Our First Embrace. Judy Hubbard Lynn. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Judy Hubbard Lynn
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современные любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781472071705
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moment. “Come on, let’s call it a night.”

      She hesitated for a second and then gave in and preceded him out.

      Chapter 3

      Once the elevator doors closed, for the first time in her life, Nicole experienced claustrophobia—the result of being alone in a confined space with Alexander. This man was too enigmatic for his own good—and, more important, for hers. What in reality was a quick ride down to the lobby seemed to take forever. When finally the doors opened, Nicole breathed a silent sigh of relief, though she expected her relief would be short-lived once she was trapped with Alexander in the close confines of what she instinctively knew would be a tiny sports car.

      They said good-night to the guard and walked out. When they reached the curb, confirming her silent suspicions, a flame-red Ferrari convertible was waiting for them.

      “Thanks for bringing my car around, Jacques.” Alexander patted the guard on the back.

      “No problem, Mr. James.” Jacques smiled. “I enjoy any chance to drive such a fine machine.”

      “She’s something, isn’t she?” Alex proudly glanced at his car.

      “And then some,” Jacques agreed before walking back into the building.

      “Wow.” Nicole’s eyes widened appreciatively as they traveled over the sleek curvaceous lines of the car that reminded her of the man about to drive it—sleek, powerful and gorgeous. Alexander opened the door and helped her inside before walking around and sliding behind the wheel.

      The rich smell of leather assailed her. The black-and-tan dashboard and steering wheel contained a multitude of controls. It looked like a complicated airplane panel. For a car that cost upward of $300,000, she would expect nothing less.

      “How do you like my baby?” He caressed the black leather steering wheel, and his left thumb pressed a button to start the car. The powerful engine roared to life, and he wasn’t even depressing the accelerator. “She’ll go from zero to sixty in three seconds.”

      “She’s stunning.” Nicole sighed gratefully as the contoured tan leather seat conformed to her body as if custom made for her. “Breathtaking.”

      Alex flashed a quick grin. “Fast cars are one of my vices.”

      “One?” She cocked a teasing eyebrow. “How many vices do you have?”

      “A few.” His grin transformed into a devilish smile. “Fasten your seat belt.” Once she did, he sped off. When he noticed her right hand clutching the armrest he asked, “You’re not afraid of a little speed are you?”

      “Not at all,” Nicole said. “It’s just that the engine is so loud and menacing.”

      “Oh, it is. This baby can really eat up the road.”

      “You can say that again.” Nicole tensed as his baby proved his point.

      “Relax.” Alex reassuringly squeezed her left knee. “I promise to get you to the hotel safely.”

      Suddenly her apprehension at being a passenger in such a powerful machine vanished. Alexander’s touch ignited forbidden passions within her. Even through the material of her pants, where his hand rested, her skin burned. Her eyes pivoted from his hand resting comfortably on her knee back to his profile.

      As if realizing what he had unconsciously done, he removed his hand quickly and placed it on the center console. Neither of them made mention of his actions, but each was keenly aware of them.

      For the remainder of the drive, they said little and the tension between them grew as thick as dense fog. The spicy smell of his aftershave was driving her mad until she wanted to bury her nose in the crook of his neck and inhale deeply. What a handsome man. Stop that, Nicole, she silently ordered. He’s your boss.

      * * *

      The drive was short due to the speed at which he drove, His speed thankfully was somewhat constrained by traffic. She occasionally glanced at him, but his eyes remained focused on the road ahead.

      He came to a screeching stop in front of her hotel not a second too soon to save Nicole’s sanity. The doorman opened her door before Alexander could, but Alexander was there to take her hand and help her out of the car.

      “Well, here we are,” he announced.

      “And in one piece.” She placed a hand to her heart, and he chuckled.

      “Come on, my driving’s not that bad, is it?”

      “No. This is an insanely powerful car, but you handle her beautifully.”

      He liked the way she referred to his car as a person the way he did. Most women simply rolled their eyes when men personalized inanimate objects, but not Nicole. That was a mark in her favor—not that he was counting.

      “Thanks.” He followed her into the lobby, still holding her hand easily. “Once you drive one of these babies, you’ll never be satisfied with anything else.”

      “Well, that’s not likely to happen.”

      “Never say never,” he softly chided and then easily offered, “One day I’ll teach you to drive her.”

      “I’d be too terrified to attempt it,” Nicole declined with a smile.

      “She’ll be putty in your hands.”

      “Or I’ll be putty in hers.”

      “Don’t worry. I have a feeling you can handle her just fine.”

      His fingers absently caressed hers, and he heard her soft gasp at his subconscious actions. She pulled her hand from his, and he was keenly aware of the increased tempo in the pulse beating at the base of her neck. He longed to caress the spot with his lips and tongue. What was he thinking? Suddenly, nothing seemed more important than that he stay and spend some time alone with her, getting to know her better. But that overwhelming desire was one he dared not succumb to.

      She’s your employee, Alex. You’re not going down that road again! You know what happened the last time.

      “Good night.” He abruptly turned to leave. “See you in the morning.”

      “Bright and early,” she promised. “Thanks for the ride.”

      “You’re welcome.” He walked away before he succumbed to the overwhelming need to stay.

      * * *

      Nicole slowly walked to the elevator and entered. When she glanced up, Alexander was standing near the doorway, watching her. Her breath arrested at the look in his eyes—a look needing no definition or interpretation with words. Thankfully the doors closed, shutting him out of her view but not out of her mind.

      “He’s your boss, Nicole,” she forcefully reminded herself again. “That’s all he’ll ever be.”

      Yes, that’s what she repeatedly told herself, but she couldn’t beat back the nagging voice and feeling inside of her that challenged that assertion. Why, oh, why did she have to have these inappropriate feelings for Alexander?

      Oh, Lord, she was in big trouble, and she had no earthly idea of how she was going to get out of it.

      * * *

      Bright and early the next morning, after a somewhat restless night spent thinking about her worrisome attraction to Alexander, Nicole arrived at work at 7:00 a.m., and by 8:00, she had already downed five cups of coffee. Her excessive beverage intake necessitated a few trips to the ladies’ room. On her way back to her desk, she passed by Alexander’s slightly ajar door and quickly recognized Alexander and Victor’s voices.

      She had every intention of walking on by, but her feet became glued to the spot when her name was mentioned. She knew she shouldn’t eavesdrop, but curiosity to hear what they were saying about her kept her rooted in place. Unfortunately, when she heard Alex question