Redemption's Kiss. Ann Christopher. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Ann Christopher
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современные любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781408921685
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why not?”

      “Because it reminds me!”

      “Reminds you of what?”

      He faltered, his expression filling with so much self-loathing and shame that she was surprised he didn’t grab the nearest chef’s knife and jab himself under the fingernails in punishment.

      Opening his mouth, he hesitated again, and when he finally spoke it was with the helpless sincerity and vulnerability of someone unearthing a piece of his soul and exposing it to bright sunlight for the first time ever.

      “All the work I have to do on myself.”

      Jillian stared at him.

      Well, what the hell was she supposed to say to that? That he didn’t have work to do? Or maybe she should emphasize the obvious—that he had so much work to do he really needed to look into overtime and weekend options.

      If she was smart, she’d just wish him good luck and tell him to get started on it down the street at his own house and well away from her. Why did he have to wallow in his determined martyrdom right here in her house?

      Only, he didn’t look like he was wallowing or seeking pity. He looked like a man stating a simple fact without realizing that the simple fact tore her to shreds.

      He had work to do on himself. Fine, Beau. Fine.

      “Do all the work you want,” she told him. “It doesn’t matter one way or the other to me.”

      A shadow crossed his face, maybe because he knew she was lying.

      “But I don’t intend to watch you kill yourself.” She waved a hand to the heavy oak bench against the wall under the far window. “You can sit down, or you can leave. I’d prefer that you leave, but it’s your choice.”

      He didn’t miss a beat, the bastard. “Sit with me, Jill.”

      She resisted for a second, hating him.

      He waited.

      The shallow harshness of his breath finally did her in. They’d sit. He’d gather a little strength. Then he’d leave. Brilliant. She had a plan.

      “You have one minute.”

      Furious, she marched the few steps to the bench and sat. He followed with painstaking care, planting a foot and then the cane, a foot and then the cane.

      A thousand deaths claimed her in those few seconds while she glared off in the other direction and tracked his progress with her heart in her throat, ready to spring up and catch him if he wobbled or fell.

      He didn’t, thank God.

      Arriving at last, he sat with a poorly stifled groan and stretched out that bad leg, rubbing his thigh. Seinfeld, sensing his discomfort in the unerring way pets do, ambled over and watched, making sure he wasn’t needed. When Beau was settled at last, he rested his chin on Beau’s lap and looked up at him with concern in his dark brown eyes, while Jillian worked hard to hate both man and dog.

      “The Celtics called,” Beau said. “They want me to play forward for them. I told them I’d think about it.”

      This was not funny. She would not laugh at his jokes, nor would she admire his strength, determination and humility. He would not affect her; she wouldn’t let him.

      “Fifty seconds,” she said, not looking at him. “Tick tock.”

      “Can I see Allegra today?”

      “Of course.”

      “Thank you.”

      There was a pause during which he apparently decided to press his luck. “Can I get more time with her every week?”

      No. Hell, no. A billion times no. If only she were petty enough to keep a girl from her devoted father. Life would be so much easier that way.


      “Will you come back to me?” What?

      Jillian whipped her head around, prepared to blast him to kingdom come, but his wry half smile stopped her and dried the words right out of her mouth.

      “Just thought I’d ask. While you’re being so agreeable. It was worth a shot.”

      Okay. Game over. She’d tried to be a mature adult, but she had another seventy or eighty years of growing up to do before she’d be ready to deal with his teasing. Time for him to go. Lunging to her feet, she took a step toward the door.

      “I think we’re done here—”

      To her utter astonishment and horror, he took her hand and, before she could protest or snatch it away, laced their fingers. Too bad her body didn’t know that she’d written him off forever and that it should not, therefore, physically respond to him ever again.

      Heat flashed through her, a potent and unnecessary warning that although some things had changed, other things could never change. The scorching touch of his skin still undid her and their hands still fit together like the pieces of Allegra’s giant alphabet puzzle upstairs. Whether she wanted to fit with him or not didn’t matter. She just did.

      “I’ve told you.” His low voice was hoarse now, overflowing with emotion. “We’re not done.”

      The violent contraction of her heart nearly doubled her over, but she gathered her strength and tried to get free. This man would not do this to her, not in her own damn kitchen.

      “No, Beau—”

      Keeping her hand, he pressed it to his chest, where she felt the unrelenting pounding that matched what was going on with her own haywire pulse.

      “We have a lot of work to do, Jill, but we can heal our marriage.”

      With rising desperation, she yanked on her hand again, ready to part with it if that was what it took to get him to stop touching her. But he let her go and she backed up a step, fueled by her fear.

      “The fact that there’s been a divorce means there’s no marriage. You should check that out when you get a free minute. Divorce and marriage—they’re mutually exclusive.”

      The sarcasm rolled right off him, deflected by an unholy light in his eyes that looked like determination to the millionth power. “I don’t mean to scare you and I’ll try not to pressure you. But I won’t give up, either. There’s too much between us.”

      If only she could deny it. If only she could open her mouth, laugh and say, “Screw you, buddy! I felt nothing when you touched me just now! Nuuuu-thing!”

      But the lie wouldn’t come and her hand still tingled from his touch.

      So she went on offense, which was the next best thing.

      Shrugging, she did her best to look bored and indifferent. “Do what you want. It’s your time to waste. But I’ve moved on. I’m dating someone now.”

      The little bit of remaining color leached away from his face, but she gave him high marks for a quick recovery and managing his shock.

      “Dating? Who’s the lucky guy?”

      Jillian opened her mouth, ready to rub his nose in it, but that was pretty hard when she suddenly couldn’t remember the guy’s name or face.

      “None of your business,” she said instead.

      Beau absorbed the blow like a man. “I’m not seeing anyone.”

      “Wow. That’s a first. Have you called the people at Guinness?”

      A flash of dark humor lit his eyes, but he said nothing.

      “I have to get working on lunch, so—buh-bye.”

      At last—at last, Lord, glory hallelujah—he pressed himself to his feet, gathered his cane in one hand and Seinfeld’s leash in the other, and headed for the door.

      Jillian all