Moonlight Beach Bachelors: Her Forbidden Cowboy. Charlene Sands. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Charlene Sands
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современные любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781474081436
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nodded. Dylan didn’t need to know that having Jessica around made him feel closer to Janie. She, above everyone else, understood the loss he felt. They shared that horrific pain together. Jess was home to him, without him having to return to Beckon. He liked that about her. So maybe it was selfish of him to ask her to stay on, but he hadn’t pressured her. Much. He’d like to think she wanted to stay.

      “I did. I didn’t have a backup for Mariah. You know as well as I do it’s hard to find a replacement for a trusted employee. I trust Jess. She’ll do her best.”

      Dylan eyed him carefully. “You sure sing her praises.”

      “She’s bright and learns quickly.” He shrugged. “She’s family.”

      “You keep saying that.”

      “It’s true. Why wouldn’t I say it?”

      Dylan flashed a wry smile and then shook his head. “No real reason, I guess. Any chance I can convince you to be my costar before you head back on tour?”

      “I haven’t made up my mind yet, McKay. I told you I’m not making you any promises.”

      “Yeah, yeah. So I’ve heard. Remember what they say about people who drag their feet.”

      “No, what the hell do they say?”

      “They risk getting them cut off at the ankles.”

      He laughed. “I should be flattered you’re so persistent. Honestly, if I lose the role to someone else, so be it. I’m not sure.” About anything, he wanted to add.

      “Buddy, you’re not going to lose the role to someone else. I’m the executive producer, and I see you doing this character.”

      “You want my fan base.”

      “That, too. I’d be a fool not to want to reel in your fans. I know they’d turn out for you. But I have no doubt in my mind you’d be—”

      “Zane?” A sultry voice carried to the deck. His heart stopped for a second. Sometimes, when he was least expecting it, Jess would call out his name and he’d swear it was Janie asking for him.

      “Out here,” he called to her.

      Jessica popped her head out the doorway. “Oh, sorry. I didn’t realize you had a guest.”

      “Hi,” Dylan said. “How’re you doing, Jess?” Dylan sent her a brilliant smile. The guy could charm a billy goat out of a field of alfalfa.

      “Hi, Dylan.”

      “Come on out here, Jess.” Zane hadn’t seen much of her since they’d run lines and kissed earlier in the day. He’d heard her working in the office, but she hadn’t asked for his help, and he’d let her be. “Have a cool drink with us?”

      “Uh, no thanks,” she said, taking a few steps toward them. She wore a loose-fitting flowery sundress. Her hair was up in a ponytail, and a straw satchel hung from her shoulder. “Actually, I finished up what I could this afternoon. I was hoping to go shopping now. I wanted to see if you needed anything while I was out.”

      “Oh, yeah? What are you shopping for?” Was he so dang bored that he had to nose into Jessica’s private business?

      “I, uh, didn’t bring enough clothes with me. I thought I’d pick up a few things.”

      “Hey, I know a great little boutique in the canyon,” Dylan said. “I’d be happy to drive you there.”

      Zane swiveled his head toward Dylan. Was he kidding?

      Jessica chuckled. “Thanks, that’s a kind offer, but I’m good. I’m anxious to explore and see what I can find.”

      “Gotcha,” Dylan said. “A little me time. I hope Zane hasn’t been working you too hard.”

      “Not at all. I’m enjoying the work.” With her finger, she pushed her sunglasses up her nose. She did that when she was nervous, and obviously, Dylan McKay made her nervous. Zane wasn’t sure that was a good thing. He inhaled deep into his chest. Jessica was vulnerable right now, and she didn’t need Dylan hitting on her.

      “But you’re both coming to the party tomorrow night, right?” Another charming smile creased his neighbor’s face.

      “Nope, sorry,” Zane said. “We’re not available.”

      Jessica faced him a second and blinked, then shifted her focus to Dylan. “Actually, I’ve changed my mind. I’d love to come. What time?”

      Dylan’s grin seemed to spread wider than the ocean view. “Six o’clock.”

      “I’ll be there.”

      “You will?” Zane asked. They’d both decided on not going.

      She nodded. “Sure, why not? Sounds like fun.”

      Zane couldn’t argue the point. If she wanted to go to Dylan’s little party, he had no right to stop her. “Well, then...I guess we’re coming.”

      “We?” Jessica asked. A genuine spark of delight lit her expression. “You’re going now? That’s great, Zane.”

      He shrugged it off but couldn’t stop his chest from puffing out. Why did it make him so doggone happy that Jessica wanted him around?

      “Well, I’d better be off. Zane, is it still okay that I take one of your cars?”

      “Yep. You know where the keys are in the office.”

      “Okay, thanks. I’ll take the SUV. Bye for now,” she said. She pivoted and walked back into the house.

      “She’s nice,” Dylan said.

      “Very nice. ”

      “Too nice for me? Are you warning me off?”

      “Damn straight I am.” Zane eyed him. “You know darn well Jessica isn’t your type. So stay away. I’m serious. She’s had it rough lately.”

      The patio chair creaked as Dylan leaned over the arm and focused on him. “You like her?”

      “Of course I like her. She’s like my...” But this time Zane couldn’t finish his thought. He couldn’t say she was like a sister to him. An image of taking her mouth in a daring kiss burst through his mind again. In that moment, he’d forgotten she was Janie’s sister. All that filled his mind was how sweet and soft her lips were. How much he wanted to go on kissing her. He’d felt at peace with Jess, yet electrified at the same time.

      He’d had women in the past to satisfy his physical needs. He hadn’t been a total saint after Janie died, but he hadn’t had a real relationship, either, and he sure as hell wasn’t going in headfirst with Jessica. So why in hell was the memory of kissing her earlier torturing him?

      “I meant you want her for yourself.”

      Zane snorted. “Are you not hearing what I’m saying? She’s off-limits. To everyone. She has a lot of healing to do. Until then, no one gets near her.” He’d promised her mother he’d protect her and make sure she didn’t get hurt again.

      “Okay, okay. I get it, Papa Bear. Now, let’s get back to the script. I think Josh’s character is perfect for you, like it was written with you in mind.”

      For once, Zane was grateful the subject changed to his possible acting career.


      Thank goodness for credit cards. They gave Jessica the freedom to spend, spend, spend at the boutique Mariah had once raved about. She scoured the golden wardrobe racks at Misty Blue, and every time something struck her as daring and unlike her small-town schoolmarm image, she handed it to Misty Blue’s attire concierge to put aside for her to try on. Sybil, the thirtysomething saleswoman,