The Only One For Me. Bridget Anderson. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Bridget Anderson
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современные любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781474068130
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about you? After living away for so long how do you feel about being back here?”

      “It was my choice to move the center to Danville. I was ready to come home.”

      Corra found it hard to believe he left Philly for Danville. But deep down she knew Chris was a country boy just like Rollin. She rubbed her palms down her pants legs. “Well, I guess I should say, welcome home.” She offered her hand to him.

      “Thank you.” He accepted her handshake.

      A warm current shot up Corra’s arm, reminding her of how much Chris excited her. She pursed her lips and fought the urge to blush.

      “I haven’t been inside this house in a long time,” Chris said as he closed his laptop and slid it back into his carrying case.

      “Would you like a quick tour?” she asked.

      “That would be nice. Is Mrs. Rita still here?”

      “Of course. Come on, we’ll start with the kitchen.”

      * * *

      As they toured the property fond memories of a young Corra were coming back to Chris.

      “Man, I remember taking these steps two at a time,” he said, as he ran his hand along the banister coming from the second floor. “Do you remember how Rollin used to chase you out of his room whenever he had a girl on the phone?”

      Corra laughed. “Yes, because I was always listening at the door.”

      “You were being a nosy little sister is what you were doing.”

      “Hey, that’s what I did best. Shoot, imagine what it was like for me to have football players in the house all the time. My friends came over just so they could watch you all practice in the field. That alone made me very popular in school.”

      “Yeah, and what about the time you brought Belinda over here when you knew Rollin had another girl down by the creek. Is that creek still there?” he asked.

      Corra shook her head. “It dried up years ago. Rollin deserved that though. I never did like a two-timing man and that’s what Rollin was trying to do to Belinda.”

      “He was young. But, man, you were a pistol growing up, you know that?”

      “I was your typical little sister, no more no less.”

      Chris laughed. “Yeah, I guess you were, because Pamela and Darlene used to give me a hard way to go as well.”

      After a tour of the house Corra carried Chris over to the gift shop.

      “This place is really growing. I know your parents would be proud.”

      “Do you remember my parents?” Corra asked, as she leaned against the counter. Her parents were killed by a drunk driver after Rollin and Chris went off to college, but she hoped he hadn’t forgotten them.

      “Sure. I remember your mother used to feed us after games, even when we practiced out in the field. She loved to cook, didn’t she?”

      Corra smiled. “The kitchen was her domain.”

      “And your dad came to every football game. I remember that vividly because my dad missed a lot of games when my mom was sick. Your dad was a serious football fan.”

      “Yeah. He was so proud when Rollin got that football scholarship.”

      Chris walked over and stood next to Corra. “I also remember your brother and father giving me hell in high school when I mentioned how cute you were. I wanted to ask you out, but they were very protective of you.”

      Corra stared down at her feet before looking up at him. “Maybe you should have tried,” she suggested.

      He chuckled. “At the risk of ending my friendship with Rollin, and having your father kick my ass. No thanks. I settled for admiring you from afar.”

      She tilted her head and bit her bottom lip. “Too bad I didn’t know.”

      “Yeah, what would you have done?” he asked, fighting the urge to lean over and kiss her lips.

      The bell over the door jingled and Corra sprang from the counter holding a hand over her heart. Two middle-aged women dressed in comfortable jogging suits and sneakers walked in.

      “Customers. I’ll be right back.” She excused herself, and saw to her guests while Chris browsed about the store. It took the women quite some time to settle on their gifts while telling Corra all about their Greek Alumni reunion. Corra was in her element as she listened to their stories and helped them pick out suitable gifts.

      After the ladies left, Chris walked back up to the counter. Corra came from behind the register.

      “So where were we?” she asked.

      “We were about to pick up from seven months ago when I walked into the fund-raiser and saw one of the most beautiful women in Danville. How about that date now?”

      “Can I trust you to get me someplace safely this time?”

      “I promise. So what are you doing tomorrow night?”

      Corra smiled. “Looks like I’m going out with you.”

       Chapter 4

      Corra had reopened the gift shop by the time Rollin and Tayler pulled up separately out front. She walked over and leaned against the door frame with her arms crossed waiting for them to exit the car.

      Rollin tried to offer a nonchalant expression as he stepped out of the car. But Corra knew his mask when she saw it. Tayler, on the other hand, didn’t even try to hide the big smile on her face.

      “How’d it go?” Rollin asked, as they approached.

      Corra decided to have a little fun. “He didn’t show.”

      Rollin frowned. “He didn’t?”

      Corra shook her head. “Nope, I waited at the front desk until after one, and then I had to reopen the shop.”

      Rollin and Tayler glanced at one another before shrugging. “I wonder what happened,” Rollin said.

      “Me too,” Tayler added.

      “You never told me who to expect anyway. What’s his name?” Corra asked. She tried to look as unconcerned as Rollin.

      “A guy from 3C Evolution,” Rollin said.

      “Isn’t that Chris’s company?” she asked.

      Rollin and Tayler glanced at one another, again. “Yeah, I believe it is,” he said.

      Corra reached inside the door and grabbed a plush toy and threw it at Rollin. “You knew Chris was coming by here. You set me up.”

      Rollin ducked, and Tayler laughed. “So he did come by?” she asked.

      Corra went to retrieve her toy, and punched Rollin in the arm. “Yes, he was here. I think I surprised him too. Seems like no one told him I was working here.”

      Rollin threw his hands up. “Hey, I had every intention of meeting with him, but something came up. I’m glad you two got to talk. Did he tell you he’s moved back?”

      “Of course. He even asked me out.”

      Rollin smiled and nodded. “Well, looks like my work here is done. I’ll leave you ladies to gossip about the details, I’ve got work to do.”

      Rollin left them and walked toward the house.

      “You knew he was coming, didn’t you?” Corra asked Tayler.

      “Of course. Why do you think I made myself scarce all morning?” Tayler asked.

      “For a split second I thought