.

      “Is that your final answer?” she asked as I leaned in.

      “No,” I said. “This is.” I kissed her hard, my tongue against hers and my teeth grazing her permanently bee-stung lower lip. She took it, and liked it, and smiled when I finally pulled away.

      “What else?” she asked.

      “Else?” I said innocently.

      She got a wicked look on her face. “Underneath. I’ll wear anything you want underneath. One of those thongs you like? You want me in garters?”

      “No,” I said.

      “No?” she asked. “No, what?”

      “Just no.”

      “So what should I—” she began, and it hit her; she looked surprised for a moment.


      “Not a stitch,” I said, and a little shudder went through her body.

      That was that; the game was up. I was on her. She made some faint bleating sound about being late for the party, and kept complaining until I kissed my wet way down her belly and planted my tongue hard and insistent between lips that still tasted like shaving cream. Then she stopped doing much except bucking and rocking and moaning and shuddering a little, as I slid my fingers into her and closed my lips against her swelling clit. Before she even knew what was happening I’d found the rhythm I knew like the beat of my heart—the rhythm that would make us on time to the party, or close to it. Then I broke it up and sent my tongue a dozen competing directions, teasing her until we were guaranteed to be very late.

      When it was done—when she’d cried out in orgasm, and with clawing hands and pumping hips she’d taken that virgin bed and made it her whore—the little black dress had been tossed at some point off the bed and onto the floor. I looked up at her from between legs spread wider than ever. I needed a shower myself, or at least a face-wash.

      “There,” I said. “Wear that.”

      “Wear what?” she panted.

      “That glow,” I said.

      So she did, beneath the dress, and nothing else. And she wore it well—with the result that every soul who saw her that night positively knew.

      About the glow, I mean.

      As far as the underwear went, I think only I was the wiser.

      Dress Rehearsal

      By Sommer Marsden

      “Right like that. Right there, baby,” Will whispered, and I shook my head. Why was my positioning so very important? When we’d started messing around on the sofa after lunch, he hadn’t said he wanted to pose me like a little doll. I was getting annoyed.

      “William, could we possibly get on with the fucking? I am not a manneq—” I had to stop because he’d put his mouth right to my pussy, sliding that tongue of his along the seam of my sex, nudging my clit so that I thought my knees would give out and I’d be sitting on my ass.

      “Sorry, baby. There is a point. Behave, Alyce, behave. After all, you’ll be on stage tomorrow in front of all those people. You’ll have to have some patience—and let’s face it—balls to do it, too.”

      I snorted. “You have the balls in this joint. I am just an exhibitionist. I like to be the center of—oh yeah…right there,” I said, cutting my own damn words off as he licked more. Lapping and sucking at me like we were locked in August heat and I was something cold.

      The sun bounced off our neighbor’s window and stabbed me in the eye, a bright golden shard of pure yellow light that made me squint. I grabbed the string to lower the blinds and Will’s muffled, “Leave it” rumbled up my pussy into my lower belly, making me shiver and shake, spiking my nipples and heating my blood.

      He’d slipped two fingers into my deliciously wet cunt and was flexing them in a way that had my vision swimming with little shiny spots. Miniature, surreal jellyfish of light that meant my brain was getting too much blood. Or maybe it wasn’t enough blood? Who knew? Who cared? Because I was coming, a fast hot rush of pleasure that twisted up my insides, my pussy milking at his stout warm fingers as he fucked me with slippery digits in front of the window.

      I caught a different kind of flash in my vision. The sunlight had moved just a smidge, and I saw the blur of a white arm as it…jacked off?

      “Will, Big Tom next door is watching. And…diddling himself!” I hissed, trying so hard to be upset, irate, mortified. But I wasn’t, because Will was standing, dead center in front of the window where he had me posed—yes, posed—and unbuckling his well-worn jeans.

      “I know that, baby,” he murmured. “And you know you love it.” He spread me with his fingers, taking a long, show-off moment to run the head of his cock along my slit, painting me with my own eager juices.

      “Oh, you brat,” I said, but I laughed. I could see Big Tom in my peripheral vision. His arm flying and his hips pumping. A golden spear of light across his midriff, his ginger chest hair shining in the sun. Our windows really were very close.

      Will had me by the hips, pushing only the crown of his hard cock into my pussy. He held me there, suspended as I felt eyes on me. Big Tom’s and his.

      “How long has he been watching us?” I asked, gasping as he finally thrust.

      “For a while now. He’s a big fan of yours, honey.”

      I would have laughed, but Will was banging into me now. No