Riding Into Love. Nicki Night. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Nicki Night
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современные любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781474058841
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you the other night. You looked great.”

      “Thanks. What can I do for you, James?” Alana shifted her stance and placed a hand on her hip.

      “Listen... I’m sorry about the way things went.”

      Alana continued to her room and flopped onto the bed. “I just wish you would have picked up the phone or told me face-to-face. I think I deserved more than a text.”

      James was silent for a few moments and then said, “I guess that wasn’t the best way to do it.”

      “Well. It’s done now.” Alana wanted to tell him not to do the same thing with his current girlfriend. She also wanted him to know that she was over the whole thing and the best way to do that was to remain unaffected. “Take care, James. I wish you the best.” She thought that telling him to have a good life would make her seem bitter.

      “Alana!” She heard James yell just as she was about to end the call.


      “Maybe we should meet so we can talk.”

      “Thanks, but that won’t be necessary.” It’s too late. Alana ended the call.

      This interaction was confirmation for Alana. James had been a walking red flag that she had blatantly ignored, but she was no longer upset with him. In fact, she was grateful for the lesson. She would only give her all to the man who proved he deserved it.

      Despite her proclamation, Drew’s words still taunted her throughout the rest of that day.

      I’m coming back for you. She recalled his husky voice when he’d said those words and a slight shiver squiggled down her spine.

      Despite the erratic weather across the States this February, Austin was holding at a comfortable sixty degrees. Clear blue skies stretched over the landscape like a canopy. Drew was able to keep the slight bite from the occasional breeze from getting to him with a light leather jacket and riding gloves. The dry ground was perfect for a day at the track. Drew’s morning workout had him energized.

      “Ready to ride?” Drew’s teammate Sean asked as he stepped out of The Charlotte—a boutique hotel that Drew preferred during his visits to Austin. It offered a little reprieve from the fuss of the larger hotels. The two shook hands.

      “Ready.” Drew beamed. He knew just what he wanted to work on today. Drew was in his element. He pictured himself tightly hugging the track’s sharp turns, leaning so close to the ground he could reach out and touch it. Many relished the speed. Drew enjoyed the other aspects of racing that challenged him the most, like mastering treacherous curves, where skill and technique ruled.

      “Sir?” The young valet brought Drew out of his visions of racing grandeur. Drew handed him the ticket, held his face high to catch the cool breeze passing by and scanned what he could see of the city’s urban landscape.

      There was something about Austin that he appreciated, though he wasn’t sure what it was. It had the charm of the south with a cool vibe. It was a hot spot for music lovers of all types. Night offered every possible option to indulge in whatever one was in the mood for. What Drew loved for sure was the fact that Austin was a race-loving town. Just beyond the city’s borders was America’s only MotoGP track—a US home for the best and fastest racing in the motorcycle world. He wondered if a city boy like him could actually live there.

      The valet arrived in Drew’s rental. As they drove, the landscape changed from tall buildings jutting toward the sky to cozy neighborhoods and roads both wide and narrow that wound their way through expansive greenery to their destination.

      Drew parked and jumped out of the car with Sean by his side. Scores of riders, from novices to professionals, poured into the massive space that spanned over twenty acres with 3.4 miles of racing track, seating for 120,000 fans, an amphitheater, a soaring observation tower and a grand plaza with a promenade featuring retail and concessions shops.

      They met the rest of the crew at the entrance. Adrenaline had already begun to pump through Drew’s veins. Track days were like long tailgate parties. Music blared from the speakers throughout the stadium, beer flowed, groupies dressed scantily and motorcycle lovers relished in their element.

      “Hey!” A lean man with long, slick hair pulled into a low ponytail greeted the team with high fives and brief hugs. His Argentinian accent was thick.

      “Antonio! My man!” Drew greeted him and the rest of the team. He was fond of his former team member, who still raced with Hiroshi. He’d taught Drew a lot about technique.

      Gary Hayden walked up just as they were about to enter the building. Continuing the greetings, Drew offered him a cool and distant hello, void of all the enthusiasm he exhibited with the other racers. It was obvious that Gary wasn’t his favorite person and for good reason. Drew knew he was likely to see him there. The two had fallen out with one another years ago when they had raced in the same division. Since then they cordially kept their distance whenever their paths crossed. Fortunately, they were never on the same team, which would have forced them to set their differences aside. That would have been hard for Drew since Gary wasn’t a very likable guy, and his competitive nature extended way beyond the track. Gary had ultimately crossed the line when he had actively pursued Jade Donnelly, Drew’s ex-girlfriend, while she and Drew were still together. She had been the one woman that Drew had considered marrying. Drew and Gary had almost come to blows the time Gary had openly flirted with her right in Drew’s face before one of their races. Drew’s anger almost cost him third place.

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