Groom by Arrangement. Rhonda Gibson. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Rhonda Gibson
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Исторические любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781472010100
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their permission. “Oh, thank you. If I can open my shop here, I’ll be able to save the money to rebuild.” Eliza jumped to her feet. “We can put my supplies in that corner until I can start making dresses. Oh, but I don’t have a sewing machine.” She felt as if the wind had been knocked out of her. Once more she was reminded of just how much she’d lost in the fire. Everything.

      “You can use mine,” Sally offered.

      Eliza dropped back down into her chair. “I didn’t know you had a sewing machine.”

      Pink colored Sally’s cheeks as she confessed, “Dan bought it for me as a wedding present, but I have no idea how to use it.”

      Once more Eliza felt her face break into a smile. “I’ll teach you when you come home.”

      Sally clapped her hands. “That would be wonderful. We’ll start with baby clothes. I still can’t believe I’m going to have a baby.” Her eyes sparkled with joy.

      Eliza felt a moment of remorse. She’d never have a baby and wondered what it would feel like. Charlie had wanted children, but after three years of marriage, they’d not had any. He had said it didn’t matter but she’d seen him watching children playing and knew that she’d disappointed him. She never wanted to see such deep disappointment in a man’s eyes again. Thankfully, she hadn’t been obliged to tell Miles Thatcher that she could never have children; she’d been saved from him turning away from her. Deep in her heart, Eliza believed no man could love a barren woman.

      * * *

      Jackson carried the small table toward the back of the house to the spare bedroom where they’d carried all the other heavy furniture. His back was tired, but the joy on Eliza’s face would be worth it. He still marveled that the Tuckers were so free with their home and business.

      “Why don’t you stay and have dinner with us, Jackson?” Dan offered, slapping him on the back.

      “Sounds good.” Jackson followed Dan into the dining room. The Tucker home was bigger on the inside than it looked from the road. So far he’d seen the main sitting room, three bedrooms and a dining room, and he knew there was a kitchen somewhere because the warm smells of pot roast filled the house.

      “Smells good, too,” Dan said, taking a seat at the square table. “Sally’s the best cook in town.”

      Jackson smiled. “I’m sure she is.” He sat down at the other end of the table.

      Sally entered the dining room, carrying a large platter of meat. “Have you men washed up?” She eyed Dan.

      He wiped his hands on his pants and nodded.

      “With soap and water?” she asked, placing the meat on the table.

      Jackson hid the grin that twitched at his lips. Dan reminded him of a boy with his hand caught in the cookie jar.

      “Come on, Jackson. She won’t believe us until she can smell the soap.” Dan’s chair scraped against the hardwood floor.

      “Dinner will be ready when you get back,” Sally called after them.

      Jackson couldn’t help but envy the warmth between the couple. Dan Tucker loved his wife, and she returned that love. It was in their eyes and voices every time they were together. He wondered if his parents had ever felt that way toward each other. If so, he’d never witnessed it.

      His father had left long before he could even walk. For years Jackson questioned why his pa had left them. Was it because he was so unlovable, as his mother had said? This was one of the questions he planned on asking John Hart, if he ever caught up to him.

      Where had those thoughts crept up from? Jackson finished washing his hands and they returned to the dining room. He was sure Dan had been talking the whole time, but for the life of him he couldn’t recall a word the other man had said.

      The table was set, and steaming bowls of potatoes, green beans and fresh rolls blended with the aroma of pot roast. How long had it been since he’d sat at such a fine dinner table? Too long.

      “What’s on your mind this evening, Jackson?” Dan asked.

      Jackson looked up. “Not much.” He hoped he hadn’t insulted his host with his quiet nature.

      Dan nodded. “I’ve been trying to think if there is anything else I need to tell you before we leave tomorrow.”

      “Did you mention Peter?” Sally took a seat next to Dan.

      Dan looked surprised. “I’d plumb forgotten about the boy. Let’s say grace and then I’ll fill you in, Jackson.”

      Jackson listened as Dan offered thanks. Not only did he bless the food, but he asked for travel mercies, as well. Sally added her amen at the end of the prayer. Jackson joined in. “Amen.”

      A soft knock sounded on the front door. “Excuse me.” Sally stood. “That will be Eliza Kelly. I invited her to dinner, as well.”

      “Give me a couple of minutes with Jackson, honey.” Dan reached for the green beans and began filling his plate.

      Sally nodded. “You better talk fast. I don’t want my dinner to get cold.” Her smile took the sting out of the words.

      Dan grinned back at his wife and watched her sashay toward the front of the house. Then he turned his attention back to Jackson. “This afternoon, Peter arrived at the smithy asking if I needed an apprentice. I told him no, and he started to cry.”

      “He started to cry?” Jackson almost dropped his fork.

      Dan nodded. “Yep. Boy is six years old and has no place else to go.”

      “So where is he now?” Jackson asked, wondering how anyone could turn out a six-year-old child.

      “In the front sitting room with Sally and Eliza. I sent him to Eliza this afternoon, until I could ask you if you will apprentice the boy.” Dan served himself a hunk of meat.

      Jackson frowned. “Where’s the boy’s family?”

      “Don’t know. He won’t say. He’s not a local. I figured if you’d agree to apprentice him, when Seth gets back into town he can find the boy’s parents. Until then, I can’t just turn him out.” Dan plopped a big spoonful of potatoes onto his plate. “So what do you say? Will you take him on?”

      Take on a small boy? Was he kidding? From the serious expression and the hiked-up eyebrow, Jackson assumed not. “There isn’t enough room for me and the boy in the small room off the smithy.”

      “Oh, I didn’t mean keep him with you in the room. I meant will you train him? At least until his parents can be found. He’ll be living here with Eliza and working with you during the day. She’s agreed to feed him and make sure he’s taken care of.” Dan added a couple of hot rolls to his plate.

      Jackson took a deep breath. “I suppose I can do that.”

      “Good.” Dan pushed away from the table. “I’ll go tell the women to come in now.”

      Every moment in Cottonwood Springs brought on new responsibilities. Jackson groaned. What had he gotten himself into?

      Chapter Six

      Eliza was in love.

      Peter, with his big green eyes, blond hair and dimples, had melted her heart the moment she’d met him. He didn’t talk much, but an easy smile covered his face as he explored everything around him.

      She held his hand as they entered the Tuckers’ dining room. Jackson sat at the table looking as if he’d eaten persimmons. His pinched face and stiff jaw said he wasn’t happy about the arrangement he’d made with Dan.

      Both Dan and Sally ignored his sour face and sat down at the table. Eliza placed Peter beside her and smiled at Jackson. His frown dissolved for a moment and he offered her a lopsided grin.
