Love Contract. Lisa Watson. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Lisa Watson
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современные любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781472011732
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to help himself, Adrian moved closer. “First of all, you don’t know me well enough to automatically accuse me of lying.”

      Milán snorted loudly. “Don’t I? They say you can tell much about a person’s character in the first few moments of meeting them.”

      “So what makes you an expert?”

      “Experience. Though, I didn’t heed that advice in my own life until it was too late. The results were disastrous, and something I’m not inclined to repeat.”

      “If we’d just met, in addition to you obviously being a poor judge of character,” he countered, “I could say that you’re a, hothead that can’t hold her temper—and a poor kisser.”

      A gasp escaped Milán’s lips. “How dare you,” she said indignantly. “You think you can take what you want without consequence and everyone is supposed to fall in line and do your bidding? You’re so conceited it’s appalling.”

      With a shrug, Adrian leaned against the sink. “I tend to stray from doing the expected. Tell me, Miss Dixon, why do you think I’m here?”


      “You don’t believe my explanation, and since you’re an expert, you must have a theory.”

      “I hope it’s not one of those dates your mother likes to fix people up on. If it is, she’s wasting her time. I’ve sworn off egotistical men.”

      He snickered. “This is hardly a date. If it were, it would be the most hostile one I’ve ever been on.”

      “Well then I guess you’re just here to ruin my evening.”

      He couldn’t help but smile. “You think I was so unable to resist your alluring personality, I found out you’d be here and rushed right over under the guise of being in the neighborhood?”

      The condescending tone in his voice grated on Milán’s nerves. She glared at him. “Yes.”

      “Now who’s full of themselves?”

      “Normally I’m a very nice person, except when I’m insulted by complete strangers and accosted in their offices.”

      His smiled faded. “I didn’t accost you, and I tried to apologize if you recall.”

      “You verbally assaulted me, and kissed me without my permission. Then you give me some lame, stammered-over apology and you think I’m supposed to be okay with that? I don’t know what kind of women you’re used to dealing with, Mr. Anderson, but I am not some simpering idiot who can’t see past that insincere smile you pasted on your face.”

      “It wasn’t my fault. I thought were a setup. My mother’s always fixing me up. I just assumed you were her latest manipulation. I’m trying to make amends, Miss Dixon, but it’s difficult when you’re not trying to see this for what it was—an honest mistake.”

      Milán crossed her arms over her chest. “Both of us being here will be a disaster. I think one of us should leave.”

      A lazy smile started at the corner of his mouth. “I guess you could—if I make you that uncomfortable.”

      Her eyes darkened. “Nothing you do makes me uncomfortable.”

      As if a gauntlet had been tossed, Adrian pushed away from the sink and sauntered toward Milán. He didn’t touch her, but she took a few steps in the opposite direction anyway.

      “Are you sure about that?”


      Adrian lowered his voice to barely a whisper. “So you haven’t thought about our kiss not once since you left my office?”

      Milán paled. “Your kiss, Mr. Anderson, not mine and no, I haven’t.”

      A smug look crossed his face. “I don’t believe you, Miss Dixon. My guess is you did, and just thinking about it makes you...uncomfortable.”

      Her head tilted slightly to the side. “Then you’d be mistaken,” she replied sweetly. “A bruise to that overinflated ego of yours no doubt, but I’m sure you’ll get over it. Besides, I’m not a good kisser, remember?”

      Before he could retort, Norma Jean sailed into the kitchen.

      Milán wondered if Adrian’s mother was either oblivious, or purposefully ignoring the tension coating the air like melted caramel on an apple.

      “I’m thrilled you two are getting along so well,” she commented. “You know, I honestly had my doubts whether you would after Adrian—”

      “No point rehashing that again, Mom. I’m sure Milán has forgiven me that minor mix-up.” His eyes held a hint of challenge. “Isn’t that right, Miss Dixon?”

      “So, how was your showing?” Milán asked, not bothering to answer his question.

      “Great,” he replied, playing along. “The couple seemed very interested. The house is all brick, has upgrades galore and custom hardwood floors with cherry inlays. They’ll probably make an offer.”

      “Have we moved dinner in here?” Heathcliffe inquired, coming through the kitchen door.

      Norma Jean motioned everyone to the table. Adrian held out his mother’s chair while his father assisted Milán. Minutes later, Heathcliffe was about to say grace when the doorbell rang.

      “You expecting anyone else, sweetheart?” he asked his wife.

      “Not that I’m aware of.”

      Adrian rose from his seat. “I’ll get it.”

      He excused himself and left the room. When he opened the front door, Justin was standing there.

      “Cutting it close, aren’t you?” he whispered.

      “In-law insanity,” Justin muttered.

      When his wife reached the landing, he put an arm around her waist.

      Adrian kissed Sabrina on the cheek. “How are you, Brina?”

      Sabrina Ridgemont Langley returned Adrian’s quick peck and followed her husband inside.

      “Just fine and you?”

      “Never better. We’re just starting dinner.”

      “What?” Sabrina’s eyes widened with dismay. “Oh, dear. Justin saw your car and wanted to stop and say hi. We should’ve called first.” She backed up, tugging on her husband’s sleeve as she went. “Give our regards to everyone, okay?”

      “He’ll do no such thing,” Norma Jean called from behind Adrian.

      “You two lovebirds come right in and join us. We’ve got plenty. I’ve made a roast and my signature mashed potatoes.” She winked at Justin.

      “Music to my ears, Ms. Jeanie.”

      “If you’re sure—” Sabrina began.

      “You know I love company, and this is turning into a real dinner party.”

      After everyone was settled, Norma Jean made introductions and then asked Adrian to get two more place settings. He was trying to locate cloth napkins when Milán came in.

      “Your mother asked me to get another trivet.”

      Adrian retrieved the napkins from an upper cabinet. “Sure,” he told her.

      He walked across the room, grabbed one from a drawer and handed it to Milán.

      “I was more than capable of getting it.”

      “I’m sure you’re very capable in whatever you do,” Adrian drawled.

      She rolled her eyes before snatching the trivet from him. Milán started to leave and stopped. A brief expression of uncertainty crossed her face. How the night had unfolded was causing her a moment of suspicion.