Provocative Attraction. AlTonya Washington. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: AlTonya Washington
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современные любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781474051200
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hugs and pleasantries. “Rook’s assistant told me to come on in.”

      “You’re fine and besides, it’s the best place for you.” Burt scratched at a wheat-colored brow. “How’d you get in here without being mobbed anyway?”

      Viva gave her tote bag a shake. “Never underestimate the power of a good wig and sunglasses. Sophia told me how to get here but my guess is she regrets that now after ordering me to go along with Rook putting his life on hold to babysit me. I’m sure you know about that.”

      Burt nodded. “I may’ve heard something, but I’m sure he doesn’t see it as babysitting and putting his life on hold, Viva.”

      “I’m here to see that he does.”

      Viva’s practiced bravado threatened mutiny when she saw Rook arriving at his office door.

      “So I’m gonna head out,” Burt said, putting a knowing smile in place. He went to pull Viva into a quick, warm embrace. “Have someone find me before you leave, so I can get an autograph. It’ll make me the envy of all my playmates.”

      “Promise!” Viva laughed.

      Burt kept the smile on his attractively weather-beaten face when he sidestepped his boss.

      Rook shut the door at Burt’s back and was facing it when he began to speak to Viva. “Sophia called, said you might stop by.”

      “Wow.” Viva set aside her tote bag and pretended to be impressed. “Calls announcing my and Sophia sure are close these days.”

      Rook strolled to his desk, which was a fixture of gleaming blackwood in the back of the spacious yet efficient office. Rook allowed himself few comforts when he worked. Even the well-stocked bar and living area radiated Spartan undertones.

      “Chief of Ds thinks me and my team do a pretty decent job.”

      “I’m sure that’s true, but you don’t need to waste your resources on me.”

      “Last thing it’d be is a waste.” Rook settled onto one corner of the broad, neat desk. “There’s no need for a large crew. This is a one-man job.”

      “Rook, I’m sorry.” Viva stopped a few feet before him at the desk.

      “Sorry?” He tensed. “What for?”

      “Sophia should’ve never pulled you into this.”

      “And why is that?” Rook faked a little confusion. “I supply security and you’re obviously in need of it.”

      Viva eased her hands into the side pockets of the teal skirt that showcased her curves and shapely calves where the hem ended just below the knee. “Just what did Sophia tell you?” Suspicion was rife in her slightly husky voice.

      “Not much.” Rook studied his hands while he rubbed his palms. “Enough to give me a sense of what’s going on, but I suspect she’s leaving it up to you to share all the...colorful details.” He treated himself to a brief but effective appraisal of her body that she felt in every nerve ending. “Sophia gave me the feeling there were several,” he added when her eyes met his again.

      I’ll bet she did, Viva mused silently, feeling the crushing need to act on her threats of bodily harm to her little sister.

      Rook made a pretense of straightening the few files lying on his pristine desk. “I’ve got time to talk now if you want.”

      “Rook,” Viva began in a manner that rarely failed to get her what she wanted. “Listen, I—I don’t want you involved with this and I’d appreciate you going to Soap and telling her to put someone else on it.”

      “No.” The response was quick, cold. Rook didn’t even spare Viva a glance as he studied the paperwork on his desk.

      Viva wasn’t surprised by the answer; she knew it’d been useless to ask the question. She’d only been using the “get me what I want” voice since her name had become a recognizable one. It had proved a successful technique—on most everyone except her sister. Trying it with Rook was just as idiotic. When safety was an issue, he was deaf to any attempt at making light of it.

      “So what about your trip to Italy?” she asked then, minus the “get me what I want” emphasis.

      “What about it?” He gave her the benefit of his gaze then.

      “Are you still going?”


      Viva took a quiet moment to process. “Well, how can you do that and watch me 24/7?”

      He smiled. “I can do that because you’re going with me. I’m sure Sophia told you that already.”

      “I can’t.”

      “You will.”

      “You’ll force me?”

      “I’ve been promised that I won’t have to.”

      “Sophia.” Viva hissed her sister’s name like it was a curse. “So you already know this involved Murray.” She decided it wouldn’t hurt to come clean—a little.

      Rook tilted his head a fraction, no doubt hoping to shield the sudden and fanatical twitch of a jaw muscle. It was a futile attempt. “I know that.”

      “And you expect us to just go off to Italy together without that being a problem for us?”

      Infuriatingly cool then, Rook leaned forward a tad. “I don’t expect that at all,” he told her.

      “Then what?”

      “I expect you to tell me whatever your sister suspects you’re keeping from me.”

      Viva couldn’t resist a quick burst of laughter. “What she suspects I’m keeping? You’re going off the assumption that her suspicions are correct.”

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