Her Perfect Candidate. Candace Shaw. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Candace Shaw
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современные любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781472071835
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looked up to see Steven walking down the elegant staircase of the restaurant. He, too, had dressed casually in khaki dress pants and a red golf shirt. His smile was simply charming, and she couldn’t help but return it as she walked toward him. She began to get a little wobbly in the knees, and she couldn’t stop smiling at the magnificent man in front of her. Heaven help me!

      * * *

      When Steven saw Megan looking up at him from the bottom of the staircase, he was captivated. He thought the dress she’d worn when he met her was sexy, but there she stood in jeans even sexier, and she wasn’t even trying.

      “Wow, you look great,” he said, reaching out his hand to her to lead her back upstairs. “Our table is up here. I was told it’s your favorite.”

      Once seated, the waiter took their drink and lunch order. Thirty minutes later, they were eating shrimp po’ boys and fries and laughing at all of the blind dates Megan had been on lately.

      “So let me get this straight,” Steven said, amused, “This dude was on a date with you trying to sell you a time-share?” He laughed again, taking a sip of his tea. “Did you buy one?”

      “No, I declined. Then he tried to tell me about some other get-rich-quick scheme. I have tons of stories.”

      “Why do your family and friends keep setting you up? You’re breathtaking. I would assume men ask you out all of the time.”

      She lowered her head and tried to stifle a smile when he mentioned she was breathtaking. He didn’t want to embarrass her. He was merely speaking the truth. She twirled a French fry around in the ketchup before looking back up and answering him.

      “They do, but I always cancel at the last minute or find some reason not to go on a second date. My girlfriends say I’m just being picky so they set me up with guys that they think would be perfect for me.”

      “So how many dates are we going to go on before you decide to dump me, too?” he asked jokingly.

      “This isn’t a date. We’re supposed to be discussing decorating your future home. You haven’t even looked at my portfolio yet.” She reached into her oversize leather tote bag and pulled out her tablet and slid it across the table to him.

      “To be honest, I’m having such a great time that I forgot this was supposed to be business luncheon. My meetings are usually with old men discussing politics, investments and golf. Not with an adorable woman cracking me up with her blind-date history.”

      “Trust me they weren’t that funny to be on, that’s for sure. I’ve asked my friends both politely and rudely to stop.”

      “Why do they keep setting you up? Did something happen in a past relationship?” he asked, thinking about what Shawn read earlier.

      “Ever since my last long-term relationship ended, they think I’m lonely for a man because all I do is work. But what they fail to realize is that I’m happy being single. I enjoy my freedom. I was with my ex for almost four years and my world was centered on him. I helped him start his medical practice right after I started my interior-decorating business with Jade. I began to lose sight of my dreams and ambitions that he wasn’t even being supportive of in the first place. After I found out he was cheating with a nurse in his office, I dumped him and focused on me and building my business. I’m not lonely, but no one seems to understand except me.”

      “They sound like my brother and campaign manager. Just earlier today, they were telling me to settle down with one person. They think that would somehow improve my image and give me a better shot of winning the nomination for my father’s seat.”

      “Well, you are a self-proclaimed playboy,” she said, shrugging her shoulders and rolling her eyes away from his with a grin.

      He chuckled at her sarcasm. “The media says that. Truth is, I’ve been married before—didn’t work out. Like you, I enjoy my single life. No strings. No attachments. No hearts to break.”

      “I wish I could just tell my family and friends I have a boyfriend so they can stop harassing me.” She threw the cloth napkin from her lap into her plate and sat back in her seat.

      Steven studied her angelic face, which at the moment appeared disturbed. He knew what she was going through. But now that he’d had met Megan, he wanted to get to know her better. Even though, it seemed as if she wanted to be single and free. Heck, so did he, but he knew he needed to settle down his dating habits and clean up his image if he wanted to win the nomination. Most of the potential candidates for his father’s seat were either engaged or married with families, summer homes and of course a beloved dog. He didn’t even have a dog.

      As he watched Megan, he saw the epitome of what he wanted in a woman. Graceful, refined, sexy without having to try, successful and independent. He was ready to learn about her other qualities, as well.

      “You know Megan, you could just tell them you’re dating me.”

      “But that would be a lie,” she answered, shaking her head.

      “It wouldn’t have to be.”

      “Steven, that’s ridiculous. We can’t do that.”

      “Think about it. Your family and friends want you to date and be happy. My campaign team feels I need to stick with one person. Why not?”

      “Because it wouldn’t be right. It would be dishonest, and I know despite your escapades with women, you’re an honest politician. You’re a good man, Steven.”

      “Thank you, but I need someone like you and...” he paused as he thought about something else Shawn said earlier. “You need me.”

      She leaned over the table toward him and whispered, “I don’t need to date you in name only to please my family and friends. Besides, I have a blossoming career thanks in part to having more free time to concentrate on it instead of cater to an ungrateful man.”


      “Yes, really.” She sat back against her booth seat.

      He leaned forward and whispered, “I can get you more clients and a chance to meet with the bigwigs of the Fabulous Living Channel. You can showcase your work on an upcoming show they’re doing this summer.”

      She blinked her lashes several times and stared in disbelief. “Decorator’s Dream?” she asked, leaning in toward him again with her eyes wide. Steven grabbed her hands in his when he thought he heard her heart beating faster.

      “Yep, that show.”

      “How do you know about that show? They’re only in the early-production stages.”

      “I know the creator.”

      “Justine Monroe? Jade and I sent her a copy of our portfolio and the audition video three months ago...” She stopped. She seemed to be pondering something, and Steven hoped it was a yes to his question. “Monroe...? Is she your ex-wife?”

      “No. First cousin. I could put in a good word for you if...”

      “If I agree to date you...in name only.”

      “Why do you keeping saying in name only? Am I not to get any special benefits?”

      “You’ll have the benefit of me on your arm, no more.”

      “So, that’s a yes, Ms. Chase?”

      “If I decide to do this, are you still going to see other women on the side?” Megan asked seriously.

      “No, I don’t intend to date anyone else. Unlike what you’ve read or heard through the grapevine about me, I don’t have dozens of girlfriends.”

      “I’m sure the word girlfriend isn’t in your vocabulary. So why me?”

      “Because I need a successful, intelligent and classy woman such as yourself on my arm,” he said. “Plus, you’re the quintessential girl-next-door, which is the type of woman I need in order to clean up my image.”