The Highland Laird's Bride. Nicole Locke. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Nicole Locke
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современная зарубежная литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781474042406
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using the last of their hidden supplies. They’d fall to further ruin before the day was over.

      ‘Where are your brothers?’ Lioslath asked instead.

      ‘Our brothers are arguing and muddying themselves as usual.’

      ‘Have you talked to them?’

      Lioslath knew Gillean couldn’t possibly have said anything about what he wanted from Laird Colquhoun in return for keeping quiet. Whilst she knew little of them, she was sure the children couldn’t have forgotten the bribe. But if Bram had given the children their gifts, Fyfa would surely be beaming with the news. Bram probably had ribbons hidden in his camp for just such a manipulating purpose. Just as he hid that well-calculated feast.

      ‘As little as possible now that we’re free.’

      Lioslath felt a pang. The confinement had been hard on her. At Fyfa’s age, it would have been unbearable. Still, she hadn’t expected her siblings to feel the same way. She thought them too different from her. But Bram said they wanted to scamper... Bram, again, and his too-observing eyes. ‘We’re not free while the Colquhouns plague us.’

      ‘Plague, when there’s a feast and festivities? Although I will have to bring Eoin and Gillean under my wing again. I’ve told them the dangers of stilt walking, but I do believe they weren’t taking me seriously.’

      Oh, Fyfa and her flourishing speeches. She acted very much like the lady of the manor. No doubt when she was grown, she’d make a fine lady.

      It was one of her father’s dearest wishes. One of the reasons Busby married the Colquhoun’s sister had been to obtain a mother for Fyfa. One who would raise her gently to be a lady.

      But Gaira fled and their father was killed. Looking at Fyfa only reminded her of the loss of her own mother and the horrible years of pain and banishment in between.

      ‘You need to find work,’ she retorted. ‘You and the boys are too idle.’

      She worked when she was their age. What did they think made anything better? Hard work. That was what she’d done all her life. All she got was meagre results, but she got them. Play earned nothing. These festivities were as useless.

      Fyfa’s expression fell flat and the light died in her eye. ‘Work again.’

      ‘Aye, work again.’ Even as Lioslath said the words, there was something in her heart that ached as Fyfa’s smile faltered.

      ‘Someone has been stealing my oatcakes.’ Donaldo took great strides towards them.

      Fyfa’s expression immediately changed to outrage. Clenching fists to her sides, she declared, ‘Those boys! I haven’t had any!’ Without looking back, Fyfa stomped away.

      ‘Did those boys truly steal oatcakes?’ Lioslath asked.

      ‘Do you think they’d dare?’ Donaldo said.

      No, they wouldn’t have dared cross broad-shouldered, broad-hipped Donaldo. No one would.

      Donaldo had been Lioslath’s mother’s closest friend, and while she couldn’t call Donaldo a friend, she didn’t feel as awkward with her as she did with the rest of her clan. When Lioslath’s father died, it was Donaldo who had first given her loyalty to Lioslath, who stood beside her when the English came. She was always fierce, but now Donaldo’s usual scowl was deeper.

      Lioslath felt a fissure of worry. ‘What has happened?’

      ‘Preparations for the celebrations are going well.’

      ‘That isn’t it.’ Lioslath couldn’t care less about the celebrations and Donaldo would know that. ‘What didn’t you want Fyfa to hear?’

      ‘All day he’s been watching you.’

      Lioslath knew what she meant. She knew Bram was watching her, just as she kept watching him. Had their watching become a habit because of the siege? No, it felt different this time. She wasn’t only observing him from a distance. This close, she felt as though she participated in his preparations.

      Everything about him was vibrant, his smile ever ready. He talked with his clansmen, attempted to talk to hers. There was an energy about him she’d never felt before. A purpose.

      She frowned. He had a purpose she admired. But she wouldn’t admire the Colquhoun. His purpose here was to play foolish games.

      She shrugged. ‘Should it matter?’

      ‘Aye, it matters when he gazes at you like a man does a woman,’ Donaldo said.

      ‘He’s probably only checking to see if I’m going to stop the competition.’

      ‘Are you?’ Donaldo knew her well.

      ‘It’s wasteful when so much has been prepared.’

      ‘Ah, then you intend on showing off.’

      Lioslath more than intended. Although weakened, she was still the best marksman of her clan.

      ‘He won’t like it,’ Donaldo warned. ‘There will be consequences.’

      ‘He’s not the English.’

      ‘You took too many risks then as well. Facing them the way you did. Not consulting with any of us before you ran out of those stables. Offering them everything, when some of the men would have fought.’

      ‘If they had done so, they would have died. I gave them everything and nae one was hurt.’

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