Always My Baby. Martha Kennerson. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Martha Kennerson
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современные любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781474068178
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she said, powering up her tablet.

      Alexander pushed out a breath. Before he could reply, there was a knock on the door just before it slowly opened. His longtime assistant, Tammy, stood in the doorway. “Excuse me, Alexander. China asked me to tell you that she’ll meet you at the press conference. She had to step out for a while.”

      Alexander frowned. “Step out.” He checked his watch. “Did she say where she was going?”

      “She went out for an early lunch,” Tammy explained.

      “That’s fine. Thanks, Tammy.”

      “No problem. By the way, that stewardess chick keeps calling for you. I guess she didn’t get the memo that once it’s over it’s over and calling me won’t help.”

      “They prefer ‘flight attendant,’ and I’ll take care of it.”

      Kristen narrowed her eyes. “Okay...spill. What’s going on, Alexander?”

      Alexander knew how hard it was to get anything past the Kingsley women, but he certainly was going to try. The last thing he needed was for his cousin to start digging into his personal business. “I have no idea what you’re talking about. Don’t you have a press conference you need to coordinate or something?”

      “Avoidance. That’s something this family’s good at. Just remember what I said about the press picking up on anything out of the ordinary.” Kristen rose, collected her things and left the office.

      “Sleeping with China is definitely out of the ordinary,” he said, slouching back in his chair, wishing he had another chance to do even more out of the ordinary things with China.

       Chapter 4

      “Thanks again for meeting me. I wasn’t sure you would want to after—”

      “After you ended our date early Friday night and canceled our brunch date yesterday,” Jackson reminded her, offering up a teasing smile.

      China nodded as she reached for her glass of water and took a sip. She appreciated the handsome, brown-skinned pediatric surgeon for being so patient with her, but unfortunately her night with Alexander had started to cloud her feelings; China was beginning to question her decision. The past weekend was just one more example of how important it was to have her own family, especially in times of crisis. No family was better at standing strong together when they thought they were being attacked than the Kingsleys. While China’s secret desire was to have that experience with Alexander, she knew that wasn’t something he wanted.

      “Yes, basically, and I wouldn’t blame you if you had canceled,” she said.

      Jackson trained his green eyes on her as he signaled for the waiter. “Don’t be ridiculous. Lunch with you has brightened up my Monday. We’re both very busy people, which is why we signed up with More Than Just Dating in the first place.”

      More Than Just Dating was an exclusive matchmaking agency that specialized in setting up individuals of discerning taste and sizable wealth who either wanted to get married or become parents through donations, sperm or egg.

      A tall male waiter approached the table. “Good evening, I’m Al. Can I get you something to drink?” he asked, handing them both menus.

      “Yes, please. Can you bring us two Arnold Palmers?” Jackson asked.

      “Right away, sir.”

      “How did you know I like Arnold Palmers?” Her forehead crinkled.

      “Your profile questionnaire, remember?” he said, laughing. “After having to answer all those questions on that assessment myself, I was certainly going to read everyone else’s answers.”

      “That really was some questionnaire,” she agreed, smiling. I would’ve loved to hear Alexander’s opinion on some of those questions. He would’ve laughed his head off. Focus, China. This is about you and Jackson...not Alexander.

      “What is it about that questionnaire that’s making you smile in such a way?” Jackson asked, as the corner of his mouth rose slightly.

      The waiter returned with their drinks, placing a glass in front of each of them. “Are you ready to order?”

      “Yes,” Jackson replied quickly. “Do you mind if I...”

      “Not at all,” China said, impressed by his initiative and grateful for the subject change.

      “We’ll have two house salads with grilled chicken, and please have the special house dressing placed on the side.”

      “Yes, sir.” The waiter collected the menus before leaving.

      China reached for her glass. “Let me guess, the questionnaire?”

      “Yes.” Jackson picked up his tea and raised the glass skyward. “To hopefully an uninterrupted lunch.”

      China smiled and touched her glass against his. “One can always hope,” she murmured before taking a drink.

      Jackson placed his glass down and said, “So, what was that pretty smile a moment ago all about?”

      Alexander’s face, his body and all of the intimate things that they had done flooded her mind. China dropped her eyes in hopes of hiding emotions she had no control of, it seemed, when it came to Alexander. “What makes you think there’s more to it?”

      “Because that smile lit up your eyes, like now.” Jackson leaned forward as though he was about to share some top-secret information that he didn’t want others to hear. “I’d like to think I’ve done a few things that evoked that kind of response in you.”

      Damn you, Alexander. China reached for her napkin and laid it across her lap. “It’s nothing...really. It’s just this whole process is taking some getting used to, that’s all.” China took a roll from the breadbasket and haphazardly spread butter on it.

      “Have you changed your mind?” Jackson reached for his own roll.

      “No. It’s just my world has gotten really complicated. This process is important to me, too, and I just have to figure out a way to balance it all.”

      Jackson reached across the table and took China’s hand. “I realize we’re just getting to know each other, and that I’m merely a lowly doctor compared to your role as in-house counsel to a billion-dollar company, but if there’s anything I can do to help you with whatever...I’m here.”

      China saw the curious onlookers watching them as she slowly withdrew her hand. “I appreciate that, but we both know you’re no lowly anything, Mr. Chief of Pediatric Surgery for the fourth-largest children’s hospital in the country.”

      Jackson smirked. “Well, we both know how busy our professional lives are, but what I don’t know is why you would sign up with More Than Just Dating. You have to be beating off the guys with a stick.”

      China’s cell phone rang. “Excuse me.” She fished her phone out of her purse, read the screen and sent the caller to voice mail before setting it facedown on the table. “Well, actually—”

      “Two house salads with chicken,” the waiter said, placing plates in front of them both. “Can I get you anything else?”

      Jackson gestured with his hand for China to speak first. “No, everything looks great. Thank you,” she said, reaching for her utensils.

      Jackson nodded his agreement and started cutting into his salad. “You were saying...”

      China held up her right index finger, as she had just placed a forkful of food into her mouth. “Dating has never been a priority. I wanted to focus on my career. I guess I got that from my mother.”

      “You didn’t share much about your family in your profile questionnaire. I know there’s more to your story than just being an only