Kiss Me Twice. Geri Guillaume. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Geri Guillaume
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современные любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781472019110
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always thought that was a ridiculous exaggeration. It didn’t happen in real life. Certainly not to her. She wasn’t the type of woman who was swayed by physical appearances. She wasn’t that shallow. Not anymore. Since graduating from college—and her one lapse of judgment at that homecoming party—she’d learned a valuable lesson: forming emotional attachments based purely on physical appearances didn’t work out. At least, not for her.

      Yet, there she was, sitting in that chair, staring up at the man with skin like sweet golden honey, looking into wide hazel eyes and seriously wondering what it would take to get him to remember her. What would she have to do to get him thinking about her, looking at her the way he did back then—with deliberate attention and single-mindedness of purpose?

       Get a grip on yourself, Phaedra! This man is a client.

      This man was big trouble. It only took him a moment to cross the room with his long-legged strides before Phaedra came to another snap decision. This was one potential client she was going to drop like a hot rock. Forget all the time she’d already sunk into preparing for this meeting. If she had any real sense, she should end the meeting right here, right now. What made her believe she could face him after all this time and not let it affect her reason?

      Phaedra’s mind scrambled to find a reasonable excuse for why she’d suddenly have to leave. A mix-up in her schedule. An emergency call from the office. Yes, that sounded plausible. Anything sounded better than telling him that she had serious doubts about her ability to keep business on her mind while he was around. She’d just have to apologize for wasting his time. But she’d only do it from the relative safety of her car, call him from her cell phone as she was burning rubber out of the parking lot.

      “Ms. Burke-Carter.” Bastien approached her, holding out his hand in greeting. “Sorry to keep you waiting.”

      His voice had the same sexy Southern quality as she remembered from their phone conversation. Same, yet different, if she could at all explain it. There was no distraction of coffee shop chatter this time or the rumble of railcars passing by her to mute the effects of Bastien’s speech. Now she had the full effect of his voice directed at her.

      Unprotected, unshielded, Phaedra felt caught in a maelstrom as vivid memories and raw emotions that she thought she’d long buried swirled inside her. Fifteen years was a long time to forget. Not long enough, apparently. It was unsettling, this uncontrollable urge to run for cover. Phaedra wasn’t used to feeling this way. She wasn’t sure if she liked it. At the same time, she found herself wishing that she could indulge in it more. She had to do something to get her wits about her. What could she do to stall for time?

       Chapter 6

       B astien sensed that Phaedra was agitated. He could tell from across the room by the look on her face and in the slow, deliberate way she set her magazine down on the table. She didn’t say a word from her chair but stood up to face him first. He’d extended his hand to her, yet she’d left him hanging out there just long enough for him to start to feel foolish. Before he could draw it back, she slipped her hand into his, pressing her warm palm against his palm.

      Phaedra’s hand was slender with neatly manicured natural nails. No colored polish, her nails were highly buffed until they shone as if lacquered. Her grip was firm and filled with confidence as she pumped his hand several times and looked him squarely in the eyes. When he looked into hers, he experienced a powerful moment of déjà vu. Something about those expressive eyes seemed so familiar. Dark, serious and shining with intelligence and intensity. Chas had been right. This woman meant business.

      Maybe staring at her picture in their school annual and clicking through her Web site convinced him that he knew her. Coupled with the fact that Solly had said they’d gone to some of the same parties, all of that registered with him. That had to be the explanation for his feeling of instantaneous recognition and connection. All of the anxiety that Bastien had felt about asking her to meet with him dispersed into the air of confidence that surrounded her. Everything was going to be all right. Somehow, he knew that before she spoke a single word.

      “Mr. Thibeadaux, thank you for taking the time out of your day to meet with me.”

      She greeted him politely, with an undertone of a gentle rebuke for keeping her waiting. Bastien smiled at her, letting her know that he understood exactly what she was telling him. He admired the fact that she could do it with a smile and not put him on the defensive. This Phaedra Burke-Carter was well put together. Perfect makeup. Not a hair out of place. Tailored suit. She spoke in clipped, clearly enunciated sentences. A woman like that didn’t run late. She would always be as punctual, and as tightly wound, as the proverbial Swiss clock.

      He had every intention of being there in the reception area to greet her before she got here. First impressions were crucial ones. He’d been gearing up for this meeting since they’d spoken on Tuesday. He’d worked on his attitude, as Solly reminded him. The fact that Chas found some extra money to put back into his budget gave him another lift.

      Back in his office, Bastien had all the information she’d asked for neatly boxed and labeled, waiting for her to go through them. A full hour before she was expected to arrive, he kept stepping into the office where all the security camera monitors fed into. As soon as he saw her pull up to the guard shack, he headed straight for the reception area.

      Despite his best intentions, when he left his office, three employees came at him at once, each one with a different problem for him to address. Two of them Bastien easily put off; the third required immediate attention. By the time he sorted it out with Alonzo, the receptionist was paging him again.

      “Did you have any trouble finding us?” Bastien made polite conversation.

      “No, not really. I’m accustomed to navigating around the city.”

      “This isn’t exactly downtown Houston. We’re a little out of the way.”

      “But I made it,” she insisted.

      “On time, too.” Bastien couldn’t resist teasing her.

      “I don’t like keeping my clients waiting. I know how valuable their time is.”

      “But since this first consult is pro bono, we can splurge a little on the time expenditure, eh, Ms. Burke-Carter.”

      “Did I happen to mention in our conversation that only the first hour is free, Mr. Thibeadaux?”

      “Ready to get started then?” Bastien said briskly. Chas had been right; those Burke-Carters didn’t mess around.

      “Of course. That’s why I’m here.”

      “Right this way.” Bastien gestured toward the doors leading back to the offices. “Through those doors and down the hall. My office is the fourth door on the left.”

      Phaedra inclined her head in a silent, regal way to say thank you, scooped up her briefcase and started to move ahead of him. As she walked ahead, Bastien hung back, admiring the view. Everything about the deep, cherry red-and-black houndstooth suit she wore boasted success to Bastien. It was a refreshing change from the jeans, khakis and coveralls that were made a necessity around CT Inspectorate by the nature of their work. Phaedra’s two-button jacket accentuated her slender waist and flared out slightly over her hips. Hips that had just the barest hint of a roll when she walked. Her skirt was of a sensible length, hugging her curves without straining fabric across her bottom and stopping just at her knees. The silky underlining of her skirt made a soft swish-whoosh as she walked. Barely noticeable, yet loud enough for a man whose senses were suddenly made hyperalert by her presence to hear. The heels of her black leather shoes echoed softly on the tile floor. There was just enough lift in those open-toed, three-inch heels to draw attention to her calves.

      There was an awkward moment while they were swapping lead positions. He was torn between watching her or moving ahead to push open the door for her. Decisions. Decisions. It was hard to switch between derriere watching to being debonair.

      Phaedra stopped abruptly, allowing him room to pass. “Fourth door on the left, did you say, Mr. Thibeadaux?”