A Very Merry Temptation: 'Twas the Season / Mistletoe in Memphis / Second-Chance Christmas. Pamela Yaye. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Pamela Yaye
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современные любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781472013101
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He couldn’t get enough.

      Her moans and cries filled the room as he continued laving her, his tongue doing to her what his cock would soon be doing, stroking, fucking...loving.

      He knew she was close to the edge. Max’s index finger came out to feather over her tuft as he continued stroking her, using his mouth, lips, tongue and fingers to bring her to screaming release.

      He didn’t stop suckling her until her cries stopped and her trembling body collapsed.

      He moved his head, taking in her glistening pussy, the sexy way her legs were wide open, her dress not completely shed from her body as she lay on top of it.

      Sexy as hell. He grabbed his shaft, running a finger over the top, feeling his own precome as he stared down at the woman who, for whatever reason, had become more important to him than any other woman had in all of his thirty-two years.

      The thought should have scared the shit out of Max.

      But it didn’t. He reached over for the first condom of the night....

      “I’m not through with you yet...”

      Her drowsy eyes flew open.

      Chapter 6

      In blissful contentment Nikki lay in the center of the king-size bed, her body melting into the soft mattress.

      Satisfaction buzzed in every fiber of her being after being on the receiving end of Max’s oral loving. Even as her body finally began to calm, her quivering thighs beginning to relax and her thudding heartbeat slowing to an even rhythm, every molecule was still alive with feeling, every nerve ending sensitive to the lightest touch.

      She inhaled a deep breath. The breeze, coming from the lazy sway of the ceiling fan overhead, was like little erotic pricks to her overly sensitive skin.

      It wasn’t only the fan that was causing her hypersensitive nerve endings to jump. Most of that had to do with the slow, wickedly sensual flicks of a talented tongue and soft kisses from a pair of firm lips delivered to her clit as she came down from her high, from the hottest man she’d ever had between her thighs, she thought. She felt a small giggle bubbling forth out of sheer happiness.

      She felt sooo good.

      She inhaled a deep breath, but kept her eyes closed. No way could it get any better, she thought....

      “I’m not through with you yet.”

      Her eyes flew open and she stared down at the dark head between her thighs.

      “Max, wait, I—” The rest of her plea broke off when she gasped, her back arching high when he spread her legs wide and blew on her pussy.

      Immediately her body reacted. As though she hadn’t just had the best orgasm of her life—she’d never had the type of sexual satisfaction that she’d just experienced. But she wasn’t tired or listless...that same satisfied body got energized in less than two-point-two seconds.

      The minute she felt his warm breath on her kitty, she felt her clit engorge, as though in welcome of what was to come. What more sensual delights it was going to enjoy.

      Her nipples hardened and those goose bumps returned with a vengeance when she heard his deep, masculine laugh. She opened her eyes and sought his gaze and her heart seemed to clench just the smallest bit when she caught the sexy little dimple that appeared in the corner of his cheek. And then she felt his cock, hard, thick...long, brush against her thighs as he raised his body.

      With feline grace he leaned over and grasped the condom from the bedside table. Her heart began to thud, her nipples tight as she watched him tear it open with his teeth and discard the wrapper.

      Her pussy clenched as though with a mind of its own as Nikki watched in helpless fascination when he grasped the base of his cock in one hand.

      Even though his hand was large, he could barely circle it.

      Her throat convulsed.

      He kept her gaze locked on his when he began to roll the protection down the long...impossibly long and thick length of his rigid shaft. With the precision of a drill sergeant, he covered that beautiful monster.

      She felt oddly mesmerized, almost dazed, watching the way he rolled the condom over his length, while at the same time her body was electrified. The effect was unexpectedly erotic.

      And he hadn’t even touched her with it.

      “Ohhh,” she moaned, barely aware she’d even made the sound, she was so caught up in the sensual web she found herself entangled in.

      His eyes darkened in reaction to her response, a flush appearing on his lean face.

      “Goddamn, you’re fine. So damn sexy...so responsive,” he growled, his voice now lower than she’d ever heard it. As he finished the task of placing condom on shaft, his voice was so low and guttural it was close to animalistic.

      Nikki felt her feminine power rise in satisfaction. She knew that his voice became like that because he was close to the edge. A fine line for sure, but it was hot, wickedly hot, to know that she was the reason he was dangling so close to the edge.

      She knew his need was riding him, hard.

      She also knew she should be afraid and if she had any sense at all she would grab her clothes and run for the nearest exit, knowing good and well that what he had in store for her would be unlike anything she could imagine, much less had experienced.

      Shoulda, woulda, coulda...it was all white noise to her.

      He stopped and stared down at her, his hands falling down near his waist.

      She had never seen a man so...vibrant. So alive. She inhaled a breath, her eyes darting down, taking in his massive manhood that proudly stood long and stiff away from the lighter-colored nest of curls surrounding it. His balls were heavy, perfectly rounded spheres.

      She felt a yearning to place her tongue on them, softly lick them as he had licked her so intimately. To hold them in her mouth, see how they felt housed inside.

      Oh, God, what was happening to her? What was he doing to her? she thought. She’d never felt so...alive. So sexual...

      “You keep looking at my cock like that, my balls, and this won’t last,” he said bluntly. Instead of scaring her, his words empowered her even more.

      Nikki leaned up enough that she could touch him. She ran a hand down over his stomach, the hard abs beneath bunching under her caress.

      Growing bolder, she ran them down further until she reached the top of the sandy-colored, wavy hair surrounding his shaft.

      She licked her dry lips.

      “Do it.” He bit off the demand, roughly.

      Her eyes sought his.

      She blew out a breath, a case of nerves halting her even as her hands lightly grazed his sac, heavy with need and come.

      “I won’t make you do anything. You have to tell me you want me, Nikki,” he said. “You need to show me.”

      She swallowed down the nervousness, knowing that this was what she wanted, what she needed.

      Her hands cupped his sac, her eyes widening at the weight. Although she’d made love before, it had never been so...intimate as it was with him.

      She wanted to kiss it, lick it, but stopped.

      She smiled shakily at him and felt relief when she saw the same lust in his eyes as before, despite her inability to go through with touching him with her mouth.

      He took her hands within his, kissed her open palms and laid her back down. “We will only do what you are ready to do, baby. I will never rush you for anything more.”

      That made her want him even more, if possible.

      She drank him in as he poised above her, staring down at her from his emerald-colored