The Original Sinners: The Red Years. Tiffany Reisz. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Tiffany Reisz
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современные любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781472095848
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headed to the door again. He paused next to where she sat huddled in her chair. “They’ll look beautiful in your hair.”

      Nora rested her head on her knees. Her stomach rumbled from stress and hunger. She hadn’t eaten since yesterday afternoon, but the thought of food only made it worse.

      “I gotta go,” Wesley said. “Study group.”

      “Be careful.”

      Wesley left without another word. The door shut. She heard Wesley’s car start and pull away. And she knew she was alone. Coughing on purpose, Nora tried to relieve the pressure in her throat. She rose and poured a cup of coffee and half-considered spiking it with whiskey.

      Sipping at her coffee, she swallowed the bitter heat gratefully. She needed more sleep, she decided, or another shower. No, she realized. What she really, who she needed was—

      The doorbell rang jarring her from the dangerous trajectory of her thoughts. She set her mug on the table and went to the door.

      Nora opened the front door to find a woman standing on the porch. Her hair was an elegant shade of red and her fair skin was dusted with becoming constellations of pale freckles. Lovely beyond description, she looked a year or two shy of thirty, but her shining turquoise eyes glowed with a wisdom and intelligence well beyond her years.

      “Hello,” Nora said.

      “Ms. Sutherlin,” the woman said and with the first lilting words out of her mouth Nora knew exactly who she was. “I’m so sorry to trouble you. I’m—”

      “My God,” Nora breathed, “you’re Grace Easton.”

      “I am,” she said. “How did—”

      “Welsh, beautiful, freckles. I don’t see that combination much in this neighborhood.” Nora smiled at her, sensing that this meeting was somehow preordained. “Please come in.”


      Nora poured her coffee down the drain and replaced it with tea. She filled another cup and placed it on the kitchen table in front of Grace.

      “Milk?” Nora offered.

      “Thank you, no. Zachary always called me a heretic for drinking my tea without milk.”

      “It’s not very English of you,” Nora teased. “But then again, you’re Welsh.”

      “My father is, and my mother is Irish.”

      “I can tell.” Nora envied Grace her red hair and exquisite freckles. “Can you do an Irish accent, too?”

      “A bit. But I grew up in Wales. Zachary can actually do the better Irish accent.”

      “Really?” Nora asked. “That jerk. He never told me he could do other accents.”

      Grace smiled and sipped her tea.

      “He’s a man of many talents,” Grace said. “You’re being very kind to me. I know I must seem like a lunatic showing up at your home like this. I’m leaving tomorrow morning, and I can’t seem to find him anywhere. I called Mr. Bonner. He gave me your address. He said you and Zachary work together on the weekends sometimes.”

      “We did. But the book is finished now, thank God.”

      Grace nodded and took another tentative sip of her tea. Nora took a drink of her own and noticed a bruise beginning to purple on her wrist.

      “So it’s work then that brings him here so often?” Grace asked, fixing Nora with a surprisingly firm stare.

      “We’re friends. Good friends.”

      Grace looked down and her eyes appeared to study the tiny ripples in her tea. She seemed nervous as a bird, her delicate fingers fluttering over the rim of her teacup.

      “I meant to come sooner. I tried to leave yesterday morning but my flight was delayed.”

      “Why are you here?” Nora asked and Grace met her eyes.

      “Zachary leaves for California tomorrow. I could hardly stand it when he was in New York. California seems like the other side of the world. His mornings would be my nights.” Grace breathed in and exhaled slowly. Nora stayed silent and let her talk. “I should have come weeks ago. I called him…I told him there was a blackout, and I couldn’t find the torch. There I was with every light on in the house lying to him just to hear his voice.”

      “Sounds like something I would do.” It was easy to see why Zach had loved this woman so fiercely. She had a poetic beauty to her, a gentleness that belied her undeniable fortitude.

      “There was something in his voice when we spoke, something that frightened me. He sounded farther away than just an ocean. I talked myself in and out of coming. Now I have to wonder—am I too late? No, don’t answer that. I’m sorry.”

      “I’ll answer any question you ask, Grace.”

      “I shouldn’t ask. I forfeited my right to ask the first night I spent with Ian. I say the first night as if there were dozens of them instead of just three rather humiliating awkward affairs. It only took a week to realize what a foolish mistake I’d made. But I was so young when Zachary and I married, and it was under such horrid circumstances.”

      “I know. Zach told me. I’m very sorry.”

      Grace gave Nora a quivering but determined smile.

      “He must care about you very much to have told you about us. Even his best mates, he never told them.”

      Nora shrugged. “I beat it out of him.”

      “I think he’s always been embarrassed by it, by me.”

      “No, I promise you he wasn’t. I think he was only ashamed of himself. You were young and he was your teacher—”

      “My teacher, yes.” Grace laughed. “Every girl I knew was half in love with Zachary. He talked to us like we were equals.” She smiled at a memory. “He wore the most dignified, scholarly ties every day.”

      Nora conjured the image last night of Zach blindfolded with her black tie.

      “Zach in a tie is quite a sight to behold,” Nora agreed.

      “A suit and tie every day.” Grace grinned. “He was so bloody proper and so handsome strolling the grounds with the ancient old profs hoary with beards quoting Shakespeare and Marlowe from memory…we’d all nearly faint when he strolled past, suit jacket over his shoulder and carrying that staid leather briefcase. We girls had our own ideas about what to do with those ties of his.”

      “You’re a woman after my own heart.”

      “The first night with him—” Grace stopped. Her voice drifted far away. “I thought I was on a suicide mission. I went to tell him I was in love with him. I thought for certain he’d throw me out. Instead, he made love to me. I know I should have stopped it, should have warned him I wasn’t on birth control, but I didn’t want him to stop. The moment he kissed me I felt like I’d won the world. And even after all that happened, I still felt the same. But it isn’t easy to be married to someone when you have this terrible banshee voice in your head screeching that he only married you out of guilt.”

      “There was guilt, I’m sure. But there was love, too, and more of that than anything.”

      Grace sat quietly for a moment and seemed to collect her thoughts.

      “I know you may not believe me, but I’ve loved Zachary all this time. Even during the worst days. Even those awful nights with Ian…that’s when I missed him the most.”

      “I believe you.” Nora tried to give her a reassuring smile. “Five years ago I left the man who had been the center of my universe for thirteen years. Trust me, I believe you.”