Finally, You And Me. Lisa Jackson Harrison. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Lisa Jackson Harrison
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современные любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781474028684
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best,” she hastily agreed.

      He rose from his chair and marched into the next room in search of his coat and hat.

      Alexa went straight to the closet where she had hung it shortly after he deposited it in the family room. She removed it from the hanger and handed it over.

      “You know, you still should take me up on my offer,” he said in a thick voice.

      “Whatever.” She couldn’t believe that he still wanted to go out after just picking a fight.

      “What’s wrong?” he asked, leaning in closer. “Are you afraid that your feelings for me haven’t disappeared after all?”

      Her eyes widened, and her mouth gaped open in disbelief. “I can’t believe how full of yourself you are.”

      “And so are you,” he returned. “The years may have come between us but you are the same Alexa.”

      “What’s that supposed to mean?”

      He stepped closer to her. “You know exactly what it means. I know you, Alexa, especially when it comes to me—you are easy. You were easy then and you’re easy—”

      “Stop while you’re ahead!” she warned, her eyes ablaze with fury. “I don’t know who you think you are coming in here trying to put me down. I could say a lot about that situation, but I won’t because I don’t want to stoop to your level of game playing. I’m not into playing games. If that is what you’re all about these days, Darius, then you can leave me alone.”

      With a smug look on his face, Darius shook his head and departed without another word.

      Alexa was fuming when she later repeated her altercation with Darius to Maya over dinner that evening. The two had the house alone. The girls were spending the remaining part of the week with Maya’s mother while Bryant went to spend time with his own mother.

      “I don’t know who he thinks he is trying to make me look like some bad person,” Alexa huffed as she took a sip of her wine.

      “That doesn’t sound like Darius,” Maya replied.

      Alexa threw her a surprised look. No, she was not sticking up for him.

      “Well, it was him. He is such an ass. I swear I don’t know what I saw in him to begin with!”

      Maya knew, but she refrained from replying.

      “He called me easy, Maya. Can you believe that?”

      Maya grunted in response.

      “So you’re playing silent now,” Alexa voiced, noticing Maya’s silence. “Normally you would be on this story like a cat on a mouse!”

      “I’ve just learned to keep my peace at certain times,” Maya replied, clamping her teeth down on a piece of spicy garlic chicken.

      “Yeah, right,” Alexa scoffed. “I don’t care, I am not going to play his childish games of cat and mouse. I’m just going to avoid him until I leave.”

      She knew what she was proposing would be hard. Just thinking about him made her stomach feel like butterflies were doing somersaults. Over the last few days, her emotions were as unreliable as a weatherman—stormy one minute, sunny the next.

      “Then you’ll ruin things,” Maya whined.

      “No, I won’t. I just won’t deal with Darius.”

      “There will be instances where the four of us will have to come together like when we take pictures. I don’t want you having an attitude and ruin my wedding day.” Maya huffed as she dropped her fork on her plate and slumped back against her seat.

      Alexa rolled her eyes at Maya’s display, frustrated that her friend did not understand her dilemma. “I’m not trying to ruin your wedding, Maya. I’m just pissed off at Darius for his comment. He was wrong for what he said.”

      “What you did was wrong, too,” Maya shot back. She immediately covered her mouth as if regretting her comment.

      Alexa was equally surprised by her outburst. “What do you mean by that crack?”

      “I’m just saying that I think he was just as justified as you for his actions,” Maya carefully replied.

      Alexa’s curious eyes widened in disbelief. “So you think I’m easy, too?”

      “No, no,” Maya interjected, waving her hands. “I’m not saying that. What I am saying is that you hurt him. Regardless of how long ago that occurred, Darius was hurt. He’s probably still hurting. People don’t realize how first loves leave lasting impressions on a person.”

      “I loved him, too, Maya. You sound like I reacted totally without emotion and that was not the case,” Alexa cried out, jumping to her own defense. “I was hurt, too.”

      “But you were the one who left. The man asked you to marry him. You slept with him, packed up your things and left. How would you have felt if the tables were turned?”

      “But I told you how necessary it was for me to establish my career before getting involved in a serious relationship.”

      “I believe that was your mother’s suggestion,” Maya corrected her.

      Alexa’s frown softened. “That’s not fair, Maya.”

      “And you think it’s fair to Darius?” Maya asked. “I understand what your mother had gone through, Alexa, but that was her experience. She had no right telling you not to fall in love until a certain age. Love comes when it’s ready. We can’t conjure it up when we think the time is right. Darius loved you. It tore him up when you left. I should know because I was there.

      “I’m not saying that you were wrong for not wanting to get serious at a young age, but I think you could have gone about things differently. Bryant and I have been through the fire and the flood and we have managed to stand strong. He’s been supportive of my career, and I support him wanting his own business. If you truly love someone, it’s about give and take. Maybe your father didn’t know much about that, so don’t use that as an excuse with me because I know things can work out especially if it was meant to be.”

      With that she slid back from the table and placed her soiled dish in the sink. Alexa remained seated, confused by it all.

      Darius was reminded of Alexa’s cognac-colored eyes as he sipped Grand Marnier from the snifter. Regardless of the number of times he replayed the scene in his mind, he couldn’t understand why he had behaved the way he did. All he knew was that seeing Alexa again made him realize how much he had missed her.

      She looked the same except more mature. Her eyes still possessed that tranquil, yet smoldering gaze laced with wonder and mystique.

      The whole scene, which was blown out of proportion, occurred so fast that the next thing he knew he was leaving. As he climbed up into his truck, he resolved that the years had failed to diminish his feelings for her, and the Alexa he knew possessed the same feelings for him as well.

      His love for her was enough to make him happy. When Alexa announced that she was offered a job in Denver, he was sure she’d turn it down especially if he asked her to marry him. When he told his parents of his plans, his mother had asked him to take his time, and his father had left it alone altogether. But Darius was in love, and he wanted to share that with the world.

      When he had awakened that morning to an empty bedside, panic hit. Jumping from the bed, he prayed that Alexa was in the shower or maybe preparing their breakfast, but the house was as quiet as ever. In bewilderment, he sank down on the sofa and wondered what could possibly cause her to leave him. The only thing he could think of was his proposal. But, in his mind, he thought that would be the one thing that would draw her nearer, not push her away.

      Suddenly, nothing mattered anymore. Not school, not his job, nothing. He probed everyone, Maya, Bryant, even her school counselor about her whereabouts, but no one knew anything. He even went as far as to contact the company