His Loving Caress. Candace Shaw. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Candace Shaw
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современные любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781474054997
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in the back.”

      “Nonsense, Ms. Lauren,” the young lady answered, linking her arm with Elle’s and escorting her toward the table where the Chase family was seated. “You’re a VIP guest and you’re auctioning off that beautiful gown. You have to sit up front.”

      Elle inwardly groaned but displayed a smile as she saw a camera flash her way. She could handle being in the same room with Braxton, but when she’d learned she’d be at the same table, it took everything in her not to bolt back to her suite. However, he’d spotted her as soon as she’d entered the ballroom so she couldn’t escape. She had to remain composed and unbothered by his presence at least on the outside. On the inside her heart couldn’t stop doing backward flips like an Olympic gymnast. He was devastatingly mouthwatering in his tuxedo and the way his gaze had raked over her like she was a succulent steak, was an indication that it would be a long evening.

      She searched for an empty seat at the round table. Megan was seated next to her husband, United States Senator Steven Monroe. Tiffani, who was a newlywed, was seated next to her husband, real estate mogul Broderick Hollingsworth, and Sydney was between her husband, power attorney Bryce Monroe, who was Steven’s brother, and Megan. Preston and Braxton were still standing, conversing and glancing her way. She retracted her view from them and focused on the twins along with Tiffani who gave a reassuring smile.

      There was an empty seat between Tiffani and Steven. If she could sit there that would be perfect. The other two empty chairs were next to each other. Braxton stood behind one, and she felt his heated glare burn through her dress to her skin. Elle was surprised she wasn’t on fire from the way he stared her down.

      “Hello, darling,” Megan greeted, standing up to hug Elle. “You remember, my husband, Steven, from the fashion show last summer.”

      Steven stood, along with the others. She hugged and acknowledged everyone except for Braxton who chatted briefly with a gentleman about the piano being auctioned off. She was relieved he hadn’t been in line for a hug but as she was about to sit down she felt his presence behind her, pulling out the chair. The scent of his woodsy cologne filled her breathing passages, and she inhaled deeply. She’d always loved being surrounded by his scent.

      “Thank you,” she said politely, trying to avoid eye contact. She slid off her wrap and set it on the back of the pink tulle-covered chair before sitting. Braxton had always been a gentleman, going back to when they were in elementary school. He would open doors, stand when she entered a room and rarely let her pay for any of their outings once they’d started dating.

      “My pleasure,” he answered in a low, sensual tone that caressed a warmth over her skin.

      His hand brushed her bare back as he pushed in her chair. She had to restrain herself from letting out a moan at his delicate touch that she sensed was done on purpose.

      “You look radiant tonight,” he whispered just loud enough for only her to hear.

      She stumbled out a quiet “thank you.” But held in the “you are absolutely scrumptious in your tux,” because those were the words along with “damn” that had come to mind when she’d entered the room and his face was the first she’d encountered. Braxton was indeed handsome that evening, wearing a tuxedo from her mens’ formal wear collection. He definitely could saunter the runway and send the crowd of women and fashion photographers in a frenzy over his smooth, bald head, provoking mahogany skin and muscular build. Not to mention his alluring smile that used to drive her wild when he would charmingly bestow it upon her just as he had when she’d arrived to the auction.

      Braxton sat across from her and began chatting with the men about a recent golf outing. At first she was relieved he wasn’t seated next to her but being directly in his view was worse. Even though he was egging Preston about fishing his ball out of the sand trap, Braxton continued to steal glances her way. She took a sip of her cool water to relieve the cotton that was forming on her tongue and the blaze that soared through her body.

      Being with the Chase family again along with their spouses felt like a mini family reunion. Because she was an only child, Elle had been extremely close to the twins as well as Tiffani. Braxton’s and Elle’s mothers were best friends, having taught at the same elementary school for almost twenty years. She’d found it hard to be friends with the Chases after the wedding fiasco, but the girls were like sisters to her growing up and they had remained in contact. Her only request was that they not mention Braxton in any capacity, which they’d honored. But their silence hadn’t kept her from being reminded of Braxton because a year after their breakup, his first jazz album had been released. It had been a major hit with three more CDs following within four years. He was pegged as the next great jazz pianist of the century and was all over the media. Trying to avoid knowing anything about him had flown out the window unless she stopped listening to jazz all together. But it was her favorite genre of music next to R&B and pop.

      She was surprised, though, when he’d opened Braxton Chase’s Jazz and Dinner Club about four years ago and appeared to place more focus on his business than his music career. It had been a dream of Braxton’s, hence his master’s degree in business. But the goal had been for him to open a chain of jazz clubs later in life. However, as he’d mentioned in a radio interview, he missed his family in Atlanta and wanted a break from touring all the time. Braxton still released CDs under his own label, all of which were platinum certified, and had won quite a few major awards, but for the most part he was out of the limelight.


      Megan’s voice jerked Elle out of her thoughts. “Yes?” she asked as upbeat as possible, but unfortunately it came out in a loud manner. When she was nervous she spoke louder and faster. She decided to make a forced effort to remain calm especially when she caught Braxton’s curious eyes on her, and took a sip of her water.

      “I know you don’t have a baby’s line, but Steven and I would so love for you to design the christening dresses for Layla and Madelyn.”

      “I would be honored to design the twins’ dresses,” she answered, relieved that she sounded almost normal despite the fact that her stomach churned into a tight Boy Scout knot when Braxton had glimpsed her way. “When is their christening?”

      “We’re looking at the beginning of fall before Steven has to go back to Washington, DC.”

      “No problem. I’ll be here until the end of the week working with a client, but I can definitely meet with you before leaving.”

      Elle noted Braxton raise an eyebrow though he continued his conversation with the men at the table. She cursed at herself for spilling how long she would be in Atlanta, and she knew he had made a mental memo of the information.

      Megan’s face brightened with delight. “That would be splendid, Elle. And you have to come by the house and meet the babies before you leave.”

      “I’d love to. The dresses will be my gift to you.”

      “Thanks, love! You’re always so gracious and considerate. The onesies and outfits you sent for my baby shower were absolutely adorable. I can’t wait to return the favor.”

      Elle simply laughed. She honestly didn’t know when and if that would happen. She caught Braxton’s peculiar gaze on her when Megan mentioned returning the favor. While being married and having a family had always been on her list of goals, at age thirty-four, it no longer seemed to be as much of a priority as it had been when she was younger. She had girlfriends her age anxious to get married and constantly searching for Mr. Right, but after Braxton, her main focus was her career and building her fashion empire.

      After dinner the auction started immediately, and she was grateful. The sooner she could leave, the better. Sitting across from Braxton’s penetrating gaze was haunting and she was ready to say her goodbyes. However, Megan and Tiffani pulled her out onto the dance floor when their sorority’s national party song came on and the ladies danced and stepped along with their other sorors to a cheering crowd. For a moment she had forgotten all about Braxton as she had fun dancing until she caught him staring at her from the side of the dance floor. After the sorority strut, she’d planned on slipping