Passion by the Book. Pamela Yaye. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Pamela Yaye
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современные любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781472008626
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book and quickly slid it across the counter. “I’ll just take this.”

      “Good choice. You’ll love it. Dr. RaShondra is hilarious, and the rules actually work!”

      “They do?”

      The brunette nodded her head. “I’ve been married for eleven years, and my husband’s never been more affectionate, so either the rules are working or he’s having a midlife crisis. But either way, I’m happy!”

      I would be, too, Simone thought, grabbing her bags and returning to the kids’ section. “Come on, boys, it’s time to go. It’s getting late, and I still have to go home and make dinner.”

      “Awww, can’t we stay a little longer?” Jayden asked, his eyes glued to the talking book cradled in his hands. “I want to finish this story, Mommy. It’s really good!”

      “Ten more minutes, Jayden. That’s it.” Tired of standing, Simone dropped down in a cozy armchair and searched the café for Tameika. The stylist was nowhere to be found. Since the coast was clear, she opened the little pink book to chapter one and started reading.

      A “Seductress” is a complete woman, a “Together Woman,” a sister who knows who she is, what she wants and how to get it. A “Seductress” doesn’t wait for things to happen; she makes them happen. She’s on top of her game, savvy as hell and always well put together. She doesn’t leave her house in tattered sweats or with jacked-up hair and stank breath, either. And since a “Seductress” knows her hair is her glory and her body’s a temple, she doesn’t skip workouts or forsake beauty appointments unless there’s an emergency (think, death).

      It’s time to get it together, girl! While you work on getting your mind right, get your body right, too. First things first. Get rid of those funky flannel pajamas. If you look like his mother, he’s going to treat you like his mother. Okay? Go all out when it’s time for bed, too. I’m not telling you to don an evening gown, or drape yourself in diamonds, but for God’s sake, take those damn rollers out of your hair and wash that exfoliating mask off your face! Sexify your wardrobe, girlfriend! It’s time to burn the flannel and embrace the lace!

      Simone hooted, cracked up until water filled her eyes.

      “Mommy, you’re being too noisy.”

      Smiling sheepishly at her sons, who were staring at her with raised eyebrows and bunched-up noses, she said, “Sorry about that, boys. I forgot.”

      “It’s okay,” Jordan replied, reopening his comic book and settling back into his beanbag chair. “Just don’t let it happen again.”

      For the second time in minutes, Simone laughed out loud.

      Chapter 5

      “How do I look?” Simone asked, exiting her walk-in closet. Jayden and Jordan were seated on her bed, a plastic bowl overflowing with fruit wedged between them. When she raised her voice, they glanced up from the cartoon they were watching on TV. “Is my outfit okay?”

      “You look big, Mommy. Like a giant!”

      Simone arched her shoulders and sucked in her stomach until it hurt to breathe. Standing in front of the full-length mirror, she carefully assessed her look. Is it that obvious that I’ve put on weight? Shoot, if the boys noticed, surely everyone at the party will, too, she thought, her eyes glued to her ever-widening backside. Damn, Angela! I knew I should have gone for that free consultation at that cosmetic surgery clinic!

      “Mom’s not big, Jayden, she’s tall,” Jordan said matter-of-factly, tossing an apple slice into his open mouth. “Mom’s wearing girl shoes, and girl shoes always make her look taller.”

      Simone sighed in relief. Crisis averted. She’d spent the last hour searching for the perfect dress—one that highlighted her curves and hid her stubborn problem areas, but everything she tried on felt tighter than a straitjacket. After an exhaustive search, she’d decided to wear her favorite outfit—a slim-fitting chocolate-brown sweaterdress with capped sleeves. Pairing it with the swanky new booties she’d scored at the sale gave the dress a trendy, sexy vibe. Just like one of those blonde chicks on Gossip Girl. Gold accessories complemented her outfit nicely, as did her sleek, metallic clutch purse. A stroke of blush, a touch of lipstick and Simone was good to go. All she needed now was Marcus.

      Where is he?

      Simone glanced at her watch. It was five-thirty. The time they should have been leaving for Angela’s housewarming party. She opened her purse and took out her cell phone. There were two text messages from Angela, but none from Marcus. Simone considered calling him, to find out exactly where he was, but decided against it. Dr. RaShondra said a “Seductress” didn’t sweat the small stuff; she was cool, chill and never argued with her man over trivial things. Changing her attitude was going to take a lot of work, but Simone was willing to give it a try.

      Simone put down her phone and picked up the little pink book instead. Two chapters in, and she was already in love with the book. And she was hopeful about her marriage, too. Dr. RaShondra knew her stuff and had a healthy fifteen-year marriage to prove it. The key principle of section one was simple. Take care of your mind, your body and your soul. If you love you, he will, too. Instead of waiting until next week to start eating right, Simone cleared the junk food out of the cupboards, cut her food portions in half and signed up for the Hot Yoga class at Samson’s Gym. A few days in, and she’d already dropped three pounds. Sure, it was only water weight, but it was a start.

      “Daddy! You’re home!” Jayden and Jordan leaped off the bed and into their father’s outstretched arms. “Yay!” they yelled with a loud cheer.

      Simone smiled. Watching Marcus with Jayden and Jordan made her melt every time. He was so sweet with them, so affectionate and warm. They adored their father, and when he was home, nothing else mattered—including their beloved cartoons.

      “How are you guys doing? Not giving your mother any trouble, I hope.”

      Jordan shook his head. “I was a good boy today, Dad. Just ask Mom!”

      “That’s what I like to hear. Anything fun and exciting happen today?”

      The boys talked over each other, then laughed hysterically when their dad tickled them.

      “Can we set up my train set now?” Jayden asked, his eyes deliriously wide and bright.

      “Sure,” Marcus said. “The last one to your room is a rotten egg!”

      The boys jumped out of his arms and raced through the bedroom door.

      “Marcus, you need to get ready for the party.”

      “It’ll only take a few minutes to get the train set going.”

      “But it’s almost six o’clock, and you know how Angela is about people being late.” Simone put on her diamond earrings and secured the clasps. “She’s already called here twice looking for us, and I don’t want to get on her bad side tonight.”

      “It’s not like we’re going to a formal event,” he pointed out, kicking off his sneakers. He unzipped his sweat suit, tossed it into the clothes hamper and selected a lightweight tan dress shirt from his armoire. “It’s just dinner at Angela’s, so what if we’re a few minutes late?”

      “Are you forgetting that...” At the sight of Marcus’s naked body, her mouth dried and her heart raced. Simone blinked, forced herself to focus. “Are you forgetting that we still have to drop the boys off at the sitter’s?”

      “No need—my mom’s coming here. I called her today, and when I told her we were going out tonight, she volunteered to watch the boys. She should be here any minute.”

      Oh, so you have time to call Mommy Dearest, but not me. Simone strangled a groan. Gladys was as punctually challenged as her son, and although she set all the clocks in her house ten minutes early, she was always running late.
