The Trouble with Luv'. Pamela Yaye. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Pamela Yaye
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современные любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781472089595
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her mouth when she felt a sharp stab of pain in her stomach. Ebony’s eyes watered. Gripping the side of the table, she took a long, deep breath. It didn’t help. She felt like the room was spinning.

      Xavier examined her face. “Are you okay? You don’t look too good.”

      “Be right back,” was all Ebony could say. Cupping her mouth with one hand, and cradling her stomach with the other, she hurried toward the washrooms.

      Once inside the ladies’ room, Ebony threw herself over the sink and emptied her stomach. She thought the worst was behind her, but when she tried to stand up, she felt her stomach twist into tight knots. Holding her side, she slumped against the wall and dropped to her knees. Closing her eyes, she prayed that the pain would end.

      “Oh my God!” she heard someone yell. She felt a hand on her shoulder. “What’s the matter?”

      Ebony’s eyes flittered open at the sound of the soft and caring voice. The scent of onions permeated the tiny jail-cell-size bathroom. She felt the heat of the woman’s breath on her face, but she didn’t have the strength to move away. “I’m sick,” she said.

      “Do you want me to call your husband?” The woman read the question in her eyes. “My sisters and I are sitting in the booth behind you guys. Now, let’s get you cleaned up before I go and get him. If he comes in here and sees you slobbering all over yourself, he’ll probably pass out.”

      Xavier! Ebony didn’t want him to see her like this, but she couldn’t spend the rest of the night on the bathroom floor of Dakota’s Bar and Grill, either. She took the toilet paper the brown-skinned woman offered her, cleaned her mouth and dragged herself up off the floor. When Ebony saw her reflection in the mirror, her eyes spread wide in shock. Mascara coursed down her cheeks, the front of her dress was stained and to top it all off, she smelled like spoiled fish.

      Chapter 6

      Paradise Moore adjusted her denim Lane Bryant dress. She checked her bra, stuck out her chest and drew a deep breath. Sauntering through the dining area, she switched her thick hips to the music playing. She tried on a myriad of smiles as she approached the corner booth, and settled on one that showed every single tooth.

      The man with the deep-brown skin and hazel eyes was even better looking up close. He had a straight nose, a pointed jaw and eyes that looked like they could see right through her. When she pulled up in front of his table, his cologne wrapped itself around her and all two hundred pounds of her tingled. It took a half minute for Paradise to remember why she was there. She cleared her throat and once she had his undivided attention, said, “I’m sorry to bother you, but your wife needs your help.”

      Xavier chewed the pie in his mouth. “Pardon me?”

      “She’s sick.”


      “What do you mean, who? Your wife!”

      “What wife?”

      Paradise wrinkled her nose. Was he for real? His wife was in the bathroom with a sore stomach, a high fever and numbness in her hands and legs and here he was trying to run game. Sure, he wasn’t wearing a wedding ring, but that didn’t mean anything. He was probably one of those husbands who “forgot” to put it on before he left the house. The man was too handsome for words and his dimples made her want to plop down on his lap and nuzzle up under his chin, but only a fool would mess around with a married man. Karma was no joke and she didn’t want to provoke the vicious hand of fate.

      Paradise pointed to the other side of the booth. “There was a woman sitting here with you a few minutes ago. About five-eight, kinda bony, exotic features, big butt.”

      “We’re not married. She’s a…” What was she? Ebony was certainly friendly enough and he liked talking to her, but he didn’t consider her a friend. But for lack of a better word, he said, “She’s a friend.”

      Paradise grinned like she had just won first prize on a TV game show. The man was fair game. He was on the market! She sat down, made herself comfortable and extended a hand. When he squeezed it, she said, “I’m Paradise Moore. What’s your name?”

      “I don’t mean to be rude, Ms. Moore, but I believe you came here to tell me about my date. Is she all right? Where is she?”

      “In the bathroom throwing up. I’m no doctor or anything, but I am a registered nurse at Hennepin County Medical Center and experience tells me that your friend has more than just an upset stomach. After having three children of my own, I can easily decipher the early signs of pregnancy. Throwing up at any given time of the day and spending hours on end in the bathroom are signs number one and two.”

      Xavier sat in stunned silence. Ebony was pregnant? Hadn’t he just watched her drink a glass of wine? “No, she couldn’t be pregnant.”

      “Oh, yes, she is,” Paradise told him, matter-of-factly.

      Why would Ebony harm her unborn child by drinking alcohol? Xavier had seen firsthand the effects of fetal alcohol syndrome and other drug and alcohol related learning disabilities. It infuriated him that mothers could be so selfish when it came to the physical and emotional needs of their unborn child.

      Xavier rubbed a hand over his forehead, in an attempt to clear his mind. During dinner, Ebony had impressed him greatly. She had a quick smile, a vibrant personality governed with charm and grace, and an abundance of energy. It was exciting to be around a woman who spoke her mind and expressed herself so freely. When their discussion had turned to the present state of politics and government, Ebony had argued her opinion like she was speaking on behalf of the president himself. There hadn’t been a dull moment all night.

      To his surprise, there was nothing arrogant or egotistical about her. Xavier knew you couldn’t really know someone after a few hours, but he had a good idea about who she was. That’s why news of her pregnancy took him for a loop. Ebony bordered on being a workaholic and it sounded like she had her personal and professional life all mapped out. Why would she complicate her life by having a child? It wasn’t Xavier’s place to interfere in people’s private matters, but he couldn’t sit by and do nothing while she endangered the health of her unborn child. Drinking alcohol while pregnant made about as much sense as smoking a cigarette in church.

      “So, where are you going after here?” Paradise asked.

      Xavier tested out a smile. “Thanks for your help.” He collected his jacket and Ebony’s things and slid out of the booth.

      A minute later, Xavier stuck his head inside the door of the ladies’ room. He found Ebony perched on a wooden stool, sipping a glass of what he surmised was ginger ale. The desire to take her in his arms and kiss the tracks of her tears was overpowering. Xavier didn’t know if it was the knowledge of her pregnancy, or the vulnerability in her eyes, but he wanted to hold her. Comfort her. Soothe away the pain lines etched across her face. Tell her she and the baby were going to be just fine. But he didn’t. He didn’t know her well enough to offer such intimacy.

      When Ebony saw Xavier in the doorway, she straightened her clothes and cleaned the corners of her mouth. Embarrassed, she couldn’t even bring herself to look him in the eye. Nothing like this had ever happened before. Getting sick all over yourself and then hiding out in the ladies’ room was not the way to make a good impression on a man like Xavier. Or any man for that matter. Ebony had rinsed her mouth out with water for a good five minutes, but her breath still smelled like old socks.

      Xavier took in her sad eyes and crumpled clothes. Ebony Garrett, a woman of luxurious tastes who prided herself on her impeccable appearance, was a mess. Strands of hair were pasted on her forehead, she had bloodshot eyes and the natural glow of her skin had faded. His sister, Jacqueline, was nearing the end of her first trimester, and complained nonstop about the sudden bouts of dizziness, nausea and vomiting she experienced on almost a daily basis. Maybe there was some truth to what that Paradise woman had said. “What happened?”

      After a few quiet seconds, Ebony found the strength to speak. “I just want you to know that I don’t