Come Together. Madelynne Ellis. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Madelynne Ellis
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Эротика, Секс
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780007579525
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nipples. They were both pierced, though he appeared to have removed one ring.

      ‘Xane, they couldn’t stop me loving you even before we met, they’ve no chance now.’ Their arguments were stupid and their logic flawed. Besides, even if it all ended tomorrow, it’d still have been worth it for the time they had spent together.

      ‘We’ve about ten minutes before they’re going to want me backstage.’

      ‘Yeah?’ Dani teased one of his nipple rings, sucking it into her mouth, so that she left a darker patch on the midnight-blue fabric of his shirt. Xane hissed and arched against her, so that she could feel the growing swell of his erection pressed tight to her pussy. For all the horrors in his life, his ability to get turned on never seemed to diminish.

      ‘I just want you to know that’s not nearly enough time to do all the things I need to do to you.’ He cupped the side of her breast, rubbed her already tight nipples with the heel of his hand. ‘You’re so mine when this show is over.’

      ‘I’m already yours.’

      Xane kissed the top of each breast then kept on dipping his head lower. His hands led the way, releasing her fly and tugging down her jeans so that they hung around her thighs. ‘It’s been agony without you.’

      Oh, hell! He was going to raise her temperature to fever point and she’d end up burning, while he rocked the roof off the goddamned stadium. Still, she didn’t want him to stop. No way.

      ‘That’s a very pretty pair of panties you have on.’ He curled one finger into them. They were black, with the Black Halo band logo embroidered on the front. Her best friend Ginny had purchased them online and insisted that she wear them, claiming Xane would love them. She didn’t know about love, but he certainly seemed bemused by them. ‘I didn’t think they were on sale yet.’

      ‘Internet,’ she squeaked, as his kisses edged closer to her pussy. He tickled the curve of her belly, then her inner thigh.

      ‘I hope these are official and not bootleg.’

      ‘Do I have to forfeit them if they’re illegal merchandise?’ She tensed, waiting for the first touch of his tongue against her clit, while also wondering if he’d edge down her knickers, or suckle her through the cotton. Knowing Xane, he might simply rip them right off.

      ‘They’re coming off anyway.’ He lowered them just far enough to expose her already pink and begging clit.

      Xane’s tongue made contact, sending a supercharge of energy hurtling along her synapses. Her legs almost buckled beneath her. Dani clasped hold of his head and clung on for dear life, her fingers woven into the black strands of his hair.

      Every one of Xane’s kisses melted her, no matter which part of her body he touched, but when he kissed her here, in this most private place, she struggled to maintain her calm. He made it virtually impossible not to thrash and scream from the pure, raw pleasure he fed her.

      ‘Need you to come for me, Dani. I want to go out there with your taste still on my tongue. I want to howl at that crowd, welcome them to the show with your scent on my skin.’

      Just the thought of that … oh, boy, it undid her. ‘Fingers – I need your fingers,’ she insisted.

      ‘Like this?’ He slid two inside her, used them to fuck her, while he rolled the soft pad of his thumb against the base of her clit. Perfect. Absolutely perfect.

      Someone hammered on the outside of the door that she hadn’t realised he’d pinned her against. ‘Xane, two minutes.’

      Dani shook as the pressure built inside her. Bright pinpricks of light flashed across the insides of her eyelids as she squeezed her eyes closed. ‘Oh, God! I don’t think I can …’ Not while she knew there were people outside waiting for them.

      ‘Just relax, let it happen. There, isn’t it?’ he asked, adjusting the way he had his fingers curled, so that they nudged repeatedly against some incredibly sensitive spot inside her pussy. Immediately, it sent her whole nervous system into raptures. ‘There it is. There.’ She came hard against his beautiful mouth.

      ‘Oh, God,’ she sighed again, when, not content with one explosion, he pushed her headlong towards another. The second wasn’t any less quiet. Only the door behind her and Xane’s firm grip upon her legs kept her upright. He reached up and offered her his fingers to bite down on. ‘That’s it. Ride it, Dani. I can feel you tugging me deeper. I want to get inside you so badly.’

      ‘Now, Xane.’ A second person, one with seemingly far less patience, rattled the door handle.

      Xane brushed a hand across his fly, squeezed, but there was no time for anything else. Still, he held her until the tremors faded from her limbs. Only when she’d fully regained her composure did he lift her panties back into place and refasten her jeans. He didn’t wipe his fingers or his mouth, just smeared on a demonic pout. ‘Every time I lift the microphone, I’m going to get a hit of you, and I’ll remember you’re waiting for me. That’s going to get me through this.’

      For the briefest moment, she saw a flash of the torment waging in his soul. Then he grabbed her hand and opened the door. Rock Giant stood on the opposite side, his knuckles raised ready to hammer on the wood.

      ‘For fuck’s sake, how many calls do you need?’ He scowled at Dani. Xane squeezed her hand, reminding her that he was there, and she was his. She didn’t need to feel intimidated, even if Black Halo’s bass guitarist did stand well over six feet, and the spikes in his hair probably added another ten inches. ‘Put the girl down. We’re up.’

       Chapter 6

      Xane was definitely up. Dani couldn’t divert her gaze from his loins and the evidence of that fact, all the way from his dressing-room door to the green room. Surely he couldn’t walk on stage like that? He’d get done for obscenity or something.

      ‘Are you really going to walk out there hard?’ She reached across and gave his cock a little squeeze.

      Xane repressed a groan, but a flash of excitement shot from the centres of his eyes. ‘It won’t be the first time.’

      ‘Someone else got you this excited?’

      He fell quiet and got a strange faraway look in his eyes. Damn, she ought to have realised. Only one person made his vision cloud like that. Dani moved her hand and squeezed his fingers instead. She didn’t want him choked up on memories. Nor did she want the reminder of his fluid sexuality. She thought she probably ought to say or do something, but they had reached the backstage area and all of a sudden there were too many people around for them to discuss anything so private.

      Her worries about Xane quickly passed as they were thrown in the whirl of activity. Dani realised it was the first time she’d seen the whole band together in one place. Her inner fan-girl took over, so she was sporting a stupid grin she couldn’t dislodge. Spook and Ash were chatting to a couple of the road crew. Elspeth Shriik was sipping water through a straw while glaring with undisguised hatred at Iain Willows, who wasn’t at all what Dani had expected.

      In her mind’s eye she’d dressed him in tight black leathers, with one of those strange bolero-type jackets that covered the arms and fastened above the abs but left the whole chest on display. She’d envisaged him being kind of hot, but borderline sleazy too. Only he wasn’t that. He wasn’t really very Black Halo-ish either. He looked more pop than rock with his razor-cut hair and his thick beetling eyebrows, as if he’d come straight from entertaining the tweenage crowd. No wonder Xane had his doubts. Luthor would definitely have been a more obvious fit. She wondered if he’d returned to the sound booth to help Ulf or if he’d actually walked out.

      One of the crew fitted Xane with an earpiece, while another supplied him with a banana. ‘Pre-gig ritual,’ he explained, in response to her curious stare. ‘It’s hard work out there. This stops me coming