Journey to Seduction. Candace Shaw. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Candace Shaw
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современные любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781474013352
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they realize how valuable you were to them? Did they try to stop you?”

      “Oh, yes. A hefty hourly raise, bonuses, use of the private jet and a company Mercedes, but not senior partnership. I already have use of my family’s private jet and I own a Maybach, so nothing they offered impressed me.”

      “You know, I’m kinda surprised you even worked for them. Why didn’t you start your own law firm earlier? You’re a Monroe. I doubt you would’ve had a problem attaining clients.”

      “I’d thought about it, but sometimes you have to work for someone else in order to obtain the experience you need before branching out on your own. I’ve learned a lot working there, but I was ready for an advance in my career. There comes a time when you have to move on. When you’ve outgrown where you are.”

      Sydney simply nodded her head with a faraway look in her eyes. Bryce noted her wistful expression. He wanted to ask her what it was about, but he didn’t want to pry. Besides, they were actually getting along for once. No need to ruin it.

      “So have you started looking at office buildings?”

      He finished chewing his food before answering her. “Oh, yeah. I have some things in motion. However, I’m going to take a much-needed vacation and go to Vegas next week.”

      “You like to gamble?”

      “No. There’s a motorcycle fest going on, so I’m driving up on Wednesday. I go every year.”

      “That’s sounds like fun. Riding one of your bikes?”

      “Driving my SUV but hitching the trailer up for my favorite motorcycle or two. You should go.”

      “Some of us have to work,” she teased with a wink and leaned her back against the bottom of the chair next to the fireplace.

      “True, but you need a vacation. When was the last time you took one?”

      “Um...” She swished her lips to the side. “”

      “You’re taking too long to answer,” he teased.

      “Not since last summer to hang out with my cousins in Memphis.”

      “Well, I’m sure your brain and body need some relaxation away from work. Otherwise you wouldn’t have passed out, and we wouldn’t be here eating my shrimp stir-fry.”

      “Yep. Better than the pizza I was going to order,” she said, placing her empty plate on the table and sipping the last of her wine.

      “You should seriously think about taking a vacation soon. Just hop on that pink Harley I saw in the garage and ride off somewhere for a few days.”

      “Perhaps when it gets warmer I will.” She stood and gathered their empty plates. “Ready to watch Breakfast at Tiffany’s?”

      “I was hoping you would’ve forgotten about that.” Giving her a playful wink, he rose from the couch and took the dishes away from her. “Tell you what. I’ll clean the kitchen, and you start the movie.”

      A wide, astonished smile crossed her face as she stared up him. “Wow. You cook and clean? I may have to get sick more often.” She grabbed the remote for the television and pounced on the couch. “Do you do windows and make up beds, too?”

      He chuckled softly, turning on his heel to head toward the kitchen. “Only the ones I’ve slept to a beautiful woman.”

      She laughed sarcastically, hurling a toss pillow at his head. “That won’t be happening tonight, Counselor.”

      Twenty minutes later, he strode back into the living room to find the movie on and Sydney curled up on the couch asleep. She wasn’t snoring this time, but she was resting soundly. He didn’t want to disturb her, so he placed the throw blanket from the back of the couch over her and turned the gas fireplace off.

      Retreating to the guest room, which had touches of Megan’s decorating expertise written all over it, he removed his workout clothes from his gym bag and took a much-needed shower as his mind perused over the events of the day. They hadn’t gone according to plan. The meeting he’d had promptly at nine that morning was supposed to be a final discussion with the senior partners. Instead, it turned into them offering him everything but what he truly wanted. Plus, like he’d told Sydney, it was time to move on. Staying was like being a firefly in a glass jar, making it to the top but bumping his head on the lid and not being able to push through the little air holes.

      Then there was Sydney. The last woman on earth he ever imagined he’d spend Valentine’s Day with or any other day. He wasn’t a romantic and since he wasn’t seeing any one particular woman at the moment, he hadn’t made plans for the evening. He’d received quite a few texts and voice mails that day and had considered calling one of them around midnight before Megan had interrupted his scrolling through his cell phone. However, he’d enjoyed spending time with Sydney and witnessed a side of her that he’d never experienced firsthand. Sure, she was still a pistol, but being with her today had been a welcome distraction from his life.

      After his shower, Bryce ventured back into the living room to find her still sleeping soundly. He didn’t want to move her, but she needed to be comfortable in a bed. Her bedroom was on the other side of the house, and while she seemed fine, he didn’t feel at ease being so far away from her should something happen.

      * * *

      Sydney shot straight up, squinting her eyes at the sunlight that was streaming through the opened blinds. She wasn’t a morning person even though she got up early most mornings. She was never ready to see sunlight until she had a cup of coffee. She glanced at the clock on the nightstand, which read seven-thirty. She slammed back to the bed and pulled the covers up over her head to shield the natural light. Her nose inhaled Bryce’s scent and she shot up again, noticing her surroundings for the first time. Black-and-white French country comforter with matching drapes and hot-pink toss pillows. While she was in her home, she wasn’t in her bed. She was in the guest room, where she’d told Bryce to sleep. Her eyes scanned the room. His suit and dress shirt were laid across the off-white chaise lounge in the corner and his gym bag sat on the floor next to the door. Slowly, she pivoted her head to the right of the bed and noticed she was alone. But the pillow had an indent and his expensive watch rested on the nightstand.

      She pulled the covers back and stepped her bare feet onto the cherry hardwood. She had a habit of throwing off her socks in the middle of the night and was relieved that was all she’d thrown off, for she preferred to sleep in the nude.

      The door opened, and Bryce entered with a tray. The scent of hot coffee perked up her senses.

      “You look well rested,” he said in a chipper voice, setting the tray on the nightstand.

      “I am.” She reached for the coffee and sipped. It was flavored with hazelnut cream and stimulated her taste buds. “Thank you for the coffee. did I end up in here...” She paused and glanced at the other side of the bed. “With you?”

      “You fell asleep on the couch so I brought you in here. I didn’t want to leave you alone just in case you had a seizure or something.”

      “Oh...thank you.”

      He’d spoken casually. No stumbling or hesitations. No reason not to believe him.

      Sydney eyeballed the Greek yogurt with strawberries along with an omelet and toast. While she wasn’t a big breakfast eater, everything looked and smelled scrumptious. She grabbed the bowl of yogurt and sat back against the pillows.

      “You slept in here, too?” she asked, stirring the strawberries into the yogurt while waiting impatiently for his answer.

      He cleared his throat and slid his hands into his pockets. “I did...but way on the other side of the my workout clothes,” he stuttered bashfully.

      Her eyes scanned over his Harvard Law T-shirt and blue sweats.

      She nodded her head. His mannerisms displayed it was all innocent so she