Secret Miami Nights. Pamela Yaye. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Pamela Yaye
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современные любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781474069984
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to her hip. “How was your date with the president?”

      Glancing up from the coffee machine, Haley rolled her eyes. It was 7:00 a.m. on Friday, much too early to be interrogated, but if she didn’t respond Becca would hound her for the rest of the day. Soon, the room would be full of staff, and they’d have zero privacy, so Haley said, “His name is Ashton, and if you must know our business meeting went very well.”

      “Business meeting? Girl, please, it was a date and you know it.”

      Haley unzipped her nylon lunch bag and took out her breakfast. A creature of habit, she ate a banana and a whole wheat bagel every morning upon arriving at the office. She appreciated having a few quiet moments to herself to plan for the day and review her schedule, and hoped Becca didn’t grill her about Ashton while she was eating. “Is that why you’re here an hour early?” she asked, gesturing to the decorative wall clock above the door. “Because your nosy behind wants to find out what happened between me and Ashton?”

      Becca giggled. “Heck yeah! I’m dying to hear all of the scandalous details.”

      Laughing, Haley cut her bagel in half, dropped it in the stainless-steel toaster and eyed Becca with fondness. Her best friend used to hide her long, lush curls in a bun, and her womanly curves under loose clothes, but once Becca met Joshua DeLong she’d revamped her look. Last month, they’d gone shopping at the most exclusive shops in Miami, and now Becca came to the office dressed like a participant in America’s Next Top Model. Chic hairstyle, nails tastefully done, form-fitting outfits, designer accessories and shoes. Joshua had swept Becca off her feet, and everyone had noticed a big change in Becca, even Aunt Penny. Haley was thrilled for her best friend and hoped the happy couple had a long and prosperous marriage.

      Not like me, she thought sadly. I’ve never had a successful relationship.

      “I waited up for your call, and when I didn’t hear from you I figured you gave Ashton the cookie and fell asleep at his gorgeous, to-die-for estate!”

      “Wrong again.”

      Becca raised an eyebrow, and crossed her arms. Her belted shirtdress accentuated her slim body, and the indigo shade complemented her flawless brown skin. “You didn’t spend the night at Ashton’s place? Then why didn’t I hear from you?”

      “Sienna phoned me, crying hysterically, so I left Ashton’s estate to go pick her up.” Haley filled her pink, oversized mug with coffee and added a splash of cream. “I got in late, and since I knew you’d be sleeping, I figured we’d touch base today.”

      Concern covered her features. “What happened? Is Sienna okay?”

      “No.” Recalling her conversation with the high school sophomore last night as they sipped hot chocolate inside Haley’s kitchen caused her good mood to fizzle. In the three years she’d been CEO at The Aunt Penny Foundation, she’d never seen a case as troubling as Sienna Larimore, but she was determined to help the shy, honor roll student. “Her mom’s new boyfriend is saying and doing things to make her uncomfortable, and she’s scared to be alone with him. Until I can arrange a meeting with her mom, she’ll stay with me.”

      A frown crimped Becca’s mouth.

      “Don’t look at me like that. I did what I thought was right.”

      “What happened to keeping your professional life and your personal life separate?”

      “I know, I know, don’t read me the riot act. It’s just for a few days.”

      “You said that the last time, and Aaliyah and Faith both lived with you for months.”

      “What did you expect me to do? Sienna was upset and I didn’t feel comfortable taking her back home,” Haley explained, feeling the need to defend herself. “She’s a sweet girl with incredible potential, and I’d never forgive myself if something bad happened to her.”

      Sighing, Becca shook her head. Haley couldn’t tell if her bestie was on her side or not. In her heart, she knew she’d made the right decision and wished Becca couldn’t give her a hard time about it. “Sienna said her mom’s boyfriend teases her about her body and makes dirty jokes when they’re alone. There was no way in hell I was taking her home to him.”

      “Creep,” Becca spat, her tone full of disgust. “I wish I could be alone with him for five minutes. I’d put my self-defense training to good use.”

      “That makes two of us. I have a meeting with Sienna and her mom tomorrow, and I hope Ms. Larimore will take my concerns seriously.”

      “She better. Screw her boyfriend. She needs to do what’s best for her daughter.”

      Becca bumped Haley aside with her hips, opened the fridge and grabbed a chocolate chip muffin, a can of orange juice and a cup of Greek yogurt from off the top shelf.

      “You’re trouble, you know that?” Haley said with a smile.

      “Funny, Josh said the same thing last night when I handcuffed him to the bed!”

      The women cracked up.

      Becca sat down at the table. “Get over here,” she ordered, pointing at the chair across from her. “I want a play-by-play of your date with Mr. President, and don’t skip over the juicy parts. I want to hear it all.”

      Mug and plate in hand, Haley stared longingly at the staff room door. She wanted to make a break for it, to run full-speed down the hall and into her office, but reluctantly sat down. She was attracted to Ashton, but that was all it was—a silly, hopeless crush that wouldn’t amount to anything—and she’d rather discuss work than her feelings for the sinfully handsome COO.

      Over breakfast, Haley gave Becca the CliffsNotes version of her evening with Ashton, careful to leave out how delicious he smelled and how wonderful his touch had made her feel. “I thought Ashton was going to be smug, like some of the other wealthy executives I’ve met in recent months, but he’s actually a really nice guy. Down-to-earth, chivalrous and genuine.”

      “I don’t know, girl. Josh is a great judge of character, and he thinks Ashton’s trouble.”

      “Of course he does. He’s a corporate raider. He’s suspicious of everyone!”

      Becca laughed, and her dark brown curls tumbled around her face. “Good point, but...” Shaking her head, she trailed off speaking, and waved a hand absently in the air. “Forget it. I’ve said enough.”

      “No, go ahead, Becca. I want to hear what you have to say.”

      Several seconds passed before she spoke.

      “Josh said there are things about Ashton people would be shocked to know. Things that would jeopardize his presidency and ruin his family’s reputation.”

      Haley chewed slowly. Needing a few moments to gather her thoughts, she considered her best friend’s words. Yesterday, Joshua had implied that Ashton was as shady as a mobster—but Haley wasn’t buying it. Not for a second. Whatever Becca’s fiancé thought he knew about Ashton couldn’t be so bad. The Rollinses were a respected family who had supported local charities for decades, and Haley was glad she’d met Ashton at the Millionaire Moguls meeting. He was throwing his support behind The Aunt Penny Foundation, and that was good enough for her. The organization was strapped for cash and could use a man of Ashton’s influence in their corner.

      “Everyone has secrets, Becca. Even you.”

      “No, I don’t. I’m an open book.”

      Haley wiped her mouth with a napkin. “Oh, really? So, Josh knows about the time you went skinny-dipping with your cousins at that deserted beach in Tijuana?”

      “Hell no!” she said with a laugh. “I’m taking that secret with me to the grave!”

      “My point exactly. We’ve all done things we regret. Me, you and even Josh.”

      “Girl, I agree with you, but Josh is on a mission to unearth the truth.”