The Firefighter's Appeal. Elizabeth Otto. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Elizabeth Otto
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современные любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781472099303
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mixed up is all, so...”

      “Understood,” she said, grateful she’d managed to stay polite when her head was churning with so many snarky replies. Lily recalled how Garrett had made the flirty face with women at the bar before she’d approached him. It was no secret that some of the firemen thought highly of their prowess—Garrett probably included.

      He put his hands in his front pockets and spun on one heel, then walked to the doorway. Lily’s chest loosened a little. Garrett paused and ran a hand down the ancient trim in the doorway, his back muscles moving effortlessly beneath the thin layer of white cotton.

      “Brad is going to be laid up for a while. Is working with me going to be a problem for you?” The challenge in his eyes when he turned to face her was clear; the smug tone of his voice was infuriating. She cleared her throat.

      “Of course not.”

      He tilted his head, observing her quietly for a moment. The intensity of his stare was unsettling and delicious. “Walk with me.”

      She followed him out front, drawn by the incredible movement of his muscles beneath his clothes and his scent until they were at the packed dance floor. Garrett reached for her hand and grasped it lightly. Before she could pull away, he began maneuvering them through the crowd. They stopped at the empty stage.

      “This dance floor needs to double in size. We want to put in another bar so patrons don’t have to wait. Another set of restrooms, a second waitress station and a larger seating area.”

      “What about the property? Do your lines extend enough to allow the expansion?”

      Garrett nodded for her to follow him and took her hand again as they walked back through the crowd.

      “The property lines are another conversation,” he replied as they rounded the bar. “But first, let me show you what else we want done.”

      He pointed things out, chatted about expansion, showed her what needed to be changed, enlarged and updated. Lily made mental notes, as it was a little hard to write anything down at the moment.

      After another twenty minutes, Garrett led her back to the office. He motioned for her to go in first. She did, exceptionally aware of his body heat as she passed by him. Her brain was running numbers, and the preliminary, best-guess scenario would pad Ashden Construction for months to come.

      “Of course, this office needs a total overhaul, as well,” he said offhandedly as she passed through the door. Lily smirked.

      “No kidding.”

      He chuckled, slipping behind the desk and settling into the leather chair. Lily remained standing, laid her pad of paper down and began scribbling notes. He leaned back, hands folded across his firm middle.

      “What’s your time frame for beginning this project, Mr. Mateo?”

      He rubbed his chin with a thumb before crossing his hands again. “Really? The other night it was Garrett.”

      Lily’s spine stiffened. She closed her laptop before placing her palm on top of it and leaning in slightly.

      “As far as I’m concerned, Mr. Mateo, I’d prefer if we didn’t let that evening interfere with a professional relationship.” Before he could speak, she straightened even more. “Your uncle called Ashden Construction for a reason. Hopefully because he was aware that we’re the best commercial construction firm in the area. Let us live up to that instead of letting our mishap cloud your judgment.”

      His gaze swept over her, leaving behind a warm tingle. “Agreed.” He leaned forward and put his elbows on the desk. “I need someone who will give us a fair price, do exceptional work and start as soon as possible. No pressure, right?”

      She thought of the twelve men working under her father and the dozen subcontractors who could be called in to help if needed. That, combined with their stellar reputation and her ability to create a solid budget, meant there was a lot less pressure than there might have been.

      “No pressure.”

      “Give me a proposal I can’t turn down, Lily.” Their eyes locked. “But before you do, come back tomorrow so I can show you the property lines. There’s more you need to see. I’m sorry Brad arranged such a late meeting. I’m not sure what his initial plan was for this, but in order for you to get the full scope of what we have in mind, you’ll need to be here in the daytime.”

      Lily finished writing but didn’t look up. She had plans for tomorrow already. She wanted to say no, she’d have to come another time, but she didn’t want to jeopardize this contract. If Garrett wanted her to come back, she would.

      He stood, moving to the doorway as she packed her things.

      “What time?” She gathered her bag, pushed in the chair and strode to the doorway. Expecting that he’d move to let her out, Lily’s neck tingled again as Garrett simply remained stationary, filling the space.

      “Noon.” A slow grin made a dimple dig deeply into his left cheek, as if he was mulling over a dirty little secret. “There’s more you need to see, but I can’t show you in the dark.”

      Despite herself, Lily smiled before she dipped her head and tried to move past him. Immediate warmth wrapped around her, followed by the heady scent of spicy bergamot and sage. Her right shoulder brushed against him, sending sparks through her entire body. Before she could withdraw, Garrett scooped her elbow in one hand and turned her. Her back pressed against the door frame opposite him so they faced each other, his heat washing over her. Jacking up her blood pressure. Sending her pulse skyrocketing.

      When was the last time she’d had such a spirited reaction to a man? Even her ex-fiancé hadn’t affected her this way. When Garrett had tempted her with his inviting gaze across the bar last week, something had felt different. The way her heart had jumped in her throat after battling a minefield of nerves had been different. The way her skin had flushed at the sound of his had all been different.

      Nonetheless, she couldn’t read anything into her body’s reaction. The dreams that had resurfaced since the night of the fund-raiser were enough to set her back. All those firemen had triggered the anxiety she was trying to overcome, and Lily wasn’t going to risk going down that road again.

      Despite her resolve, her gaze flicked to his lips. They were model perfect, soft yet undeniably male. The kind of lips that could kiss you tenderly good-night or grind you to aneurysm-worthy pleasure.

      She squeezed her eyes shut and sidled to the left. The space was narrow, causing her chest to bump his, making her gasp and stiffen. He dipped his head, his hair tickling her temple as his gravelly voice filled her ears.

      “Are you a vegetarian, Lily?” His expression was a tease and a dare rolled into one sexy smolder as he shifted to let her out of the office.


      Garrett paused before replying with a light chuckle. “Seriously? I was expecting you to say no. Either way, plan on staying a bit tomorrow.”

      Lily pulled in a slow breath. There would be no staying. She was inspecting property lines, not—

      “I’m the client, remember?” he said. She must be wearing her reluctance like a perfume. “Indulge me a little. Please?”

      “The client.” Her voice trailed off before her brain broke free of its sexy-Garrett stranglehold. “Of course. However—”

      There was loud thump from the room next door, followed by a long muffled groan. Both of them looked at the wall, as if they could see what was happening on the other side. From the sound, it was obvious Roan had fallen off the couch.

      They turned back to look at each other, and Lily didn’t miss Garrett’s eye roll and sigh. He ran a hand over his face and was suddenly transformed into a man who looked as if he could sleep for a week. It was as though he’d taken off a mask, reducing him from cocky, confident Garrett to someone with a lot of weight on his shoulders.
