A New York Kind Of Love. Synithia Williams. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Synithia Williams
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современные любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781474047296
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his midthirties.

      “Is this our winner?” Rafael asked in a loud, excited voice. He took both of Faith’s hands in his and held them out. “We don’t have much work to do with you. Look at those legs and that smile. You’ve got the cutest face, my dear.”

      From the way she glanced around, Irvin wondered if she was uncomfortable with the praise.

      “That’s very sweet coming from a man who photographs women far more glamorous than me.”

      “Glamour is a mirage. A mirage that I create,” Rafael said, placing one of his hands on his chest. “The lens can make the meanest person look like a saint when it’s in the right hands, and my dear, I’ve got the right hands.”

      Faith smiled, and Irvin was blown away by how cute she was. “The right hands and a way with words.”

      Rafael laughed, then snapped his fingers for Tina to come over. “If you think I’m good with words, wait until you see these pictures. Now on to hair and makeup.”

      “Not too much makeup,” Irvin said.

      Faith and Rafael looked at him with varying degrees of surprise. Though Rafael’s look was tinged with a bit of curiosity. Irvin was not a makeup expert, but he had a feeling too much would only take away from her charm.

      “Irvin has spoken,” Rafael said. “Not too much makeup.” Rafael and Tina ushered Faith to the dressing room.

      “What do you think?” Kitty asked as Faith and Rafael disappeared.

      “I like,” he said.

      “Good. She’s a bit reserved. I still can’t get a read on her, but I’ll figure out what makes her tick.”

      He knew what that meant. He pointed at Kitty. “No more digging. She’s here and she seems normal.”

      “Normal is a mirage,” Kitty said, waving her hands in an imitation of Rafael that made Irvin laugh.

      Several minutes later, Faith was back with her hair out of the ponytail and framing her face in a sleek bob that gently curled below her chin. They’d replaced the sleeveless lavender T-shirt with a sparkling yellow tank top and followed his instruction to not put too much makeup on her. Only enough to enhance her rounded cheeks, brown eyes and full lips.

      “I’ll start with pictures of you. Then we’ll move on to both of you,” Rafael said. He led Faith over to the gray backdrop where they’d pose for the shoot.

      “What am I supposed to do?” Faith asked.

      “Be your sweet Southern self, my dear,” Rafael said with a wave of his hand. “Where are you from, again?”

      “South Carolina. Laurel County.”

      “Hmm, I’ve been to North Carolina. Had a shoot in Charlotte once.” Rafael started snapping pictures.

      Faith gave him a tight smile. “That’s not very close to where I’m from.”

      “Either way, relax, my dear. Just be yourself.”

      She glanced around at the background with barely concealed panic.

      Irvin hurried over to her side. “Why don’t we start with both of us?” He took her hand. Her palm was slick. She was more nervous than she let on.

      Her eyes widened and she tried to jerk her hand away. He held on more tightly and pulled her closer to his side. “Relax.”

      Her hand flexed in his, and she cut her eyes toward Rafael snapping away. “Easier said than done. You weren’t hustled from a plane to a photo shoot without a chance to breathe.”

      “Are you nervous?”

      “Just a bit.”

      He gave her his lady-killer smile. “Don’t be. I don’t bite.”

      A frown came across her features before she lifted her chin. “That’s good to know, but it’s not why I’m nervous. I know I just have a few scheduled appearances with you, which is how I prefer it.”

      She slid her hand away and wiped it on the leg of her shorts. How she preferred it? He hadn’t had a woman say she preferred spending minimal time with him since he’d left London. He started to ask why when it hit him. He’d had women try to play the reverse-psychology thing on him before. Pretend disinterest in hopes of gaining his attention. Several years ago he’d done a film in which the leading lady’s character used that dishonest tactic to win over the heart of the politician he’d played. Ever since, women tried it with him constantly. Thinking she would do that was surprisingly disappointing.

      “So let me guess. You entered the contest to spend a weekend with me, but are hoping to limit our time together. Not secretly hoping that something would happen between us.”

      Her incredulous look was almost believable. “You’ve got to be kidding. Do you really think I’d want to add my name to the list of forgettable women you sleep with?”

      Rafael snapped faster. “Closer, my dears. You’re happy about this weekend.”

      Irvin wrapped an arm around her shoulders and pulled her against his side. She smelled good, a light flowery fragrance. And her body fit nicely with his. A fact he wished he wasn’t so acutely aware of.

      “Are you accusing me,” he said through his fake smile for the camera, “of planning to seduce the winner of this contest?”

      She was stiff beside him, but she relaxed and pasted on her own smile when Rafael ordered her to look happy. “Honestly, the thought never crossed my mind that you’d try to seduce me. Though I doubt you’d turn down sex if I offered.”

      He turned to face her, almost entertained by her attempt to throw the offer out there in a backhanded way. “Oh, really. Please tell me why you think I’d take you to bed.”

      She hesitated, and he could tell she was wondering whether or not to say more. When determination filled her gaze he grinned. She was playing this all the way.

      “You’re used to women throwing themselves at you,” she said. “You’re linked to a different woman faster than I can change underwear, and this month Essence magazine’s readers voted you the man women most want to sleep with. I highly doubt you turn down many offers for sex.”

      “Are you calling me promiscuous?”

      “All I’m saying is that you don’t lack for women lining up to warm your bed, and I didn’t come up here to be your next electric blanket.” Her voice rose on her last words. She sounded almost sincere. He struggled with wishing she was and wishing she wasn’t. He no longer slept with groupies, but he had to admit, this particular one went from cute to sexy when she pretended to be angry.

      It took a second for him to realize silence filled the room. They both turned to find Kitty nearly fuming, Rafael laughing and the rest of his entourage wearing expressions of disbelief.

      “That’s a wrap,” Rafael said, balancing his camera on his shoulder.

      Faith stepped away from Irvin. She looked from one end of the room to the other. “I’ve got to make a call. Is there a place where I can go for privacy?”

      Rafael pointed to his office. “Right in that room.”

      “Thank you.” She hurried to the office and pushed the door closed.

      Kitty rushed to Irvin’s side. “I told you she didn’t want to be here. I knew I should have handpicked the winner instead of using a random selection. She should be happy—”

      “If you’re going to say she should be happy to sleep with me this weekend, then save it. All that was a ploy. I’ve had women try to pull this on me before. She’s probably in there right now telling her girlfriend that she’s brilliant and has me fooled.”

      He crossed the room to Rafael’s office. The door hadn’t closed all the way, and he felt no remorse about