Sin City Temptation. Sharon Cooper C.. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Sharon Cooper C.
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современные любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781474013390
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halting her fingers on the keyboard.

      Trinity’s heart lurched in her chest and she stared down at his large hand that covered hers. Heat from his touch soared though her body. She couldn’t end this meeting fast enough.

      She eased her hand from beneath his and placed it in her lap as Gunner said, “You don’t have to show me anymore. I’ve decided.”

       Chapter 2

      Gunner pushed back from the table and stretched out his legs. Scratching his head, he kept his gaze on the computer screen. He had taken an early commuter flight to meet with Trinity this morning, hoping to set everything in place before flying back to Vegas for a tournament that evening. But right now, he was so exhausted and attracted to Trinity, he could barely think straight.

      He twisted his upper body from side to side, trying to work out a few kinks in his back before he leaned back and stretched his arms above his head. Resettling in his seat, he lifted the tepid cup of coffee to his lips and glanced at Trinity over the rim of the cup. He couldn’t get over how gorgeous she was. A Gabrielle Union lookalike, he had no doubt that she turned heads wherever she went. He zeroed in on her left hand, checking her ring finger. Max had never mentioned her being in a serious relationship or being married, but that didn’t mean she wasn’t. And if she wasn’t, he wondered why not. A woman like her would be a welcomed addition to any man’s life. Who knows, maybe even his life.

      “Okay, so who’s it going to be?” Trinity folded her hands on top of the table. “I assume you saw someone you like?”

      A slow smile spread across Gunner’s lips. I definitely see something I like. Only it isn’t on the computer screen. “Where did you find these women? Their skills and accomplishments are very impressive and they look as if they should be strutting their stuff on some runway, modeling the latest fashions. You have an awesome team.”

      Trinity smiled, which was something she hadn’t done much of since he had arrived. Her whole face lit up and he liked it.

      “Thank you. It wasn’t easy finding them,” she said. “I wanted to recruit people who could easily blend in with my clientele. The women I have just shown you are refined, but won’t have a problem kicking someone’s butt if necessary.”

      Gunner nodded, his gaze steady on Trinity. The longer he stared at her, the more he could sense her cool, calm demeanor slipping. She was trying to be professional, but he’d known years ago that there was a mutual attraction between the two of them. And he had every intention of confirming that the attraction was now stronger than ever.

      She scooted back in her seat and her fresh lavender scent sailed into his space. Never one for holding back on going after what he wanted, he nevertheless resisted the urge to touch her since it seemed to make her uncomfortable. Enchanting eyes, a smile that could light up the darkest room, and a do-me-baby body that had him adjusting himself every few minutes. Oh, yeah, he definitely wanted her. He could still remember how it felt when he found out she was Max’s baby sister. It was like having ice-cold water dumped on his head. He couldn’t believe that this Nubian princess, this love-at-first-sight woman, was related to his roomie. He’d made the right decision in not pursuing her all those years ago, but now all bets were off. She was all grown up and he planned to get to know the woman she had become.

      “So?” Trinity’s voice invaded his musings. She crossed her long leg over the opposite knee, her high-heel-clad foot swinging back and forth. “Which one is it going to be?”

      Gunner sucked in a breath and released it slowly. He placed his lucky baseball cap on his head and pulled it low over his eyes before he turned his attention to her.

      “None of them.” He stood.

      “What?” She leaped up. “What do you mean none of them? Those women are the best security specialists in the business. You will never find one more capable than any one of them.”

      Gunner nodded, loving the way her light brown eyes grew darker the madder she got. “I believe you, but there is one female bodyguard who’s on your staff whose profile you didn’t show me.”

      Trinity put her hands on her hips. Her expression indicated that she was thoroughly confused. “Who? I showed you everyone.”

      Gunner shook his head and picked up his almost empty coffee cup. “Nope. Not everyone.”

      * * *

      Anxiety stirred in Trinity’s gut. She couldn’t afford to lose this contract.

      “Well, let me show you some other choices. I’m sure we have someone who will fit your needs,” she said.

      “I told you. That won’t be necessary. I already know who I want.”

      Trinity’s patience was slowly being overshadowed by her anger. Gunner might’ve played games for a living, but she didn’t like games. If he was playing her... She shook her head, not completing the thought. Okay, think, Trinity, think. There had to be a way to save this contract. Who did I miss? She searched her mind, mentally going through her list of female security specialists, and came up empty. She couldn’t think of anyone she had missed.

      “Gunner, I’m sorry, but unless you have a name of the person you’re thinking about, I can’t help you. Won’t you reconsider one of the individuals that I’ve shown you?” She had never begged anyone for anything, but thinking about the amount of money at stake and her financial situation, she wouldn’t be too proud to beg right now.

      He approached her, his lazy gait intensifying his sex appeal. This man was a danger to any woman’s peace of mind. For every step forward he took, she took an unconscious step back until the heel of her foot hit the wall and there was nowhere to go. He didn’t stop until he stood before her, totally invading her personal space. Trinity couldn’t step away even if she wanted to and at the moment she wasn’t sure she did. His dark, sexy eyes, slightly shielded by the brim of his cap, held her captive. So much for being immune to his good looks and charming ways.

      She swallowed hard, trying not to lean in and capture his tempting lips. I will not give in to temptation. I will not give in to temptation, she chanted over and over in her head. But her defenses were weakening. Okay, think, Trinity. Think.

      “Uh, is it someone from a different agency?” she finally asked. “Because if it is, I’m hoping you’ll give me a chance to change your mind.”

      Gunner shook his head. “Oh, no, I’m going with your agency. It’s just that you didn’t show me the bodyguard that I have in mind.” The back of his hand slid down her cheek and an erotic jolt shook everything within her. It took all she had not to lean into his touch. “There is only one person on your team that I would consider having my back for the next couple of months.”

      “Who?” she asked just above a whisper, her gaze meeting his.

      Seconds ticked by before he spoke. “You.”

      * * *

      She tilted her head, totally shocked by his response. “Me?”

      The right corner of his mouth lifted into a sexy grin. “Yeah. You.”

      He pushed a lock of her hair behind her ear, and Trinity held her breath until he dropped his arm. Of all the things he could have said, the last thing she expected was for him to request her.

      She blew out a quick breath and stepped around him. “Gunner, I’m flattered, but I...I’m not available,” she stuttered, floored that he would request her to guard him. “I’ve shown you plenty of women who are more than capable of handling this assignment. We can go through the choices again. I’m sure any of them will exceed your expectations.”

      “Why aren’t you available?” Once again, for each step he took toward her, she took two steps back. It was as if they were creating their own dance moves. “Are you married? Kids?”

      She shook her head. “No. No,