The Sweetest Kiss. Candace Shaw. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Candace Shaw
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современные любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781474045636
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head toward a black Bentley and a man dressed in a black suit, who opened the back door as Broderick approached. Glancing over his shoulder, his eyes briefly traveled over her. “Have a great day, beautiful.”

      “You, too.”

      Once Tiffani settled back in the kitchen, she finally exhaled.

       Chapter 3

      Tiffani drove up to the wrought-iron gate of a vast mansion in the West Paces Ferry area suburb of Atlanta. She spotted an intercom panel, rolled down her window and pressed the button. While she waited for a response, she focused on the massive brown brick and stone house in front of her—well, a half of a mile away it seemed down the long driveway that matched the brick on the house. Today’s plans hadn’t included dropping the cupcakes off at Broderick’s home, but her assistant, Kendall, had a study group that evening for a midterm exam. Luckily, it was grandparents’ day at KJ’s school, so he could go home with them. Still waiting for an answer, she pushed the button again. She was starting to get antsy because she was already fifteen minutes late thanks to traffic and making a wrong turn. She knew it wouldn’t take her more than twenty minutes to set the cupcakes on the serving platters that Matilda, Broderick’s housekeeper, promised would already be placed on the dessert table. She’d called that morning to verify the set-up time and to inform Tiffani that there was no need to bring any serving platters because she would be providing crystal ones.

      The gate opened and a lady’s voice from the intercom stated to drive around to the side door by the garage. Once at the side entrance, Tiffani gathered the container with the cupcakes and the pie from the backseat. She was greeted with a warm smile from a middle-aged woman dressed in the standard black-and-white maid’s uniform.

      “Hello, I’m Matilda. Do you need help bringing anything in?”

      “Nice to meet you and no I don’t. Thank you.” She followed Matilda through the mudroom and into a huge gourmet kitchen where a chef and his crew were busy preparing food. Delicious aromas filled the atmosphere and it reminded Tiffani that she hadn’t eaten since lunch.

      As they continued to the dining room, Tiffani noticed Megan’s expertise everywhere, from the heavy amethyst drapes that flowed from the top of the ceiling down to the walnut hardwood floors. The exquisite, long dining room table that sat at least twenty was surrounded by gold upholstered chairs. Bouquets of calla lilies were spread out on the table that was laden with serving trays and bowls.

      “You can set up the cupcakes here, Ms. Lake.” Matilda waved her hands toward a buffet table on the wall that had two square crystal platters.

      “These are gorgeous...almost too gorgeous for my cupcakes.”

      “I’m sure they will look splendid. Do you need another platter for the pie?”

      “ The pie isn’t a part of the order. It’s for Br... Mr. Hollingsworth.”

      “Very well. I’ll place it in his refrigerator. If you need anything, I’ll be in the kitchen.”

      Matilda slid the pie off of the container Tiffani held, and for a moment she thought about not giving it to her. She’d made it especially for Broderick, making sure each ingredient was measured perfectly, and for some reason she didn’t want anyone else to touch it.

      “Okay. Thank you,” she said, trying to muster an upbeat tone.

      Tiffani spent the next few minutes arranging the cupcakes on the crystal platters, then she topped each one with a fondant rose. She felt weird being in Broderick’s home considering she didn’t even know if he was there or not. She’d wanted to ask Matilda but decided against it when she had almost said his first name. She’d noted a twinkle in the housekeeper’s eye and Tiffani figured Matilda probably had assumed she had a crush on her handsome, rich employer. Which wasn’t far from the truth, but seeming desperate wasn’t her personality. Besides, she was there to do a job, not chat with Broderick.

      “Hi there.”

      Tiffani’s heart skipped as soon as she heard the sexy, deep voice behind her that belonged to the man she couldn’t stop fantasizing about. It washed a load of goose bumps over her body and her eyes closed for a second. She almost put her finger in the last cupcake as she placed it on the platter. Exhaling, she reminded herself Broderick was a customer, not her next boyfriend. Pivoting, she was grateful she was dressed appropriately in a pair of gray dress slacks and a black sweater as opposed to the tank top that had her breasts on display.

      “Hi.” She held back a wow as her eyes scanned his handsome features. Every time she saw him he was impeccably dressed in a suit and freshly shaven as if he’d literally just left the barber’s chair.

      He strode over to her and glanced at the cupcakes. “I didn’t know you were coming. I would’ve been down here earlier to greet you.”

      “It was last minute. My assistant had an emergency.”

      “Too bad, but at least I get to see you again. You should stay. A lot of investors are going to be here. They’re always looking for new businesses to back if you ever decide to expand.”

      “Thank you for inviting me, but I have to be at my son’s karate tournament at 7:30.”

      He nodded as if he understood, and she appreciated that. A couple of men she’d gone out with didn’t seem to comprehend that her son came first.

      “Okay, definitely leave some business cards next to the cupcakes.”

      “I will. Matilda placed your sweet potato pie in the refrigerator.” She grabbed her purse from a chair at the dining room table and pulled a stack of business cards from the inside pocket.

      “Thank you. I was wondering if you’d remember. When you emailed the invoice, I didn’t see it.”

      “On the house.”

      “I appreciate that and the delicious bear claws, but if you keep giving your desserts away you won’t make a profit.”

      “Not true at all. Didn’t you take Marketing 101? You give away free products and they keeping coming back for more but as loyal paying customers. You ordered cupcakes after tasting just one at the reception.”

      Stepping directly into her personal space, a sinful grin emerged across his ruggedly handsome face. “I only ordered them to see you again. I could give a damn about cupcakes, even though yours are delicious. And you’re right. I’m definitely coming back for more and more just to lay eyes on the breathtaking baker I can’t stop thinking about.” He traveled a gentle finger down her cheek and paused it on her lips, which parted on demand. “You are too tempting to resist.”

      Tiffani cursed inwardly at her mouth betraying her. Sucking in her breath, she stepped back, but when she did, all she felt was the wall next to the dessert table. His dark eyes held hers in a deep trance that could only be broken by a magical spell in a fairy-tale world far, far away. He hadn’t moved and neither had she. Even when the chef came in the room with a dish that smelled like roast beef and exited as quickly as he’d came in.

      Before she could speak, Broderick yanked her body to his. As a surprised gasp escaped her, he pushed them out a side door she hadn’t noticed. Tiffani glanced around briefly to see where they were but could only make out a leather couch before he lowered his lips to hers in a subtle, sweet kiss. A part of her wanted to protest, but his mouth on hers caused fervent moaning, which only caused him to sink deeper into her as she willingly responded. Running her hands up his beard, a muffled groan resonated from his throat and he clasped her bottom tight, bringing her body even closer to his hard one. Tiffani loved the sounds they made and the intensity of their connection as he continued twirling his tongue with hers. She’d imagined him kissing her passionately but now, in reality, he was even more powerful and ardent than she’d deemed possible. He was all man. No denying that, especially when he lifted her up like she weighed nothing and carried her to the couch as their lips never left each other’s.