66 Metres: A chilling thriller that will keep you on the edge of your seat!. J.F. Kirwan. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: J.F. Kirwan
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Приключения: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780008207748
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listen to me. We have to split up. I need to get out of the country, explain this fuck-up to Kadinsky personally, but I’ll never get that through customs.’ He stared at the Rose. ‘It’s emitting a very faint signal. I’m not sure but I reckon the authorities might have a way of detecting it if they get close enough. You take it.’ He shook her. ‘Nad, are you listening to me?’

      She was, though his voice was muffled by the ringing in her ears. She gazed past him to Janssen, then to the other two corpses. Her personal fast-track ticket to hell. Would her father be able to protect her from these three when she arrived? But she hadn’t actually killed them herself…

      She barely registered the slap, then stared into Sammy’s eyes.

      ‘Again,’ she said.

      Sammy obliged, striking her face harder the second time. She swallowed, took a couple of jagged breaths.

      ‘Get a grip, Nad, for Katya’s sake.’

      Sammy was right. Her sister. Focus on the living. She pocketed the Beretta.

      ‘Tell me what to do.’

      Sammy hauled open the trapdoor. A couple of metres below, the sea splashed against concrete pillars. The tang of sea water and seaweed helped clear her head.

      Sammy searched Janssen’s corpse. ‘Your passport,’ he said, tossing it to her.

      She caught it, but her fingers were numb. She watched as Sammy methodically wrapped chains around the three men’s legs and shoved them one by one into the water below. He siphoned most of the petrol from his Suzuki’s tank and scattered it around the inside of the warehouse. Then he rigged a crude fuse to set the place on fire half an hour after they’d left. He let the iron trapdoor fall back down with a loud clank. Like a metal coffin lid snapping shut.

      ‘Give me your gun,’ he said.

      She took a step back, shook her head. The Beretta was all she had left from her father.

      ‘Okay, just don’t get caught with it. At least one of the bullets in Janssen’s corpse will match. Lie low for a week,’ he advised. ‘You’ll never get that device through customs, X-ray machines everywhere. I’ll get word back to Kadinsky. He’ll extract you.’

      Nadia nodded. But the Rose was a death magnet. Five dead already on its account. Those who knew what it could do would happily ramp up the body count to get hold of it. She’d be lucky if she survived a week. Sammy told her to get out of Penzance, get off the mainland – the remote Isles of Scilly off Land’s End might be a good bet. She said nothing. The less they knew of each other’s plans, the better.

      ‘Don’t worry,’ he said, ‘Kadinsky will get his package, and you’ll get your sister back. This is so big he’ll let you both go for good this time.’

      She stared at him till he broke their gaze.

      Outside on the deserted dock, the weather was clearing up. She watched him disappear on his Suzuki. I hope you make it, Sammy. She turned and walked in the opposite direction, slowly, as if drugged. She clung to Sammy’s words. Get the device back to Kadinsky. Then leave with Katya. If he’d let them go. Or at least be alive, with her. She picked up her pace.

      When she heard fire engines far behind her thirty minutes later, she didn’t turn around, just kept walking, clutching the bag holding the Rose. She tried to erase the image of Janssen’s shattered face. But she couldn’t. It was all she saw. She found a public lavatory on the seafront, went straight to an empty stall, locked herself inside, and threw up.

      The cold hit the nape of Jake’s neck as he rolled backwards, holding mask and regulator in place with one hand, torch in the other. Cool fjord water seeped into his hood and gloves. A single droplet defeated his drysuit neck seal and ran down his spine as he righted himself. Finning to the back of the boat in the moonless night, he shone his torch onto his left hand to give Andreas the ‘OK’ signal. In that brief moment he caught the concerned look on the skipper’s face while he lowered the green nightlight into the water to help them find the boat later.

      Jake turned to the others, gave them time to get adjusted. Their torches, dangling from lanyards attached to their wrists, shone downwards, two cones illuminating the depths below, sharp halogen light diffusing into shadows. A few silver fish scurried away from the searchlight beams, unwilling to be lit up as tonight’s main course for larger fish. Beneath them the abyss of the fjord sucked downwards. Jake knew the lure of the deep only too well. He lifted his mouth out of the water.

      ‘Fin to the wall. We need a frame of reference as we descend, it’ll help to stop narcosis setting in.’

      Jan Erik and Bjorn turned and finned towards the shore. Jake put his head underwater again and shone the beam down until it caught the green, orange and red fauna of the underwater cliff face. He lifted up his head. ‘This will do.’ He angled his torch upwards, still underwater, just enough so he could see their faces clearly, the water refracting the light through the thin layer of glacier run-off hovering near the surface, turning their faces a ghostly green. He searched their eyes. Anticipation had taken over concern. Good. Jan Erik grinned behind his mouthpiece, and Bjorn’s eyes adopted the look usually reserved for sharking blondes at discos.

      They were both hungry for this, like he’d been two years ago when he first dived this deep. The adrenaline rush caught him, too. This is why I dive. He replaced his regulator, gave them the ‘OK’, then the thumb-down signal. They returned both signals, and the trio slipped below the surface.

      Jake dumped air out of his stab jacket and sank backwards, breathing out a little through his nose into his mask to prevent redeye, and watched them do the same. He pinched his nose between forefinger and thumb and equalised the pressure in his ears. At six metres he gave them another OK signal, and they returned it. He did his trademark reverse pirouette and dove down head first, arms folded in front so he could see both dive computers, equalising his ears every five metres. Like free-falling, like flying, like surfing, like – diving. All his problems, petty concerns, worries and unsatisfied desires, condensed into the trail of bubbles behind him, cascading up to the real world where they belonged. He didn’t fin, and every ten metres he jetted a little more air into his stab jacket, compensating for the rising water pressure.

      Bjorn shot down in front of him, finning hard. In Jake’s headlight Bjorn looked like a fireball. Clearly he wanted to be first. Jake had told him not to do this, warned him that it rammed nitrogen into the brain and could trigger narcosis, the drunkenness that sometimes occurred below thirty metres when diving on air, and was far more likely at their target of fifty. He turned to Jan Erik to stop him from following suit, shaking a flat hand horizontally. Jan Erik rolled his eyes inside his mask.

      Jake looked down again but could only see the glow of his light below in a stream of rising bubbles growing larger as they ascended. Bjorn had disappeared. Dammit! Fatality scenarios swirled into his mind. Blocking them off, he followed the stream of Bjorn’s bubbles, and checked his computer. He dolphin-kicked once to arrive faster, but not so fast as to unleash nitrogen narcosis on himself. Out of the grey the cliff-face appeared again, a seventy degree slope, and there was Bjorn, propped on it with his fins. Jake sighed through his mouthpiece, and relaxed.

      Jake realised he hadn’t been breathing much, and took three slow breaths. As he neared Bjorn he checked his own air gauge: two hundred bar. Plenty. He and Jan Erik touched the silt with their fins, a couple of metres from Bjorn. Jake checked both his computers. Fifty metres. Exactly. This was a bounce dive. Touch fifty, then ascend to decompress, to let the nitrogen flush back out of their bloodstreams, at nine metres, then six metres. He took a few more measured breaths. He didn’t bother to look around – mainly silt anyway – his job now was to get them back up to safer depth. He signalled to Jan Erik ‘OK’, then ‘Up’. Jan Erik pretended to wipe a tear from his mask with a gloved finger – he wanted to stay longer. Jake shook his head, and Jan Erik nodded, returning the ‘Up’ signal. Jake turned to Bjorn, who was still